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There must be no discrimination based on

colour, species, appearance, disability,

GREENJACKERS! faith, sex or gender in a game of
A table-top roleplaying game by Penflower Greenjackers. You may NOT create
Ink based on the Four Points RPG System, supplements or adventure modules based on
about destroying the Cyberpunk nightmare Greenjackers if you also intend it to
and building the Solarpunk dream. promote any of the forms of bigotry listed
A thousand thanks go out to my friends and Want to learn more about Solarpunk?
family, play-testers, patrons, and to Solarpunk Video Playlist
everyone who has downloaded or purchased The Solarpunk Manifesto (English)
any of my games. Greenjackers was inspired
by the Solarpunk movement, as well as the
Cyberpunk genre (including the novella
Unauthorized Bread and the videogame

All text contained in this work is
© Penflower Ink, licensed under CC-BY.
The artwork, layout and finished product
are © Penflower Ink, all rights reserved.
You are free to create hacks, supplements
and expansions based on Greenjackers
(excluding the artwork), for personal and
commercial use, so long as you include
appropriate attribution:

Greenjackers developed and authored by

Tom Fummo of Penflower Ink, 2023-2024.

This game’s setting is a grim, hyper-
capitalist cyberpunk city. The ruling system
is therefore intrinsically classist,
exploitative and ableist.
That said, the goal of a Greenjackers game
system, and build a better world.
Greenjackers rejects ableism, as well as
orientalism, queerphobia and other
reactionary notions that are unfortunately
present in many cyberpunk stories and
Greenjackers does not invite or legitimise
the introduction of bigotry at the table.

CITY GUIDE They enjoy their fresh fruit from trees
grown behind glass, while most of us down
“Welcome” to the City here have never even seen a blade of grass.
Whether you’ve lived in this city your whole We used to have ways of living with nature,
life, or just arrived from the Wastes, you not in opposition to it. Despite the Gloms’
don’t really know the truth about this place. efforts, there are still those who remember
How it came to be, what it’s for and what it those ways.
keeps from us. So let this scrap of paper be You don’t have to keep swallowing
your first proper welcome to the City. Agralion’s nutripaste, or letting Milton
Energy bleed you dry just to stay warm in
This is what they told you the winter. You don’t have to stand by while
After surviving the Collapse, a group of BLZ bulldozes another residential block and
former world government officials and lets it rot.
corporation CEOs joined forces to create the Together, we can break the system and
City. Structured like a perfectly square grid, make this city, and maybe this world, GREEN
this massive city-state might just be the last again.
habitable environment left on the planet.
The Municipality alongside Pentacorp and its How the City works
subsidiaries - known jointly as the The Gloms will tell you the City is a place of
Conglomerate - succeeded in creating a safe infinite opportunities and options, where
haven of order amidst the chaos of the old you can do anything, be anyone, so long as
world. The Collapse was nature’s attempt at you do the work and follow the rules.
wiping out humanity, but thanks to the Take a closer look at those rules and you’ll
Conglomerate, it has not only survived, but see your opportunities and options are very
thrived. By working hard and abiding by the far from infinite.
system, you enjoy the safety and prosperity
that comes with being a Citizen. You can eat any food you like, so long as it’s
Agralion food. You can travel the City, so
This is the truth long as it’s in GridGo cabs or trams.
Imagine somebody burned down your home, You can wear what you like, so long as it’s
built a new one in its place, then charged made by Reynell. You can live anywhere you
you for living in it. want, so long as it’s BLZ accommodation.
You don’t have to imagine it, it’s reality. You can work anywhere you want, so long as
This is the history the Gloms have hidden you have the right number of limbs.
from you. The Collapse didn’t just happen, Does the food not satisfy?
it was caused by the Gloms. Do you get to work late?
For centuries they ravaged the planet for Is your shirt falling apart?
everything they could get and burned it up Is your apartment too small or too cold?
in the process. They built this monstrous city Are the cybernetic legs your work required
when the floods and storms got too big and you to have installed uncomfortable?
the air got too poisonous, and only let us in Simple: just upgrade your subscription plans!
so they’d have someone to keep it all What’s that? You don’t have enough credits?
running. Simple: work more hours!
This city is no safe haven: it was their You’re already working full time?
bunker, and now it’s our prison. Don’t be silly, the big City never sleeps, so
Nature was never our enemy, she was theirs. why should you?
They think they’ve beaten her, got her
caged up.

