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I believe that to be an effective teacher, there must a method to be used inside the classroom,
technique to deliver the lesson properly and a strategy to catch the interest of the students.

As an IT instructor, I only have three methods to deliver my class effectively. First, the lecture
method. I used this method to deliver the information to help students easily acquire knowledge
of terms, basic facts, and simple concepts. Lectures are as effective, but not more effective, than
other methods in transmitting simple information. The lecture method may match students'
expectations of student and teacher roles. Secondly, the hands-on method. Since our class is all
about computer, expected that students have hands-on exercises to practice and apply what they
have learned in the lecture. This method develops the students’ skills and enhances computer
literacy. And lastly, the oral method. Oral recitation, is the practice of having the entire class
recite important facts, identifications, definitions, formulas and procedures within the instruction
and later when they need to be revisited. One of the benefits of developing oral communication
skills is that students can develop competency in something that is very pervasive in their
lives — to reflect on it, to practice it, to get feedback on it so that they can become better at
accomplishing their goals. It helps them to share to us how they acquire such learning in the
computer during their hands-on exercises.

Through these 3 methods of teaching, my students will have the quality of education they
deserve and enable to apply that knowledge in the real-life situations. I assure also that the
techniques I used are very useful that the students may always remember.

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