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Slide 1: Intro

- Good morning class, today Emil and I will be discussing a very interesting topic that
affects many of you in this class. Do plant based diets increase strength and endurance

Slide 2

When it comes to strength and endurance, the choice of diet plays a crucial role. Plant-based
diets and meat-based diets are two popular options that athletes consider. Plant-based diets,
which focus on fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes, have been shown to improve athletic
performance by reducing weight and body fat, and promoting leaner bodies. On the other hand,
meat-based diets provide protein and essential nutrients that can contribute to muscle growth
and strength. Understanding the benefits and differences between these two diets is important
for athletes looking to optimize their strength and endurance levels. In this presentation we will
essentially compare both diet types and sources related to them to conclude the famous debate
on which type of diet affects strength and endurance levels the most.

Slide 3

- Additionally meat is also known as a complete protein because it contains all nine
essential amino acids that contribute to muscle growth, and that can't be produced on
our own, according to

- Some types of meat, such as beef, contain creatine, a compound that plays a role in
providing energy for high-intensity, short-duration activities like weightlifting and sprinting

- Red meat, in particular, is a significant source of heme iron, which is more readily
absorbed by the body compared to non-heme iron found in plant foods.Issaonline
continued to write that ,iron is essential for transporting oxygen to muscles, supporting
energy metabolism, and preventing fatigue during exercise, all of which are crucial for
maintaining strength levels.

- By excluding plant-based foods, individuals on a carnivore diet may miss out on

essential nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are abundant
in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. These nutrients play vital
roles in supporting overall health, including muscle function, energy metabolism, and
immune function, which are crucial for strength and endurance.

- The carnivore diet's high intake of animal products and lack of fiber from plant foods can
lead to digestive issues such as constipation, bloating, and dysbiosis (imbalanced gut
microbiota). Digestive discomfort can hinder overall well-being and may impact exercise
performance and recovery.
Slide 4 emil

The article discusses the benefits of plant-based diets in improving athletic performance. It
highlights that many elite athletes, including Venus Williams, Kyrie Irving, and Scott Jurek, follow
plant-based diets and emphasize the importance of these diets for their success. Research
suggests that plant-based diets can enhance athletic performance by reducing weight,
promoting leaner bodies, and improving stamina. Several studies have demonstrated that
plant-based diets lead to weight loss, reduced body fat, and lower BMI. Leaner body mass is
desirable for athletes as it can contribute to improved performance. The article also mentions
that athletes require an adequate calorie intake to support their energy expenditure, and the
quality of calories consumed matters. Carbohydrates, particularly complex carbohydrates found
in whole grains and starchy vegetables, are essential for sustained energy during endurance
training. Plant-based diets are beneficial in providing a constant supply of complex
carbohydrates, which are important for glycogen storage and replenishment. Overall, the article
suggests that plant-based diets can have positive effects on athletic performance by optimizing
body composition and providing the necessary energy for training and competition.

Slide 5

In conclusion both diets show impactful benefits to strength and endurance levels having many
positives and negatives. As of today not enough research has been collected on whether or not
plant based diets are better than meat diets therefore the answer to this question is currently
unknown. What we do know is that each diet holds ups and downs. Research has shown that
carnivore diets aka meat diets possess essential amino acids,which help with muscle growth,
but the lack of carbohydrates slows down the endurance levels, where as Plant based diets
have an increase in fiber to boost endurance levels, but a lack of essential nutrients that allows
for growth of the muscles and strength stats. So the question is do you want to eat meat and be
a meat head or eat plant based and be a planthead.

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