It should come as no surprise that the real Pentacorp, in return for exclusive service
solutions to all these problems are against contracts across the City.
the law. It’s illegal to grow your own food. The City’s Mayor is elected every six years
It’s against the City’s safety regulations to via electronic vote accessible to all Citizens
go far on foot. Making or mending clothes is (providing their “Economic and Civic
illegal. You’re not allowed to power your Contribution Rating” is high enough).
home with renewable energy, or share it There are two political parties: the Party for
with anyone else who can’t pay. No custom- Municipal Protection and Expansion, and the
built cyber- limbs or hover chairs. It’s illegal Democratic Citizens’ League. Their policies
to repair anything, you can only replace. are essentially identical.
The Municipality values two things above all
Of course, just because all this is against else: normalcy and productivity.
City law, doesn’t mean it’s impossible to do. Sure, you can customise your look with
You’ll just have to accept the fact that it snazzy fashion, accessories (or even
will make you a criminal. Bodysculpting), but only so long as all of the
Bribe a cop, they might let your sister and above are approved and licensed by the
her family stay in your flat for a few nights. Gloms. After all, they decide what’s
Talk to a local Gang, they may have a spare acceptable, what’s normal.
Photonic Accumulator (PACC), or parts for As for productivity, well... if you hadn’t
building a hover chair... so long as you do a figured out by now that all they think you’re
few odd jobs for them first. good for is working and consuming... I don’t
If you know where to look, you might find a know what to tell you.
runner who sells soil and seeds.
If you decide you’re up for breaking the Pentacorp & Subsidiaries
rules, make sure you don’t get caught. Next there’s PENTACORP and its
If you’re lucky they’ll just take all your subsidiaries. Each subsidiary has its own
savings and leave you on the street to starve little family of smaller companies and
or freeze. firms... but all the credits flow up into
Want to know the best way to avoid that? Pentacorp. Pentacorp started out as a tech
Make friends. Work together. Look out for company centuries ago, and now - as well as
each other. You’re not going to survive this the five following corporations - manages all
City on your own, not in the real sense. of the City’s digital infrastructure. The
You can get by, but you’ll be nothing more Pentacorp Overgrid is the City’s official
than another sad, empty suit. cyberspace network (not affiliated with the
highly illegal Undergrid). Pentacorp’s Hi-5 is
Who runs this place the City’s most popular social media
platform, and requires a HeadsApp neural
The Municipality implant. Pentacorp also owns and runs
Let’s start with the City’s official various weapons manufacturers, including
governmental body, the Municipality. IREN Pacification and PentaDrone.
Originally a bunch of world government
officials from various nation states that AGRALION
didn’t exist anymore after the Collapse. AGRALION and its subsidiaries produce and
They set up the City’s legislature, its layout, distribute all the City’s food, medicine and
borders... the first of the City’s cops were healthcare services. The planet’s few
the bodyguards and soldiers that ensured remaining animal and plant species are
they survived the Collapse. The Municipality cloned, spliced and farmed by Agralion.
receives resources and wealth from There are rumours that they own a sizeable
bank of genetic samples from long extinct

flora and fauna. Agralion Subsidiaries mandatory viewing. The use of signal or
include Pi-Gen Pharma, Chimera Bodysculpts ad-blockers is illegal.
and the Hungry Hector fast food chain.  Use of “cheat codes” or hardware
modifications made to bypass
BLZ subscription service payments is illegal.
BLZ and its subsidiaries manage waste
 The possession, cultivation and
collection and processing, as well as
distribution of unlicensed bio-matter
construction and housing. Before anything is
(vegetables, fruits, herbs, etc.) is illegal.
recycled, incinerated, built or demolished,
 The possession and/or use of non-Milton
it needs approval from BLZ. BLZ subsidiaries
Energy or otherwise unlicensed energy
include Domo-Deimo Constructions and
generators or photonic accumulators is
Teseo Recycling.
GRIDGO  Making unlicensed repairs or
GRIDGO and its subsidiaries own and operate modifications to subscription service-
all transportation throughout the City. From related devices is illegal.
slow and cramped hundred passenger trams  Any cybernetic/bodysclupt surgery that
to speedy and luxurious two-person cabs, is unlicensed or performed
what you travel in - and how fast you travel independently of Agralion (or
- depends on your weekly subscription plan. subsidiaries) is illegal.
GridGo subsidiaries include Sector Speed-  Unlicensed live art/music performances
ways and GoldCab. are illegal.
 Publication and distribution of any media
MILTON ENERGY containing misinformation about the
MILTON ENERGY directly and indirectly runs City’s history, the Collapse or the
all the City’s power plants, its power Conglomerate, is illegal.
infrastructure, and robot battery production  Breaking any of the above laws will
and distribution. Their energy comes from result in a 150+ credit fine, and the
waste incineration and deep gas extraction, confiscation and/or destruction of any
but the Glom offices are probably powered illegal/unlicensed devices, materials and
by PACC arrays. Milton Energy subsidiaries goods. Failure to pay any fines and/or
include RoBuddy Batteries and ExoCut R&D. repeat offences may result in immediate
REYNELL detainment, transfer to a BLZ waste
Reynell and its various studios and firms processing facility, or exile.
produce and distribute all of the City’s
Who lives here
entertainment, cosmetics and fashion. Their
The City has a 60% human and 40% robot
films and shows are procedurally generated
population. Within those groups is a lot of
by machine learning. Their live
variety, mostly thanks to the commercial
entertainment, like soap operas and reality
availability (both legal and not) of
shows, are influenced by real-time data
bodysculpts and cybernetic implants.
collected from viewers’ HeadsApp implants.
Following the Big Wake Up (the sudden and
Their virtual pop starlet, Ode, is one of their
spontaneous emergence of self-awareness
most lucrative assets.
amongst roughly half of the robot
The City Code (Excerpt) population), sapient robots have the same
 All subscription service payments must rights (if you can call them that) as humans.
be completed on time. Non-sapient robots still governed entirely by
their programming are referred to as
 Municipal News Broadcasts and Promo-
feeds broadcast via neural implants are

