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T-MOBILE sauce 2022

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T-Mobile Money will give you free $9k plus

It’s free money , no tools needed just ur phone or laptop

So my guys don't sleep on my tuts, they'll lit ,make use of them

Here's the link

Tell your drop to creat an account or do you, if you are doing yourself you need a
good full with real usa number .. voip won’t work..

✓✓So the method goes this_,, get a new or old t mobile money account login account
and go to pay bills, then you add the client you want to do the check to and the
client bank address you input it also with the account number and you save it then
you make payment of 10,000 and below

Notice you can’t do more than 10,000

And it must be the bank address you are going to put so they will mail the check
just like dda and wired check the bank will deposit the money and it will be
available the next day

You can do as much as many checks you want from one T-Mobile account to one or
different local banks and credit unions of your choice

You can ask your client to open or you create yourself but you will need good fullz
and real us number not voip number

You can send out more than one check from the T-Mobile account and they are Legit

In summary

When you get T-Mobile money account will go to pay bills on the app, you add
the Client info you want T-Mobile money to send the Check to and the address of the
bank (I.e the client bank address) then also add the client account Num (I.e the
client receiving the check account Num) remember it’s T-Mobile money that is
sending the check to the bank address directly. So basically the bank receives the
check then deposit it to the account and it drops the next day. Literally, you need
two clients..1st client (owner of the T-Mobile money account) second client
(receiver of the check which T-Mobile will send to the client bank,that’s why you
need the bank address). You get the gist now.

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