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KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong ~ TAI LIEU BAI GIANG PART 4: KI NANG XU LY DOAN HOI THOAI CHU DE CONFERENCE/ MEETING/ TRAINING SESSION Tai ligu DOC QUYEN thude khéa hoe Cé Vii Thj Mai Phuong Luyén Thi Toeic Cap Toe Muc Tiéu 550-700+ VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS = maintain (v); duy ti * hazard (n): méi nguy hai = safety workshop (n): héi thao vé an toan = asafe work environment: mét méi trudng kim vige an toan = night shift (n): ca kim budi ti = sufficient rest: nghi ngoi dat = honored (adj): vinh dye * be promoted: duge thing chire = prestigious establishment: mét td chite c6 tiéng tim = culinary (adj): am thyc = perfect the recipes: lam hoan hao céng thite nau an = partnership with: céng tac vi = witness this amazing opportunity: chimg kién co hi tuyét voi nay = cutting-edge (adj): hign dai, t6i tan = transition (n): sy chuyén dich, chuyén sang gi dé = shareholder (n): ¢6 déng = intense (adj): cng thing = the assembly process: quy trinh lap rap_ = overwhelmed (adj): bj choang ngop = pride oneself on V-ing: tur hao trong viée gi = market share (n): thj phan = brewery (m): céng ti san xuat men bia, rvgu * entry into the market: gia nhdp thi truéng = stay competitive: duy tri tinh canh tranh = create an aggressive marketing campaign: tao dung chién luge tiép thi manh m& = warehouse orientation: budi huéng din danh cho céng vige 6 nha kho = the huge volume of merchandise: sé lurgng hang héa lin = arranged alphabetically: duge sip xép theo bang chit cai = the designated pallet: tim nang hang da duge chi dinh = complete a task with ease: hoan thinh nhiém vy dé ding rm ‘ing ki khéa hoc Luyén thi TOEIC cp téc myc tiéu 550-700+ cia cé Mai Phurong tai KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong ~ Listen to the following instructions and fill in the missing words (mp3.1) ‘Thank you for attending today’s (1) workshop. My name is asafe work environment, As you know, a factory is full of safe (3) everyone on how to (2) im Hines and I'll be instructing Thave looked over the history of accidents for this factory and it appears most accidents happen during the night (4) . Therefore, my first suggestion for everyone here is to make sure you are getting enough sleep before your night shift. (5) accidents. Listen to the Vietnamese translation (mp3.2) rest is one of the best methods for avoiding work Thank you for attending today’s safety workshop. My name is Tim Hines and I'll be instructing everyone on how to maintain a safe work environment. As you know, a factory is full of safe hazards. I have looked over the history of accidents for this factory and it appears most accidents happen during the night shift. Therefore, my first suggestion for everyone here is to make sure you are getting enough sleep before your night shift Sufficient rest is one of the best methods for avoiding work accidents. ‘Cam on vi da tham dy hoi thio vé an toan ngiy hém nay. Téi la Tim Hines va téi sé huéng dan moi ngudi vé céch duy tri mét méi trudng Lam vigc an toan. Nhu cdc ban biét, mét nha may day rly cdc mdi nguy hai an toan, Téi da xem qua lich str tai nan cla nha may va thay ring hau hét cac tai nan déu xay ra vao ca kim budi t6i. Do dé, dau tign toi mong moi ngudi nga dit trude khi lam ca vio dém. Nghi ngoi di 1a mét trong nhing phuong phap t6t nhat dé tranh tai nan lao déng. Listen to the following instruc 1. Who most likely are the listeners? (A) Environmentalists (C) Factory workers 2. What document has the speaker reviewed? (A) An employee roster (C) A project overview 3. What does the speaker suggest listeners do? (A) Have a good rest (C) Receive more training Listen to the following speech at a meeting and fill in the m ‘Thank you, thank you so much... I feel truly (1) s and choose the correct answer (mp3.3) (B) Instructors (D) Medical students (B) An annual budget (D) An accident report (B) Work a day shift (D) Read a handout ing words (mp3.4) to be promoted to Executive Chef at such a (2) establishment such as Gray's on Hight Street. I have been here for five years, and during that time we have been able to achieve a two-star Michalin rating. We have spent hundreds of hours in the kitchen at night (3) our recipes and working on a new and exciting (4) techniques. I have to say, this promotion is not just for me. I could not have done this without highly-skilled crew. Their (5) and hard work have led to our success. So, please join me in giving them a warm round of applause. To our future! ‘ing ki khéa hoc Luyén thi TOEIC cp téc myc tiéu 550-700+ cia cé Mai Phurong tai KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong ~ Listen to the Vietnamese translation (mp3.5) Thank you, thank you so much... I feel truly honored to be promoted to Executive Chef at such a prestigious establishment such as Gray's on Hight Street. I have been here for five years, and during that time we have been able to achieve a two-star Michalin rating. We have spent hundreds of hours in the kitchen at night perfecting our recipes and working on a new and exciting culinary techniques. I have to say, this promotion is not just for me. I could not have done this without highly-skilled crew. Their diligence and hard work have led to our success. So, please join me in giving them a warm round of applause. To our future! ‘Cam on, cam on rat nhiéu...Téi cam thay thye su vinh hanh khi di duge thang chite tre thanh déc digu hanh & mét t8 chite danh gié nhwr Gray trén phé Hight. Téi da gan bé noi nay duge 5 nam rdi, va trong khoing thoi gian 46 ching ta di c6 thé dat duge dinh gid Michalin 2 sao. Ching ta da danh hang trim gid trong bép vao dém mu6n dé hoan hao cdc c6ng thite nau an va tao ra nét Am thyc méi va 6c dio. Téi phai néi ring, vinh dy nay khéng chi danh cho t6i. Tdi sé khéng thé c6 duge diéu nay néu Kh6ng c6 dng d6i tai gidi. Sy siéng nang va cham chi ciia moi ngudi di din tai thanh céng cia ching ta, Vi vay hay ciing t6i cho ho mt trang phéo tay nong nhiét. Huéng dén tuong lai cua chung ta! Listen to the following speech and answer the questions (mp3.6) 1. What is the purpose of the speech? (A) To announce a discovery (C) To accept a promotion (B) To announce a retirement (D) To accept an award 2. Why does the speaker say: “I could not have done this without highly-skilled crew"? (A) She wants to thank her team, (C) She dislikes her coworkers. 