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* 세부 문법 오류(단복수, 시제, 관사 등은 blue bold 로 표시해 두겠습니다)

“The only source of knowledge is experience.” This aphorism is averred by Albert Einstein, a
famous scientist.// Albert Einstein has been best known for describing that energy and mass
are the same in different forms. He has been also famous for his discovery of the
photoelectric effect, which won the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics.// This adage means
Knowledge comes from experience. Hence, it is no exaggeration to say that exploring the
unknown is necessary for human beings.

First of all, humans can usually develop their country by gaining new knowledge from
unknowns. // That is because people always live in the same environment. Thus, People can
not find new things easily. However, if people go to the unknown, it is a new environment to
find new ideas easily. // My science teacher’s experience vociferously embodies the point.
Before he was a science teacher, he didn’t find the answers about his job in the future. Thus,
he left to travel to the island nobody was there. So he could more than another place deeply
thinks at the island. And he has thought about what kind of he can do it. Finally, he has found
what can he relevant do, and now he became a science teacher. He told me if I have a
problem, I try to go anywhere and should more deeply think. That is because it can find some
keywords of the problem.// In this vein, this vividly exemplifies that the unknown is
necessary for humans.//

In addition, It is awesome to go to a place that no one has ever been to.// That is because
being brave is remarkably difficult. //A dog named Laika’s experience vociferously embodies
the point. During the cold war, the United States and the Soviet Union has been having to
check the possibility of a spacecraft with life on it. Hence, Laika had been to board a
spaceship instead of a human. Eventually, he was killed in a matter of hours because of a
physically intolerable situation, but now he is still attracting extol as the first dog to go into
space. //Thus, it is not an overstatement to say that the unknown is necessary for humans.//

In conclusion, some people might think the unknown is not necessary for humans. That is
because exploring the unknown can be consumed a lot of money. //Of course, they have their
own reasoning and points.// Nonetheless, it is safe to say that exploring the unknown is
incontrovertible and necessary for humans.//

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