It is unknown how many non-human animals Do you find yourself looking around and
are currently alive in the City, and it is thinking “There HAS to be an alternative”?
likely most of them are in the Gloms’ The Gloms will tell you “there is no
keeping. alternative. Things aren’t perfect but they
Bodysculpts & Implants Doomers will tell you “things aren’t going to
BODYSCULPTING is a pretty big thing in the get better, so why not just give up?”
City. Nose-jobs and tummy-tucks are tame They’re both wrong. There is an alternative
compared to some of the stuff a Bodysculpt and it is so, SO much better.
surgeon can do for you, if you have the Break the rules. Help each other.
credits. Fur, feathers, scales, claws, Grow plants and food, and share them.
fangs,horns... you can look like pretty much Repair what’s broken, and improve it if you
any animal you want. Of course, given that can. Turn the City’s rubble and abandoned
most records of the planet’s extinct fauna lots into new homes, gardens and safe
have been lost or corrupted, Bodysculpted spaces. Power them with the sun and the
Citizens have had to fill in the gaps with wind. Make them accessible for any and all.
their imagination. Originally people were The Gloms that run this City are terrified of
doing it as a kind of remembrance, to solidarity. They know that as soon as we
memorialise the non-human victims of the start helping each other, and working
Collapse by emulating their features. After a together, their whole system starts to fall
while though, like all good things, it got apart.
tainted by the Gloms, who turned it into a SO LET’S BRING IT DOWN TOGETHER!
fashion trend.
The majority of the City’s human inhabitants Just in case you’re not from these parts,
have some degree of cybernetic technology here’s a list of some of the local vocab.
incorporated into their bodies. Cybernetics
range from your standard neural implants ANDIE: A sapient robot that resembles a
like HeadsApp, to fancy stuff like thermal human (short for “android”).
regulators, sub-dermal armour and sensory
enhancements. CATCHER: A bounty hunter, usually ex-
Then, of course, there are prosthetics. police, who works for Gloms or Gangers.
The Gloms will forcibly fit you with a
cybernetic arm, leg or eye free of charge in CULLIE: A cop (from “cullender”, based on
the event of workplace accidents – which the distinctive shape of their panopticon
are all too frequent. However, the quality of helmets).
the tech will depend on the subscription
plan you can afford. Remember: these DOOMER: A nihilistic, ultra-violent ganger
cybernetic limbs are not an accommodation, who recognises the ugly truths of the City,
but COERCION! They could give you a hover- but doesn’t believe in change.
chair or make the City accessible, but they
won’t. It’s just another of the City’s ENZA: A social media personality or
attempts to stuff you into its moulds of celebrity (short for “influencer”).
“normalcy” and “productivity”.
GANGER: Member of a criminal gang.
So what now?
So now you know what you can and can’t do GREENJACKER: A solarpunk / activist.
to survive in this City.
But do you want to LIVE?

GLOM: A Conglomerate employee or ZAPPER: A pulse weapon for stunning/killing
executive. both humans and robots (used mostly by
police and bounty hunters).
JOE: A human or robot without any
bodysculpts or cybernetic implants (short for ZAP-TRASH: Police slang for a criminal or
“average Joe”). poor person.

JACK: A hacker / IT specialist / To hack.

KIM: A human or robot who’s had a lot of

bodysculpts or implants in order to resemble
an extinct animal. Short for “Chimera”.

NO-GO: A bodyguard, private security

officer or bouncer.

OTTO: A non-sapient robot (short for


OVERGRID: The City’s cyberspace network.

PACC: A Photonic Accumulator, a portable

solar energy module.

PATCH: A doctor or surgeon for humans.

PEEPER: A police surveillance drone. Often

carries low-yield urban pacification

PROMO: Advertisement or propaganda.

RUNNER: A smuggler or black market


STIM: A stimulant or hallucinogen.

SUSIE: Short for Subscription Service.

UNDERGRID: The illegal and de-centralised

mirror of the Overgrid. Used by
revolutionaries, Gangers, hackers and black
market merchants.

WRENCH: A mechanic/doctor/surgeon for


RULES Skills & Flubs
PCs have SKILLS (things they are good at
So you want to be a Greenjacker? doing) and FLUBS (things they are bad at
In this game you and your fellow players are doing). When performing an Action using a
GREENJACKERS, solarpunk activists and Skill, they have Advantage If it involves a
revolutionaries in a cyberpunk hellscape of a Flub, they have Disadvantage
city, built in the ruins of a global ecological
collapse. You’ll have to work together to Conditions
survive, thrive and keep the Green alive. Characters can be affected by Conditions:
ENERGISED: Receive 1d6 of extra EP in a
Stats Stat of your choice, which last until your
In GREENJACKERS, Player Characters (PCs) next Rest.
have four main attributes, called STATS. HINDERED: Disadvantage on any Actions
Each Stat functions as a pool for ENERGY affected by hindrance, until removed.
POINTS (EP), which can be spent to perform HURT: Disadvantage on any Actions affected
Actions in game. The four Stats are: by injury (physical or emotional) until
healed. This Condition stacks.
Wits: wisdom, know-how, awareness. INSPIRED: Advantage on next Action of
Stamina: strength, will, endurance. choice.
Dexterity: agility, balance, speed. PANICKED: Disadvantage on all Actions until
Sociability: charm, confidence, Stress is lower than 6.
approachability STUCK: No Actions until freed.
UNCONSCIOUS: No Actions until awoken.
To perform an ACTION in game, you can Complications
spend EP from the relevant Stat for a COMPLICATIONS are problems that can alter
success, or make a 1d6 Luck Roll. the course of the game, even drastically.
Roll 1d6 for the table, then again for the
3 EP: Total Success. Complication. If the Complication doesn’t
2 EP: Partial Success + 1 Complication. feel right, re-roll or simply choose another.
1 EP: Weak Success + 2 Complications.
Table 1
Luck Roll 1. Way ahead is blocked.
1: Failure + 1 Complication. 2. Sudden illness.
2 or 3: Failure. 3. Something important breaks.
4: Success + 1 Complication. 4. Existential crisis.
5: Success. 5. Serious injury.
6: Success + Inspired Condition. 6. Loss of hope.

Advantage & Disadvantage Table 2

Sometimes a PC will have ADVANTAGE or 1. Disorientation.
DISADVANTAGE on their Action. 2. Public humiliation.
Advantage: -1 to EP cost, +1 to Luck Roll. 3. Something important goes missing.
Disadvantage: +1 to EP cost, -1 to Luck Roll. 4. Someone must face their fear.
Both Advantage and Disadvantage can stack, 5. Shocking truth.
meaning some Actions can only fail/succeed. 6. A prank.
If a PC completely runs out of EP, they Table 3
become Unconscious or die (depending on 1. Insult.
game’s tone). 2. Misunderstanding.

