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Mathematics in Modern world subject honestly is one of my favorite

subject when I entered College. Before, I thought Mathematics is a

very hard major subject that you should take much time and effort to
study it compare to other subjects but now, my perception has
changed. Maybe it is because the module itself is self explanatory,
unlike before that it is taught to us as if it is the hardest thing to do
but now it isn't. One of the reason is that I can proudly say I can
perfect the score in my seatwork and quiz, or if not perfect at least
90% of it. Thought sometimes I made mistake, but it's more on I get
the higher score maybe because as what's I've said above, the module
is self explanatory, and also to mention that our professor is very kind
and considerate. She always give us lot of time in answering seat
works and quizzes and that thing is a great factor to consider because
time is really important in answering and analyzing. Though this
subject made me confuse sometimes, this subject really taught me a
lot not just in academic but also in life lesson, that everything you will
do, you should take time and effort to make it turn out well.

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