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Exercise (Literature)

I. What figure of speech are the following?

1. The righteous shall flourish as the palm tree. ( )
2. Life is as tedious as a twice-told tale. ( )
3. The camel is the ship of the desert. ( )
4. Variety is the spice of life. ( )
5. Death lays his icy hands on kings. ( )
6. Why man, if the river were dry, I am able to fill it with tears. ( )
7. O Hamlet! Thou hast cleft my heart twain. ( )
8. Here is the smell of blood still: All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. ( )
9. The sun smiled down in the children playing in the park. ( )
10. The idea was as refreshing as a cold lemonade on a scorching day. ( )
11. He attacked the task like a bull charging at a red flag. ( )
12. Books are the keys to the kingdom of knowledge. ( )
13. The roses seemed to sing a sweet melody in the garden. ( )
14. The wind whispered secrets through the rustling leaves. ( )
15. I’ll start dieting when elephants fly. ( )
16. Fear gripped him with its chilling hands. ( )
17. My sister is an encyclopedia of movie trivia. ( )
18. She strutted around as vain as a peacock. ( )
19. It’s has been raining so heavily, it’s like the sky is falling. ( )
20. The city slept well the night the murderer was captured. ( )
21. Her soft skin was like silk under his fingers. ( )
22. The man was so fat, he must have weighed a ton. ( )
23. My two-year-old daughter is the apple of my eye. ( )
24. It takes my girlfriend an eternity to get dressed. ( )
25. My new shoes cost a fortune. ( )

II. Answer the following questions.

1. What do you call an important figure at the center of the story’s actor / theme?
2. What is the other name of a major character?
3. What do you call a character who has conflict with a major character?
4. What do you call a character who supports a major character? What is his function?
5. How is dynamic character?
6. The action element in fiction, the arrangement of events that make up a story is the ___________ of a story.
7. A struggle between opposing forces, that is usually resolved by the end of the story is ______________.
8. A turning point, a moment of greatest tension that fixes the outcome is _______________.
9. Point of view refers to ________________________________________.
10. What is Omniscient?
11. What is limited Omniscient?
12. What is objective?
13. The time, the place and the social environment that frames the characters is the ____________________.
14. The central idea / meaning of a story is the ______________.
15. What is tone?
16. Mention 5 parts of a plot in a story!
17. The rising action of a story presents _______________________________________________________.
18. The event that occurs after climax’s tension is called _______________________.
19. The end of a story where the story gets wrapped up is called ____________________.
20. What are the two types of conflict? Explain them.
21. What type of character does not change?
22. What is the figurative language that compares two different things using the words “like” and “as”?
23. “Jonathan was so exhausted; he could have slept for a year” is an example of __________________.
24. “The moon smiled at the sun and went home” is an example of ____________________.
25. “The best part about music is that you can bang on the drum” is an example of ___________________.
26. The point of greatest emotional intensity, interest, or suspense in a story is called :
a. exposition b. climax c. rising action d. falling action e. setting
27. The struggle between 2 opposing characters in a story can be described as :
a. resolution b. the primary conclusion c. complication (main conflict) d. setting e. plot
28. The part of the plot that concludes the falling action by revealing the outcome of the conflict is called :
a. climax b. resolution c. rising action d. message e. theme
29. A character that changes during the story is called :
a. static b. dynamic c. protagonist d. lead actor e. antagonist
30. The ______ is the author’s introduction to characters, setting, and situation.
a. conclusion b. rising action c. exposition d. falling action e. resolution

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