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KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong ~ TAI LIEU BAI GIANG PART 4: OTHER TOPICS Tai ligu BOC QUYEN thudc kha hoc Luy@n Thi Toeic Cap Tée Muc Tiéu 550-700+ Cé Vii Thj Mai Phuong COMMON WORDS/ PHRASES = celebrate (v) /"selibreit/ : Sn mimg * completion (n) /kom'pli:fin/ : sy hoan thanh * documentary (n) /,dokju'mentri/ : phim tai ligu * be proud of /praod/ : ty hao vé = production team /pro'dakjn ti:m/ : nhém san xudt * editor (n) /"edita(r)/: bién tap vién * overtime (n) /'aovataim/ : lam thém gid * version (n) /'va:fin/: phién ban = fantastic (adj) /feen'testik! : tuyét voi = assemble (v) /a'sembl/ : ty tép lai * warehouse (n) /‘weahaus/ : nh may = unusually (adv) /an'ju:guoli/ : bat thyong + shipment (n) /'fipmont/: don hang * unload (v) /,an'laod/: tho dé * frozen (adj) /'fravzn/ : déng lank = urgent (adj) /'3:dgant/ : khai = assignment (n) /'sammont/ : nhigm vu = supervisor (n) /'su:pavarza(r)/: gidm sit vién * cart (n) /ka:t! : xe kéo * run short of: thiéu cai gi = retrieve (v) /r1'tri:v/ : khdi phue, lay lai * intern (n) /in’ta:n/ : thye tap sinh * be familiar with /f>'mulia(r)/ : quen thude véi = layout (n) /‘letat/ : bé cuc = specific (adj) /spo' sik’ : cu thé = on display /dr'spley/ : duge trmg bay = lobby (n) /“Iobif : sinh * undergo (v) /,ando‘goo/ : trai qua * renovation (n) /,rena' veyfi/ : tring tu, ai tao lai * comedy (n) /"komadi/ : hai * experience (n) /ik'sprorions/ : kinh nghigm = require (v) /rt'kwara(r)/: yéu cau * take place: dign ra = coordinator (n) /kav'o:dinerta(r)/ : diéu phdi vién = scene (n) /sisn/ : enh = shoot (n) /fu:t/: canh phim ‘hin. ‘ing ki khéa hoc Luyén thi TOEIC cp téc myc tiéu 550-700+ cia cé Mai Phurong tai KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong ~ Listen to the following speech and fill I'm so happy everyone could be here to (1) As the director, I cannot be more (2) in the missing words. (mp3.1) the completion of the documentary School of Life. of the work we have done. You all made a great production team, and this movie could not have been made without you. I'd like to give special thanks to the film’s @) you can see the finished product. Listen to the Vietnamese translation. (mp3.2) , Margot Anderson, for putting in some (4) watched the final version, and I think it is fantastic. Afier dinner, we will (5) to make the changes I requested. I just in the ballroom so Tm so happy everyone could be here to celebrate the completion of the documentary School of Life. As the director, | cannot be more proud of the work we have done. Toi rat vui khi moi ngudi cd mat 6 day dé in mimg b6 phim tai ligu School of Life hoan thanh. La gidm déc, t6i khdng thé tw hao hon vé tac pham ma ching ta da lam duge. You all made a great production team, and this movie could not have been made without you. I'd like to give special thanks to the film's editor, Margot Anderson, for putting in some overtime to make the changes I requested. Tat ca cae ban da tao nén mot ddi ngii san xwat tuyét voi, va b6 phim nay khéng thé duge thyc hién néu khong c6 cae ban. Téi mun giti loi cm on die bigt én bién tép vién cia b6 phim, Margot Anderson, vi di danh théi gian Lim thém git dé thye hign nhimg thay déi ma tdi yéu cit T just watched the final version, and I think it is fantastic. After dinner, we will assemble in the ballroom so you can see the finished product. Toi vita méi xem phién ban cudi cing, va t6i nghi nd that tuyét voi. Sau bita t6i, chung ta sé ty tap tai phong hGi nghj va cdc ban cé thé xem thanh phdm. Listen to the telephone message and choose the correct answer. (mp3.3) 1. Who most likely is the speaker? (A) A photographer (B) A writer (©) A director (D) An actress 2. Why does the speaker especially thank Ms. Anderson? (A) She worked additional hours. (B) She edited a script. (C) She gave some advice. (D) She planned an event. 