3. Someone important goes missing. Once a hazard is neutralised, or an
4. Paranoia. Opponent is Unconscious/Stuck/dead, the
5. A trap. PCs win and the Tight Spot is over.
6. Embarrassing declaration
(1 or 2) High Threat
Table 4 1: Hurt all PCs.
1. Terrifying discovery. 2: All PCs Stuck.
2. An argument. 3: All PCs Hindered.
3. Something important is destroyed. 4 or 5: Hurt a PC.
4. False identity. 6: Hinder a PC.
5. Sabotage.
6. Loss of focus. (3 or 4) Moderate Threat
1 or 2: Hurt a PC.
Table 5 3 or 4: A PC is Stuck.
1. False information. 5: Hinder a PC.
2. A betrayal. 6: Skip Turn.
3. Something important is stolen.
4. A lie is revealed. (5 or 6) Low Threat
5. Blackmail. 1: Hurt a PC.
6. A diversion. 2 or 3: Hinder a PC.
4, 5, 6: Skip Turn.
Table 6
1. Broken promise. The Toll of Battle
2. A malfunction. Every time a PC seriously injures or kills
3. An outside power interferes. someone in game, their Max Sociability Stat
4. Minor injury. goes down by 1 EP.
5. A delay.
6. A nasty rumour is spread.
Players can choose a number of Items of
Tight Spots EQUIPMENT during Character Creation.
TIGHT SPOTS are high-risk situations where PCs can have disability/mobility aids, which
the PCs must face a THREAT, such as a have no separate mechanics, as they simply
Hazard or Opponent. They are played in allow the PC to perform the same Actions as
TURNS, with the Threat’s Actions or effects an abled PC. PCs can also wear ARMOUR,
determined via roll table. The table depends which blocks the Hurt Condition a number of
on the Threat’s Level (decided by the MOD times (Hits), based on its weight.
or 1d6 roll). During a Tight Spot, all PC
Light Armour
Actions must be performed as Luck Rolls.
2 Hits, requires minimum 4 Stamina.
The Threat always has the first Turn. On
their Turn, all PCs act at the same time or in Medium Armour
quick succession, (including rolling to 4 Hits, requires minimum 6 Stamina and the
resist/evade Threat Actions). Armed Combat Skill.
If an Opponent is Hurt, Hindered, or Stuck,
the PCs have ADV on their Actions next Turn. Heavy Armour
If the Opponent is Hindered or Stuck, on the 6 Hits, requires minimum 10 Stamina and
next Threat Turn, Players roll 1d6: if the the Armed Combat Skill. Causes
result is 4 or lower, the Opponent frees Disadvantage on Dexterity Actions while
themself and performs an Action. worn.

To restore Hits, Armour must be repaired removed. Stress points can be removed by
over a number of days equal to its maximum using certain items or by Resting.
number of Hits (e.g. Light Armour needs 2
days to be fully repaired). At the end of a day - or whenever the
Mod/Players feel appropriate - the PCs can
Funds & Gigs REST to recover EP. To Rest, roll 1d6 and
Until the Conglomerate is toppled, recover a number of EP equal to the result,
Greenjacking is going to require credits. in any Stat or Stats of choice. If a PC has any
Equipment, information, black market Stress, roll 1d6 and remove that many Stress
goods... until enough people have joined points instead of restoring EP.
your cause, it’s all going to come at a price.
Certain items allow a Resting Character to
Each PC starts the game with an amount of restore additional EP, or remove additional
credits (their disposable income after what Stress points. See the MOD GUIDE for more
they pay for Subscription Services). These information.
FUNDS can be spent individually or lumped
together with the other PCs’ Funds, to Missions & Progression
acquire resources needed for Missions. During the game, PCs will go on
Greenjacking MISSIONS throughout the City,
How many Funds a Character starts the Block by Block, Sector by Sector. These
game with depends on whether or not they Missions can be decided by the Players, the
have a GIG (a fully licensed, legal paying Mod, or randomly generated using the tables
job). If a Character has a Gig, they will have included in the MOD GUIDE.
more Funds than a full-time Greenjacker, The Missions can take a variety of different
but will only be able to participate in forms, but should all have the same core
Missions either during the day or during the objectives: undermining the Conglomerate’s
night. The Player can decide - with the authority, fostering solidarity and bringing
agreement of the other Players/Mod - what about a sustainable, just society
their Character’s Gig is. Successfully completing a Mission in a
See Character Creation for more info on City Block will “Green” it. Once the PCs
generating Character Funds. have Greened at least 4 Blocks, they have
Greened the Sector: their work has won over
Contacts more Citizens to the Greenjacker cause, or
The PCs begin the game with a number of reduced Glom influence in the area. At this
CONTACTS: these are Citizens the PCs knows point they can travel to the next Sector. See
and who can provide them with assistance. the MOD GUIDE for more info on Missions and
At any moment during play (that the City Grid generation. After Greening at least
Mod/Players agree feels appropriate) a PC 1 Sector - more if the Mod/Players feel
can invoke one of their Contacts to help appropriate - a PC can Progress in one of
them, narratively, mechanically, or both. three ways:
A PC can only invoke a Contact a limited
number of times (for more information, see 1. Roll 1d6. Distribute the result across
Character Creation). Stats of choice, increasing Max EP
Stress & Resting
2. Add/replace 1 new Skill (related to
If a Player rolls a 1,2 or 3 on a Luck Roll
Class or made up) and/or 1 Flub.
during a Tight Spot, they must take 1 point
A PC can know a total of up to 8 Skills.
of STRESS. Upon reaching 6 Stress, the PC
becomes Panicked until the Stress is

