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Iphone 14 method on At&t

First go to and look for recent house sold with your zip code

Copy the address of the sold house and search through background checker.

You will get the name of those staying in the house

Then run a background check on their names to make sure they don't have any att number In the past
or present.

Now search their SSN on robocheck.[ru]

Then go buy SSN with age 45-50 years make sure it's the same as your drop zip Ip.

Make a background check on the the SSN u purchased.

Go to the at&t with same drop zip IP

Add one iphone 14 to cart and select payment by instalment

Make sure the total due charge is not too much wey drop can't pay.

Put SSN u purchased create account for at&t.

Make sure to use drop name every other details apart from the name should be SSN information

You can create an email match your drop name

Make sure the dob and SSN are correct (the one u bought)

Checkout with zip cc

Use drop name as cc name

If the card u use it live, you should see thank you

Track your order status

Then Keep an eye on your email for ready for pickup in your mail

Take note : make client you use to go pick up.


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