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Références du devoir

Matière : Anglais

Code de la matière : AN11

N° du devoir : 3
(tel qu’il figure dans le fascicule devoirs)

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Vos coordonnées

Indicatif : 3123019502

Nom : Rodrigues

Prénom : Alexia

Ville de résidence : Calmont

Pays (si vous ne résidez pas en France) : Pays

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Commencez à saisir votre devoir ci-dessous :

Partie 1:
1) In the text, we learn:
- On the 8-year-old patient with pneumonia in Armenia: She had eaten little for two days
and interacted with Robin the robot, which encouraged her to eat.
- On medical staff: They introduced Robin to the patient’s room to help her feel better.
- Karen Khachikyan: He is the contractor behind Robin the Robot and worked on his design.
- On Robin the Robot: It is an AI-based companion designed to relieve the anxiety and
loneliness of sick children. He interacts with children, recognizes emotions and explains
medical procedures in a simple way.
- On global facilities: Robin is used in 12 facilities around the world and is expected to
deploy in another 100 in the US in the next 12 months.

2) The author mentions various places to highlight the expansion and increase of the scope of use
of Robin robots. The current deployment of the technology in 12 facilities around the world and
its planned expansion to more than 100 facilities in the US are discussed, highlighting the rapid
spread of the technology and its potential for global impact in healthcare facilities. The goal was
to develop a technology that is not just a device, but rather an equal and a friend for sick
children, thus bringing not only functionality, but also a comforting and friendly presence.

3) First, the creation of this AI robot was to respond to the loneliness that sick children can feel in
hospitals. But, the entrepreneur wanted to develop in this AI, emotional sensors, as well as to
know how to interpret the feelings of the face, creating an exchange of ideas during a
conversation. As a result, a link occurs and turns into a friend. In this way, the child creates
trust, friendship with this robot and manages to be confident, accompanied and supported.

4) This story takes place in the 20th century, in autumn. During the first steps of humais to AI. After
the death of his mother and just before the operation of the Falklands Task Force, the author
adhered to this technology decided to sell his family home. Which allowed him to acquire for a
large sum of money, Adam the robot has artificial intelligence and takes him home north of
Clapham. He was influenced by the war hero Sir Alan Turing, who did the same.

5) The narrator mentions “books”, “films and television series” in order to reinforce the idea that,
already, in this universe and in the past, writers, finally several individuals already had an idea of
the technological future. They had an advanced imaginary mind in what could already be our
technological future

6) During text reading, the narrator describes himself as a dreamer. He was himself a follower of
technological advancement. he wanted to immerse himself in robotic evolution. His optimism
about the artificial human was so strong that he took a big risk and bought with a very large
amount of personal money to own an AI robot.

7) We note that these two texts reflect a common theme, “scientific innovation and responsibility”.
To begin with, text 1 responds to the theme, thanks to the innovation of the robot Robin which has
the ability to adapt to the emotions of a child in a hospital environment and to ensure his well-
Subsequently, text 2 also meets the expectations studied. Indeed, the creation of an AI human
demonstrates the technological propret as well as the scientific innovations, to be in front of an
AI . In addition, the responsibility to assume the presence of AI and its integration into society and
one of the points answering the common theme of both texts.
In conclusion, the two texts clearly reflect the theme of scientific innovations and responsibility.”

Partie 2 :
Elon Musk’s views on artificial intelligence (AI) are shared by many technology experts. This polarized
view of artificial intelligence as the best or worst thing that can happen to humanity is based on several

On the one hand, artificial intelligence offers enormous opportunities to improve the quality of our lives.
This could revolutionize sectors such as medicine, scientific research, automation of laborious and
dangerous tasks and complex problem solving. For example, in the medical field, AI can help diagnose
diseases faster and more accurately, saving lives. In industry, this improves production efficiency and
reduces human error.

On the other hand, the rapid rise of artificial intelligence raises major concerns, including its control and
impact on society. The increasing use of artificial intelligence could lead to massive job losses and
increase economic inequality. In addition, the development of artificial super intelligence well beyond
human capabilities can present existential risks. Without proper regulation or control, a powerful AI could
escape our understanding and control, with unpredictable and even catastrophic consequences.

Ethical issues related to artificial intelligence, such as confidentiality, algorithmic discrimination and
autonomy in machine decision-making, are subjects that require rigorous attention and appropriate

To conclude, artificial intelligence is a double-edged sword for humans. It has great potential for
progress, but its implementation must be done carefully and judiciously in order to minimize potential
risks and maximize benefits for social welfare. That’s why debate and concerted action among
governments, businesses and experts are essential to shaping a future in which AI will benefit humanity
without compromising our security and social balance.

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