3. Add/replace 1 new Contact (must be No Mods No Masters
narratively connected to the events of In this mode of play, the Mod’s
the Mission.) responsibilities are shared equally between
4. Recruit a new Greenjacker! Turn an all Players. That means they build their
existing Contact or NPC into a PC for game’s world together, even taking on the
anyone in the group to play. roles of NPCs if they choose. They’ll use the
Complication and Threat Turn roll tables, as
Ending the Game well as those in the MOD GUIDE, which
There is no set end goal to GREENJACKERS! include tables for generating Missions, NPCs,
The game ends whenever the Players feel it and the City itself.
appropriate, and it all depends on your When playing without a Mod, it helps to
preferred mode of play. break the Mission up into Stages, and play
through each one like story chapters or
If you prefer to play short, one-session scenes in a play. Stages could include:
games, your objective might be to just have
the PCs survive, or succeed in one 1. Receiving/Deciding on a Mission.
Greenjacking Mission. If so, if the PCs die or 2. Making a Plan.
the Mission is a failure, GAME OVER. 3. Putting the Plan into Action.
If instead you want to take your Characters 4. Resolution.
on a longer campaign, perhaps you won’t
stop until the entire City has been Greened, If the Guide/Players wish, they can add
and the Greenjacker revolution can begin. DIFFICULTY levels to their game. A Mission‘s
You might decide not to stop there either, Difficulty level is equal to the minimum
and play out the revolution as well! number of Complications the PCs must
After playing one or two sessions, talk it encounter during the adventure. The Mod/
over as a Player group and decide what feels Players can choose a Difficulty level or roll
like it could be the most fun for you! 1d6. Any Tight Spots, as with Complications,
occur throughout the game at the Guide
Playing with a Mod
and/or Players’ discretion.
The MOD (Moderator) is a Player who fulfils
the role of narrator and referee during the Playing Safely
game. They provide the set-up for the Before even starting the game, all the
Mission, take on the role of all NPCs (Non Players should discuss what kind of tone
Player Characters), and help the other they want for the game, and make note of
Players in fleshing out the world of the any topics or themes they want to exclude.
game. The Mod should always remember Here is a link to a curated list of safety
that they are not the god of the game, but a tools:
facilitator of fun, guiding the other Players
but always letting them lead. The TTRPG Safety Toolkit Guide, collected
Throughout play they should ask the Players and curated by Kienna Shaw (@/KiennaS)
questions, and build on their input. and Lauren Bryant-Monk (@/jl_nicegirl).
What does the PCs’ base of operations look
like? How do they feel when entering the
nightclub? Who does the black market
merchant remind them of?
If your game has a Mod, they don’t need to
roll for Complications and Threat Turns, and
can make a selection themselves. Of course,
they can still roll if they want.

CHARACTER CREATION Advantage on rolls to resist Hurt from
cold, DIS. on SOC Actions if not bathed
Stats every 3 Rests. If brightly coloured or
Roll 4d6. Distribute the total across your patterned, Advantage on persuading and
four STATS. One or more Stats may be left distracting.
empty.  HORN(S):
Weapons (inflict Hurt, ADV on
Demo & Traits intimidating). Can be selected more than
Choose your DEMO (Demographic). The two once.
Each Demo has its Base Traits, and Optional Can emit a fragrant-smelling pheromone
Traits (Bodysculpts and Implants). that grants you Advantage on SOC
Actions with anyone who can smell it.
Human Base Traits
 Eating home-cooked food adds 1d6 to
Weapon (can inflict Hurt and Hindered if
next Rest roll.
being used to restrain).
 Can use Stims.
 Add 1 Bodysculpt to your optional Traits.
Advantage on rolls to resist Hurt from
Robot Base Traits slashing impacts.
 Resting requires a source of electricity,  VENOM SAC:
but removes 1 extra Stress point. Requires CLAWS/FANGS to inject, inflicts
 Can communicate with non-verbal Hindered and/or Hurt.
 Add 1 Implant to your optional Traits. Advantage on DEX Action while
Choose up to a combined total of 4
Bodysculpts/Implants from the lists below,
or use them as inspiration for creating your
An extra limb (arm/leg/tail). Can be
own (3 + 1 added from your chosen Demo).
selected more than once.
 ADHESIVE PADS: Advantage on Actions that require your
Sticky pads on hands and feet that allow sense of hearing.
you to scale and stick to vertical surfaces  HOLO-PROJECTOR:
and ceilings. Can project small 3-D holograms onto
 BIOLUMINESCENCE: surfaces or in mid-air. You can have up
Can emit soft light from skin/body part to 3 hologram images memorised at a
(your choice of colour). time.
Change skin colour/pattern to match Advantage on Actions that require your
surroundings (gain Advantage on hiding). sense of smell.
Retractable weapons (inflict Hurt). Can deploy and remotely control (via
 FLEXI-JOINTS: neural link) a small automaton drone.
Can squeeze into and through spaces half The drone can fly and/or crawl within
your size. the range of 1 City Block. It can transmit
 FUR/FEATHERS: your voice, and you can see/hear what it