3. What will happen after dinner? (A) A speech will be given. (B) A work will be shown. (C) A workshop will be held. (D) An evaluation will be conducted. ‘ing ki khéa hoc Luyén thi TOEIC cp téc myc tiéu 550-700+ cia cé Mai Phurong tai KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong ~ Listen to the following announcement and fill in the missing words. (mp3.4) Attention, all warehouse workers. An unusually large (1) into the storeroom 12. You know, it’s a warm day, and, uh.... there is a lot of (3) has just arrived, and it needs to be (2) food. Unless you are working on an (4) assignment right now, please head straight to Loading Dock 7. When you get there, the (5) of that section. . um, David Wilkins will Iet you know what to do. In addition, if there are any empty carts in your current area, please bring them with you. Mr. Wilkins mentioned that they were running (6) possible. Listen to the Vietnamese translation. (mp3.5) of them, and he wants to (7) as many of them as, Attention, all warehouse workers. An unusually large shipment has just arrived, and it needs to be unloaded into the storeroom 12. You know, it’s a warm day, and, uh.... there is a lot of frozen food. Chi y, tit ed cde céng nhin trong kho. Mot 16 hang lon bat thudng vita duge chuyén dén va can duge dé xudng kho s6 12. Cée ban biét day, hom nay la mét ngay dm 4p, va, uh... c6 rat nhiéu the phim dong lanh, Unless you are working on an urgent assignment right now, please head straight to Loading Dock 7. When you get there, the supervisor of that section.... um, David Wilkins will let you know what to do, Néu ede ban Khong 06 dang thye hign mot nhi¢m vu khan cap ngay bay gid, vui long di ge dén Loading Dock 7. Khi dén dé, ngudi giam sat cia 6 phan dé..... tm, David Wilkins sé cho cae ban biét phai lam gi, In addition, if there are any empty carts in your current area, please bring them with you, Mr. Wilkins mentioned that they were running short of them, and he wants to retrieve as many of them as possible, Ngoai ra, néu c6 bat ky xe day nao trong trong Khu vye hign tai cita cde ban, vui long mang theo ching. Ong Wilkins néi ring ho dang thiéu ching, va 6ng muén ldy cang nhiéu cing tét. Listen to the r¢ rding and then answer the questions. (mp3.6) 1. Where most likely is the announcement taking place? (A) Ina service center (B) Ina restaurant kitchen (C) Ina storage facility (D) Ina retail outlet 2. What does the speaker mean when he says, “there is a lot of frozen food”? (A) A product needs to be consumed. (B) A task must be completed quickly. (C) A delivery includes the wrong items. (D) A worker should be told of a problem. 3. What is mentioned about Mr. Wilkins? (A) He can be found in his office. (B) He is planning to hire staff. (C) He was just promoted. (D) He asked for some eq ‘ing ki khéa hoc Luyén thi TOEIC cp téc myc tiéu 550-700+ cia cé Mai Phurong tai KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong ~ Listen to the following talk and fill in the missing words. (mp3.7) OK ... My name is Dwight Farley, and I’ll be giving you a tour today. As (1) » you will need to be familiar with the museum’s (2) and the specific paintings on display here. Usually, I start the tour in the main (3) _. However, it is undergoing some (4) right now. I will show you that area next week when the work has been finished. Instead, we will start in the Italian Gallery and make our way around the first floor. Then, we will (5) for a 30-minute lunch at Mario’s Pizzeria across the street. In the afternoon, we will finish the tour on the second floor. Let’s begin! Listen to the Vietnamese translation. (mp3.8) OK ... My name is Dwight Farley, and Pll be giving you a tour today. As intes, you will need to be familiar with the museum’s layout and the specific paintings on display here. Usually, I start the tour in the main lobby. Tén t6i 1a Dwight Farley va t0i s@ hung din cde ban trong chuyén tham quan hém nay. La thuc tip sinh, cdc ban sé can phai Lim quen véi cach bé tri cua bio ting va cée bite tranh cy thé duge trmg bay 6 day. Théng thudng, t6i bat dau chuyén tham quan 6 sinh chink. However, it is undergoing some renovations right now. I will show you that area next week when the work has been finished. Instead, we will start in the Italian Gallery and make our way around the first floor: Tuy mhién, lie nay né dang duge cai tao. Toi sé chi cho cdc ban khu