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The wise wife

Setting: A fancy room in a rich merchant's house.

Act 1:
(Searching angrily all over the house for his pearls)
Where are my pearls, my precious pearls? I cannot find them anywhere.
Servaaaaaaants servaaaaaaants all of you come here.
Servant 1: Yes sir, what’s the matter?
Rich Merchant: I can’t find my pearls, did any of you see them?
Servant 2: No sir, we didn’t see them.
Servant 3 : I didn’t see them sir
Rich Merchant: (to his wife )I will call a detective to search for them .
Wife: No need! I will take care of it
Rich Merchant: But, how
Wife: you’ll see, Call the three servants here.
[Servants 1, 2, and 3 enter.]
Wife: (Giving each servant a stick) These sticks are special. They're the same length now. Keep them
safe and bring them back tomorrow. The thief's stick will be longer.
Servant 1: Oh my god , they are going to know that I stole the pearls , what can I do now . Oh I know ,
if the stick is gonna be longer , I’ll break a little from the top
Act 2:
[The next day, all servants return with their sticks.]
Wife: (Checking sticks) Let's see if the sticks changed.
[Wife sees one stick is shorter.]
Wife: (Pointing at Servant 1) You took the pearls!
Servant 1: (Nervous) NOO I DINDN’T .
Wife: Yes you did . The sticks aren't magical. They stay the same size unless you change them to hide
Servant 1: Yes, I did. Here are the pearls.
Servant 1. Guard , Come take him to prison , he doesn’t deserve my kindness .
Guard: (Enters) You're in trouble for stealing!
[Servant 1 gets taken away by the guard.]
Act 3:
Rich Merchant: (Relieved) , thanks for finding my pearls. How can I reward you?
Wife: Just hide your pearls in a safer place, please.
Servant 2: (Nervous) I saw Servant 1 with the pearls but couldn’t tell.
Servant 3: (Regretful) Me too, I didn't speak up.
Wife: It's important to speak against bad things cause after all , What happens in the dark always
comes to light .
Rich Merchant: Thanks, .I really appreciate your wisdom.

[Curtain falls]

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