A built-in specialised tool of your choice Treating Injuries, Treating Illnesses,
that grants you Advantage on Actions Providing Comfort, Identifying Illnesses,
using it. Preparing Medication, Performing Surgery,
 TELESCOPIC BODY PART(S): Finding Medication.
Your neck, fingers, one or more of your
5: Crime
limbs can extend to twice its regular
Lock-Picking, Pick-Pocketing, Armed
length. Can be selected more than once.
Combat, Appraising, Persuading, Driving,
Advantage on rolls to resist Hurt from
heat. 6: Technology
 VISION ENHANCEMENT: Hacking, Coding, Navigating Cyberspace,
Can see in the dark and do thermal Repairing Machines, Building Machines,
scans. Advantage on speed-reading. Construction, Mechanical Engineering.
Can increase the volume and adjust the Equipment & Disposable Funds
pitch of your voice, granting ADV. on Choose 1d6+1 Items of EQUIPMENT. These
relevant SOC Actions. can be anything you want (within reason!)
 SUB-DERMAL ARMOUR: To determine your Character’s disposable
Advantage on rolls to resist Hurt from FUNDS in credits, roll 1d6.
piercing impacts. If your Character has a GIG, multiply the
 WEAPON: rolled result by 10. If they are a full-time
A built-in, concealable weapon of your Greenjacker, multiply by 5.
Backgrounds, Skills & Flubs When creating your Character, you can give
Your BACKGROUND(S) represent what your them a number of existing CONTACTS equal
Character did and who they were before to half their SOC Stat (rounded down).
they became a Greenjacker. They also help To determine your Character’s Contacts, roll
determine your Character’s existing SKILLS. 1d6 for the table, then again for the
Roll 1d6 three times or choose up to 3 Contact. Roll 1d6 again: Each Contact can
Backgrounds from the list below. provide help a number of times equal to half
Then select 4 SKILLS (3 related to your the rolled result (rounded down).
Background(s) + 1 made up). Finally, come
Table 1
up with 2 Flubs for your Character.
1. A low-level Glom.
1: Combat 2. A Bartender.
Unarmed Combat, Armed Combat, 3. A Doomer.
Disarming, Treating Injuries, Intimidating, 4. A Cop.
Identifying Weaknesses. 5. A Celebrity.
6. A Nurse.
2: Entertainment
Playing Music, Singing, Dancing, Acting, Table 2
Persuading, Inspiring, Providing Comfort. 1. A Journalist.
2. A Stim-dealer.
3: Administration 3. A Mechanic.
Accounting, Giving Presentations, Filing, 4. A Street-vendor.
Teaching, Networking, Navigating 5. A Private Eye.
Bureaucracy, Doing Research. 6. A Smuggler.

Table 3
1. A Bounty Hunter.
2. A mid-level Glom.
3. A Nightclub Owner.
4. A Factory Worker.
5. A Loan Shark.
6. A Cab Driver.

Table 4
1. A Nightclub Bouncer.
2. A Shopkeeper.
3. A Janitor.
4. A Security Guard.
5. A Hacker.
6. A Glom Chauffer.

Table 5
1. A Doctor/Surgeon.
2. A Nightclub Performer.
3. A Glom P.A.
4. A Mercenary.
5. A Scavenger.
6. A Street Urchin.

Table 6
1. A Secretary.
2. A high-level Glom
3. A Waste Collector.
4. A Bodyguard.
5. An IT Specialist.
6. A Ganger.

Think about how your Character’s

Background(s) informed who they are now.
If they have a Gig, is it related to their
Background(s) or not?
How did they meet their Contacts and what
is their relationship?
Why did they become a Greenjacker?

1. Reclaim confiscated goods.
Mission Prompt Generator 2. Build/distribute/repair mobility aids &
To generate a Mission prompt, roll for a prostheses.
Mission Objective and 1 or more 3. Make a building accessible.
Requirements. The Objective is the Mission’s 4. Create a playground.
main goal, while Requirements are tasks or 5. Repurpose abandoned lot into gardens.
side-missions that need to be completed in 6. Provide a free postal/delivery service.
order to reach that goal. For both, roll 1d6
for the table, then again for the Table 6
Objective/Requirement(s). 1. Retrieve genetic samples (flora & fauna).
2. Create a public work of art.
Mission Objectives 3. Set up a free recycling site.
4. Shut down a waste incinerator.
Table 1 5. Shut down a factory farm.
1. Sustainably grow food. 6. Organise a strike.
2. Create a safe communal space.
3. Create a free pharmacy. Mission Requirements
4. Convert a Block to renewable energy.
5. Repurpose abandoned lot into housing. Table 1
6. Set up a communal kitchen. 1. Steal Glom data.
2. Intercept a package.
Table 2 3. Bribe a Glom.
1. Rescue imprisoned animals. 4. Impersonate a doomer.
2. Repair devices/machinery. 5. Hide someone on the run.
3. Organise and put on a show/concert. 6. Find a missing person.
4. Provide free education/training.
5. Set up a trading spot/market. Table 2
6. Shut down a power-plant/mine. 1. Plant a computer virus.
2. Infiltrate a gang.
Table 3 3. Impersonate a celebrity.
1. Shut down a weapons factory. 4. Provide free education/training.
2. Organise a protest. 5. Set up a trading spot/market.
3. Establish a presence on the Undergrid. 6. Shut down a power-plant/mine.
4. Set up a free hospital/clinic.
5. Spread the word/create agitprop. Table 3
6. Distribute gardening supplies. 1. Crash a private party.
2. Catch a ganger snitch.
Table 4 3. Frame a Glom for a crime.
1. Provide free transportation. 4. Steal from a gang.
2. Repair/renovate housing. 5. Bribe a cop.
3. Redistribute credits. 6. Escort a performer/band.
4. Shut down a Glom office.
5. Distribute/repair clothing. Table 4
6. Create a free library 1. Infiltrate a Glom office.
(books/tools/seeds/etc.) 2. Escort a ganger.
3. Impersonate a performer/band.
4. Hack into a celebrity’s credit account.
5. Catch a doomer.
6. Falsify data.