vue dé vio tuan t6i khi céng vige da hoan thanh. Thay vao d6, ching ta sé bat diu Phong trung bay Y va di vong quanh tang mét. Then, we will break for a 30-minute lunch at Mario’s Pizzeria across the street. In the afternoon, we will finish the tour on the second floor. Let’s begin Sau d6, ching ta sé ding bira trua 30 phat tai Mario’s Pizzeria bén kia during, Budi chiéu, ching ta sé két thie chuyén tham quan trén ting hai. Hay bit dau nao! Listen to the following talk and choose the correct answer. (mp3.9) 1. Who most likely are the listeners? (A) Painters (B) Curators (©) Tourists (D) Interns 2. According to the speaker, why does the tour start from the Italian Gallery? (A) An area is being remodeled. (B) A display has been taken down. (C) An exhibition is being prepared, (D) A section has been newly opened. 3. What will the listeners do after lunch? (A) They will go to the second floor. (B) They will attend a lecture. (C) They will take a break. (D) They will join a workshop. ‘ing ki khéa hoc Luyén thi TOEIC cp téc myc tiéu 550-700+ cia cé Mai Phurong tai KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong ~ Listen to the following advertisement and fill in the missing words. (mp3.10) Are you {terested in being on the most popular tele series on Channel 7, is looking for hundreds of people to be extras in party (2) . We just need a large group to be in the shots. Filming will take place in the experience is (3) ion show in the country’ Blue Sunset, a (1) - No acting Orange Hotel in Miami between June 13 and 16. If you are interested, please just send an e-mail with your name, age, and phone number to our casting (4) exciting (5) to be in a top-rated TV show! Listen to the Vietnamese translation. (mp3.11) ; Joe Geltman, by June 10. Don’t miss this ‘Are you interested in being on the most popular television show in the country? Blue Sunset, a comedy series on Channel 7, is looking for hundreds of people to be extras in party scenes. No acting experience is required. Ban c6 muén tham gia chuong trinh truyén hinh noi tiéng nhat ca nude khong? Blue Sunset, mot loat phim hai trén Kénh 7, dang tim kiém hang trim ngudi lim nhan vat phy trong cée canh tige ting. Khéng yéu ciu kinh nghigm dién xuat. We just need a large group to be in the shots. Filming will take place in the Orange Hotel in Miami between June 13 and 16 Ching tdi chi cin mt nhém Tén c6 mit trong eink quay. Qua trinh quay phim sé dign ra tai Khach san Orange & Miami tir ngay 13 dén ngay 16 thang 6. If you are interested, please just send an e-mail with your name, age, and phone number to our casting coordinator, Joe Geltman, by June 10, Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to be in a top-rated TV show! ‘Néu ban quan tam, vui long giri e-mail c6 tén, tu va s6 dign thoai cia ban dén diéu phéi vién tuyén dign vign cua ching t6i, Joe Geltman, truée ngay 10 thang 6, Dimg bo 16 co hdi tha vj nay 48 duge tham gia mét chuong trinh truyén hinh duge xép hang cao nhit! Listen to the following advertisement and choose the correct answer. (mp3.12) 1. What is the advertisement mainly about? (A) A chance to appear in a production (B) An opportunity to compete in a contest (C) An offer to subscribe to a cable service (D) An invitation to an outdoor party 2. What does the speaker mention about the Orange Hotel? (A) It has a large banquet room. (B) It isa famous tourist attraction. (C) It will be closed in June. (D) It will be a filming location. 3. What does the speaker ask the listeners to send to Mr. Geltman?. (A) Some scenario samples (B) Some personal details (C) A photograph (D) A video clip ‘ing ki khéa hoc Luyén thi TOEIC cp téc myc tiéu 550-700+ cia cé Mai Phurong tai KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong ~ PRACTICE You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (©), (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. (mp3.13) 1. What is mentioned about the lecture series? (A) Itis held at a university. (B) It is an annual event. (C) Ithas a specific theme. (D) It started later than anticipated, 2. Who most likely is Miles Kramer? (A) An educational researcher (B) A novelist (C)A graduate student (D) A professor 3. What does the speaker suggest the listeners do? (A) Move to the front seats (B) Form a discussion group (©) Purchase a publication (D) Read the first chapter of a book Listen to the Vietnamese translation (mp3.14) First of all, I'd like to thank Mary Williams for inviting me to speak today. Since this lecture series will focus on fiction and society, I have chosen to speak about Miles Kramer’s classic work The University Student, ‘Trude hét, t6i mudn cam on Mary Williams vi da moi t6i phat biéu ngay hom nay. Vi loat bai giang ny sé tp trung vio tigu thuyét va x3 hdi, ti da chon ndi vé tic pham kinh dién The University Student ctia Miles Kramer. This novel highlights some of the issues within the educational system that existed about 50 years ago. If you haven't read it, don’t worry. I will be focusing on small sections of the book and reading them out loud. Cudn tigu thuyét nay lam noi bat mot sO van dé trong hé théng giao due tén tai cach day khoang 50 nam, Néu ban chua doc né, dimg lo King. Toi sé tap trung vao cdc phan nho ciia cuén sach va dge ching. If you are having trouble hearing me clearly, you should move closer to the front. There are plenty of seats in the first row still Néu khéng nghe rd, ban nén tién lai gan phia truée. Van con rat nhiéu ghé 6 hang ghé dau tién, ‘ing ki khéa hoc Luyén thi TOEIC cp téc myc tiéu 550-700+ cia cé Mai Phurong tai KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong ~ (mp3.15) 1, What is the purpose of the broadcast? (A) To warn residents of potential danger (B) To describe the effects of a storm (C) To explain how a building was damaged (D) To offer advice on how to fix the power 2. What did Mayor Roberson do this morning? (A) Inspected a power faci (B) Visited suburban areas (C) Met with city workers (D) Announced a work schedule Line 3 Line 1 Line 2 3. Look at the graphic. Which metro line has been closed? (A) Line 1 (B) Line 2 (©) Line 3 (D) Line 4 Listen to the Vietnamese translation (mp3.16) ‘And now for local news. The typhoon that passed through the region yesterday caused extensive damage across the city. Many neighborhoods are still without power. Va bay gid Id tin tite dja phutong. Con bio di qua Khu vuc ching ta ngiy hom qua da gay ra thigt ha ién rong toan thanh phd. Nhiéu khu pho van chua ¢6 dién, ‘At 10 A.M. today, Mayor Roberson stated that it would take city workers two more days to restore electricity to the downtown area and four more days to get power to the suburbs. If you are commuting to work this morning, please note that the metro system is not fully functional. 10 gig sing hom nay, Thi truong Roberson tuyén bé ring dng nhan thanh phd sé mat thém hai ngay 4é khdi phue dign cho khu vye trung tam thanh phé va bén ngay nia dé ¢6 dién cho cée ving ngoai 6. Néu ban dang di lam vo sing nay, xin luu ¥ ring hé théng tau dién ngim khéng hoat dng day du. In particular, the line that runs from Greendale Station to City Heights Station has been closed due to flooding. Furthermore, there has been water damage to the lower levels of Market Station, Stay tuned for further updates. Dic biét, tuyén tir Ga Greendale dén Ga City Heights da bj déng cita do ngap tut. Hon niza, da cé ngaip nude 6 cée ting thp hon ciia Tram Chg. Hay theo doi dé ep nhat thém. ‘ing ki khéa hoc Luyén thi TOEIC cp téc myc tiéu 550-700+ cia cé Mai Phurong tai KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong ~ VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS = lecture (n) /"lektfa(r)/: bai ging =~ focus on (phrV) /' foukas/; tap trung vao_ = classic (adj) /’klestk/: kinh dién = work (n) /ws:k/: tae phim © highlight (v) /"hatlawt/: néu bjt lén = issue (n) /‘1fu:/: van dé = exist (v) /g'zist/: t6n tai * row (n) /rao/: hang, = typhoon (n) /tar'fu:n/: con bao = extensive (adj) /ik'stenstv/: trén dign rong, = damage (n) /‘daemidy/: thigt hai * power (n) /pavar/: din = commute (v) /ka' mju:v: di lai * — functional (adj) /" hoat dng = flooding (n) /'flad.ny/: Iii Lut ‘ing ki khéa hoc Luyén thi TOEIC cp téc myc tiéu 550-700+ cia cé Mai Phurong tai

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