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Some key points in Indo-U.S.

relations include:

1. Strategic Partnership: Both countries have declared their commitment to building a strong
strategic partnership. This involves collaboration in areas like defense, counterterrorism, and
regional security.

2. Economic Ties: Economic relations between India and the U.S. have grown, with both
nations being important trading partners. Discussions on trade-related issues have been
ongoing, including efforts to address trade imbalances.

3. Defense Cooperation: Defense collaboration has increased, with the two countries engaging
in joint military exercises and defense agreements. The U.S. has also become a significant
supplier of defense equipment to India.

4. Technology and Innovation: Cooperation in technology and innovation has been a focus.
Both countries have shown interest in fostering collaboration in areas such as space
exploration, renewable energy, and information technology.

5. People-to-People Ties: Educational and cultural exchanges contribute to the people-to-

people ties between India and the U.S. There are significant Indian diaspora communities in
the United States, playing a role in fostering understanding and connections.

6. Geostrategic Considerations: The Indo-U.S. relationship is influenced by geopolitical

considerations, especially in the context of the evolving dynamics in the Indo-Pacific regio

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