Table 5 Cyber Names 1
1. Steal factory equipment.
2. Break someone out of detainment. Table 1
3. Hack into a ganger’s credit account. 1. Kit
4. Infiltrate a private party. 2. Fade
5. Find classified data. 3. Vid
6. Frame a cop for a crime. 4. Tag
5. Chip
Table 6 6. Dex
1. Impersonate a Glom.
2. Escort a celebrity. Table 2
3. Infiltrate a broadcasting studio. 1. Page
4. Find a stolen item. 2. Gen
5. Catch a Stim dealer. 3. Tab
6. Infiltrate a doomer gang. 4. Node
5. Hex
Example Missions 6. Loop
 Your Mission is to create a free tool
library for people in your Block. In order Table 3
to gain access to the basement you want 1. Glitch
to use as its location, you need to steal 2. Clip
some Glom data for the local gang, and 3. Cache
4. Zip
frame a cop for it.
5. Dash
 Your Mission is to spread the word about
6. Click
the Greenjacker movement. You decide
to create a short vid to distribute on the Table 4
Overgrid and promo-feeds. The 1. Pin
equipment is very expensive and only 2. Cam
available on the black market. You’ll 3. Dot
need to hack into a Glom’s credit 4. Burn
account for the extra money, and escort 5. Rig
the runner selling you the tech to a safe 6. Ram
 Your Mission is to set up a free hospital. Table 5
You have some medical equipment, but 1. Lag
need trained doctors and surgeons. You 2. Load
find one who is open to joining your 3. Lock
cause, but in exchange they ask you to 4. Skip
break their partner out of detainment. 5. Rev
6. Rip
Name Generator
Roll 1d6 for the table, then again for the Table 6
word to generate names for your 1. Log
Greenjackers or NPCs. Mix and match Cyber 2. Crash
with Solar for even more variety! 3. Raid
4. Play
5. Feed
6. Mix

Cyber Names 2 Solar Names 1

Table 1 Table 1
1. Alpha 1. Rain
2. Widget 2. Stem
3. Nova 3. Ash
4. Retro 4. Moss
5. Spiral 5. Root
6. Echo 6. Elm

Table 2 Table 2
1. Delta 1. Dill
2. Phisher 2. Cane
3. Viral 3. Marsh
4. Relay 4. Teak
5. Breaker 5. Sprig
6. Fractal 6. Spruce

Table 3 Table 3
1. Gamma 1. Pod
2. Vector 2. Thorn
3. Optic 3. Crop
4. Micro 4. Flax
5. Render 5. Bee
6. Jammer 6. Bud

Table 4 Table 4
1. Slugger 1. Hedge
2. Cycle 2. Frond
3. Drifter 3. Rose
4. Blazer 4. Pine
5. Diskette 5. Barb
6. Spinner 6. Spore

Table 5 Table 5
1. Booster 1. Spike
2. Pixel 2. Leaf
3. Holo 3. Oak
4. Beeper 4. Sprout
5. Stacker 5. Vine
6. Techno 6. Silk

Table 6 Table 6
1. Cubic 1. Bloom
2. Rider 2. Fern
3. Metra 3. Dew
4. Hover 4. Play
5. Tracker 5. Bean
6. Beta 6. Ray

Solar Names 2 Example Names
(Solar 1, 5-3; Cyber 2, 2-2): Oak Phisher.
Table 1 (Solar 2, 5-3; Cyber 1, 3-3): Xylem Cache.
1. Elder (Cyber 1, 5-4; Cyber 2, 1-2): Skip Widget.
2. Coral (Solar 2, 3-1; Solar 1, 6-3): Acacia Dew.
3. Laurel (Cyber 1, 5-5; Solar 1, 1-5): Rev Root.
4. Willow (Cyber 2, 4-6; Solar 2, 4-3): Spinner Linden.
5. Amber (Cyber 1, 2-1; Solar 2, 1-6): Page Meadow.
6. Meadow (Cyber 2, 1-4; Solar 1, 4-1): Retro Hedge.
Table 2 Or combine with regular names:
1. Hazel Kris Alderdew, Alex Holoraid, Lucy Loop
2. Cherry Burn Sanchez, Aspen Russo, Node
3. Holly Mikaelsson, Teak Daniels, Curtis Flax, Rania
4. Berry Rider.
5. Cedar
NPC Generator
6. Rowan
Roll 2d6 on each of the following tables to
Table 3 generate an NPC’s personality, appearance,
1. Acacia goal(s) and profession.
2. Lily
Personality 1
3. Terra
2. Aggressive.
4. Ivy
3. Sleazy.
5. Alder
4. Erratic.
6. Aster
5. Reserved.
Table 4 6. Pleasant.
1. Orchid 7. Unassuming.
2. Gaia 8. Cautious.
3. Linden 9. Jaded.
4. River 10. Selfish.
5. Forest 11. Arrogant.
6. Aspen 12. Idealistic.

Table 5 Personality 2
1. Clover 2. Quirky.
2. Foggy 3. Loud.
3. Xylem 4. Affectionate.
4. Sunny 5. Thin-skinned.
5. Fibre 6. Defensive.
6. Cortex 7. Cordial.
8. Sensitive.
Table 6 9. Distractible.
1. Misty 10. Humourless.
2. Iris 11. Chatty.
3. Canopy 12. Melodramatic.
4. Chloro
5. Larix
6. Juniper

Appearance 1 Profession 2
2. Extravagant. 2. Cop.
3. Eccentric. 3. Reporter.
4. Unhealthy. 4. Doctor.
5. Exhausted. 5. Merchant.
6. Dishevelled. 6. Janitor.
7. Average. 7. Office drone.
8. Neat. 8. Waste collector.
9. Dull. 9. Mechanic.
10. Intimidating. 10. Bounty hunter.
11. Unsettling. 11. Scientist.
12. Fashionable. 12. High-level Glom.

Appearance 2 Goal 1
2. Repulsive. 2. Power.
3. Sombre. 3. Influence.
4. Colourful. 4. Fame.
5. Youthful. 5. Money.
6. Approachable. 6. Purpose.
7. Formal. 7. Getting by.
8. Grubby. 8. Comfort.
9. Worn. 9. Respect.
10. Erudite. 10. Family.
11. Sultry. 11. Friendship.
12. Pitiable. 12. Change.

