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Cursed Smile

One perfect day in August, I was walking on the sidewalk. Suddenly, I tripped on my feet. I

looked up to see one of my neighbors standing in their driveway. I stood up and walk up to her to

say hi. I tapped her shoulder and I jumped; she had a creepy smile on her face. I tried to snap her

out of it, but she did not respond or move a muscle. I decided to call my friend, Maya. She did

not answer…… Maya normally answers in a second or two, but I think she might be busy. I

started running to Maya’s house to at least talk to her parents. I arrived at the house and knocked

on the door. No one answer the door…… I realized I could climb the tree and opened the

window to Maya’s room. I saw Maya standing still. “Maya?” I spoke. She did not respond……

She turned around with that creepy wide smile that my neighbor had. “Join us.,” she said still

smiling. She repeated. Suddenly, her parent opened the door and was smiling too. They said the

same thing. “Join us.” They continued saying. They got closer and closer to me. I was panicking.

I couldn’t decide what to. I pushed Maya and pushed her parents down. I ran as fast as I could. I

heard their voices. I didn’t look back. I was determined to get out of there. The doors were look

shut and blocked by planks. I am guessing they heard from upstairs. I tried to find a hammer or

something to break the planks and the lock. I thought to myself; Why did I decide to come to

Maya’s house. Suddenly I heard footsteps upstairs; it was Maya . I realized they had a hammer in

the storage room. I had to hurry before I became one of them. I dashed into the storage room and
grabbed the hammer. I speed walked to the door. Abruptly, I saw Maya slowly walking towards

the kitchen like a zombie. “Where are you?” She spoke. I hid in one of the cabinets because I

was tiny enough to fit. I remembered I had a pencil in my pocket. I tossed near the bathroom.

She dashed into the bathroom. I sneakily took down the planks and broke the lock. I forgot Maya

was in the bathroom. She spotted me and yelled to her parents. Maya started to run. I started to

run out the house to the street. They followed me smiling. I saw all the neighborhood smiling.

Some how I did not see my parents or my brother. I tried to find a spot to hide. Finally, I saw a

tree that was long for me to be safe and secure,

. I climbed and climbed as fast I can because they were a minute behind me. I reach top and

made myself comfortable. Suddenly, I heard footsteps. I covered my mouth. *Step*… *Step*….

*Step*… All of them were looking for me. They looked like smiling zombies. They walked with

one eye on every tree. I thought they would split up in small groups, but they stayed together.

One hour later, I got hungry, and it was hard to get comfortable on a rough surface. I decided to

go search for food and supplies . I walked for miles until I heard the voices. It was the smiling

zombies again. I ran even faster than I ever ran. I saw a Walgreen nearby. I ran in and tried to

find help. No one was there. The Walgreen was abandoned and had clutter everywhere. I heard

knocks on the doors. I froze …. It was hard to save myself. The infectious smile was spreading

fast. I grabbed M&Ms and a sprite. I ate and drank as fast I could. I grabbed a pepper spray and

bat. I got ready to fight. The door finally crashed open. I se nbnb people hit hard enough that
they could pass out and still be alive. Two boys jumped on me. They were football players

because they almost broke my left rib. They laughed creepily. They gathered around me and

started gigging as they stand there, smiling. The last thing I knew it I was in bed. It was all a

dream. I was still to this day think one day the smiling zombies will be back.

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