Profession 1 Goal 2
2. Low-level Glom. 2. Revenge.
3. Influencer. 3. Knowledge.
4. Hacker. 4. Notoriety.
5. Runner. 5. Having fun.
6. Unemployed. 6. The Status Quo.
7. Retail worker. 7. Success.
8. Factory worker. 8. Love.
9. Dealer. 9. Vice.
10. Security guard. 10. Truth.
11. Ganger. 11. Reputation.
12. Mid-level Glom. 12. Justice.

Example NPCs
 A loud and extravagant influencer who
just wants to have fun.
 A grubby, sleazy merchant who is after
money and reputation.
 A dull and humourless mid-level Glom
who above all else is seeking love.

Stims & Tech
There are a number of Stims and special  MEDI-PAD (tech, device, very
items of technology available in the City. expensive): Removes 1 Hurt and/or
Choose from the list of examples below, or Hindered, if caused by a physical injury
use them as inspiration for creating your (which it instantly heals). Three uses
own. only.

 BUZZ (Stim, dermal patch, cheap):  PACC (tech, implant, very expensive):
Causes Energised. Next Rest restores half A compact Photonic Accumulator
as many EP. One use only. designed to power devices, vehicles and
robot batteries through solar energy.
 CURIOSITY (Stim, eye-drops, cheap): Once installed on a robot, they no longer
Grants temporary night vision until next require connecting to a source of
Rest. Roll 1d6: if the result is equal to or electricity in order to recharge their
lower than half current WIT, the stim battery (Rest).
also causes hallucinations. One use only.
 ZEPP (tech, device, very expensive):
 FLIP (Stim, pill, affordable): A small, zeppelin-like turbine, designed
Causes the PC’s Skills to become Flubs, to generate energy from wind at high
and vice-versa, until next Rest. altitudes, and distribute it through a
tethering cable. Can power apartments,
 3Z (Tech, dermal patch, affordable): offices and small buildings.
Adds 1d6 to next Rest roll/Stress
reduction. One use only. Item Price Guide
Cheap: less than 10 credits.
Affordable: between 10 and 60 credits.
 ROBUZZ (Tech, temporary plug-in,
Expensive: between 60 and 100 credits.
affordable): Robot use only. Causes
Very Expensive: More than 100 credits.
Energised. Next Rest restores half as
many EP. One use only. City Grid Generator
The City is structured like a square grid,
 STINGER (Tech, weapon, affordable): made up of Sectors, each containing 9
Fires darts that cause Hindered or Blocks.
Unconscious, based on the toxin used. To generate a Sector, roll 9 times on the 2d6
Only works on humans. Loads 1d6+2 table below, to determine the contents of
darts. each Block, arranged as a 3 by 3 grid square.
Next, roll on the 1d6 table for each Block to
 HERO (Stim, injection, expensive): determine who or what has established a
Causes Energised + Inspired. presence there.
Next Rest restores no EP. One dose. To create a City you can generate as many
Sectors as you want, providing the structure
 HYDE (Tech, neural link plug-in, as a whole is square.
expensive): Become undetectable to
Peepers and cop scanners, until next Block Contents
2. Abandoned.
Rest. One use only.
3. Entertainment Industries.
4. Factories.
 ZAPPER (tech, weapon, expensive):
5. Power plant.
Causes Hurt + Hindered on both humans
6. Offices.
and robots. 6 uses per Rest (recharging).

7. High Density Residential. 1. Weapons, armour, batteries, machine
8. Retail/Shops. parts.
9. Building Site. 2. Stims, medical supplies, surgical tools.
10. Low Density Residential. 3. Tech, computers, cybernetics, devices.
11. Abandoned & Hazardous. 4. Construction tools, building materials.
12. Glom Offices. 5. Clothing, fabric, furniture, books, toys.
6. Seeds, soil, gardening tools, food.
Block Presence
 1 or 2: Police. Block Presences
 3: None. Any Complications or Tight Spots arising
 4: Doomers. during play will more likely involve whoever
 5: Gangers. has an established presence in a Block.
 6: Black Market.
In Blocks with a POLICE presence, there will
Whatever Sector the Players start in is their be a detainment center and police station.
Characters’ neighbourhood. They then Cop goals include helping maintain the
decide as a group in which Block their status quo through force or threat of force,
Characters’ live and/or work. as well as capturing and/or neutralising
Consider the following questions: criminals (Greenjackers, Doomers and
 Do the PCs all live together?
 Are they living in rented In Blocks with a GANGER presence, there
accommodation, or somewhere else, might be several organised crime gangs
perhaps illegally? active, but only one with claim to the Block.
Gangers are sometimes willing to help
 What does their home look and feel like?
Greenjackers (seeing as they share an
 Is their home also their base of
enemy in the cops) but never for free.
Greenjacker operations?
Gangers are territorial, their primary goal
If not, where is it?
being defending what they consider to be
 If a PC has a GIG, where do they work
their turf from rival gangs and the police, by
and what do they do? Do they have to
any means (even working for the Gloms).
travel to another Block or even another
In Blocks with a DOOMER presence, the PCs
Travel should be constantly on their guard.
Travelling from one Block/Sector to another Doomers are violent and nihilistic, having
can be done vertically, horizontally or long given up on any hope for a better
diagonally. Traversing a Block takes as much future. They are always eager to start a
time in game as the Mod and Players think is fight, destroying and killing indiscriminately.
appropriate. As an option, they can roll 1d6:
if they roll a 4 or less the Block contains a
lot of traffic or obstacles, and will take
longer to traverse (e.g. 1 hour instead of 30

Black Markets
If a Block contains a BLACK MARKET, the
Players/Mod can roll twice on the table
below to see what types of goods are


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