3. Where most likely does the speaker work? (A) A bank (C) A restaurant (B) She hasn't worked in a team before. (D) She wants to accept the award. (B) A hospital (D) A warehouse ten to the following excerpt from a meeting and fill in the missing words (mp3.7) Hi, thanks for coming for this special meeting today. The reason I called everyone is to announce our new (1) ___ with Walker Studios, As the CEO of Metro Studios, it is my great pleasure to (2) this amazing opportunity to work with such a high caliber company like Walker Studios. They process a number of studios that are capable of producing (3) quality 3-D films. This will allow our ‘company to begin producing 3-D films. And why wouldn't we? The majority of our films are science fiction, and I believe a (4) into 3-D is an excellent path for us. I have ensured that we will have full access to Walker Studio's equipment, and it return they will become a (5) in our company. I suggest that our studio staff should spend the next following weeks studying how this new type of equipment works, so we can begin producing content as soon as possible. ‘ing ki khéa hoc Luyén thi TOEIC cp téc myc tiéu 550-700+ cia cé Mai Phurong tai KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong ~ Listen to the Vietnamese translation (mp3.8) Hi, thanks for coming for this special meeting today. The reason I called everyone is to announce our new partnership with Walker Studios. As the CEO of Metro Studios, it is my great pleasure to this amazing opportunity to work with such a high caliber company like Walker Studios. They process a number of studios that are capable of producing cutting edge quality 3-D films. This will allow our company to begin producing 3-D films. And why wouldn't we? The majority of our films are science fiction, and I believe a transition into 3-D is an excellent path for us. I have ensured that we will have full to Walker Studio's equipment, and it return they will become a shareholder in our company. I suggest that our studio staff should spend the next following weeks studying how this new type of eq works, so we can begin producing content as soon as possible, witness access Xin chio, cim on da t6i budi hop dic bigt ngdy hém nay. Li do ti goi moi ngudi tai 1a dé thong bao vé vige hgp tie méi v6i Walker Studios. Voi tur cach CEO cita Metro Studios, 46 1a vinh hanh én cua 161 durge chiing kién cor hdi tuyét voi nay 6 Lim vige voi mét cong ti tim ¢6 lon nhu Walker Studios. Ho xir li nhiéu studios ma cé kha ning sin xuat cdc bé phim 3D chat long tan tién. Digu nay sé cho phép céng ti ching ta bat dau san xuat phim, 3D. Tai sao khéng? Phan Ién cée b6 phim cia chiing ta thuge thé loai khoa hoe vién tuéng, va t6i tin ring viée chuyén sang 3D 1a mét buse di tuyét voi cho chiing ta, Tdi dim bio ring ching ta sé duoc tiép cin day di cae thiét bi cia Walker Studio, va dai lai ho sé tré-thanh mot cé déng ciia céng ti chung ta. Téi mong rang cac nhan vién studio cua ching ta danh nhiing tuan tiép theo hoc xem logi thiét bj méi nay hoat déng nhu thé nao, 48 chung ta c6 thé bit dau san xudt nGi dung sém_ nhat c6 thé. Listen to the following excerpt from a meeting and choose the correct answer (mp3.9) 1, What is the reason for the meeting? (A) To announce a new partnership. (C) To propose a budget plan (B) To introduce a new manager (D) To announce his retirement 2. What does the woman imply when she says, "and why wouldn't we?" (A) To suggest the partnership is good (C) To recommend a new method (B) To review some materials (D) To offer a training program 3. What does the woman suggest the studio staff do? (A) Go on vacation (B) Continue using the old equipment (C) Produce a movie (D) Study the new equipment Listen to the following introduction and fill in the missing words (mp3.10) Welcome to your first training session at Jarret’s! ‘The next four days will be quite (1) as you will be shown a lot of different equipment you will be required to handle in your daily job. Try not to get too Q) - Once you get used to the (3) process, the machines will become very easy for your (4) as working the line will grow rapidly within a year. At Jarret’s we (5) producing quality materials in a positive environment. We hold weekly team building exercise and a (6) staff gateway. I'm sure you will enjoy our company events and become good friends with your colleagues. Today we will have a tour of the factory and meet the workers. The next three days are spent ‘on machine training. One of the days we will have a special team lunch and the president will be coming in to meet everybody. ourselves on ‘ing ki khéa hoc Luyén thi TOEIC cp téc myc tiéu 550-700+ cia cé Mai Phurong tai KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong ~ Listen to the Vietnamese translation (mp3.11) Welcome to your first training session at Jarret's! The next four days will be quite intense as you will be shown a lot of different equipment you will be required to handle in your daily job. Try not to get too overwhelmed, Once you get used to the assembly process, the machines will become very easy for your efficiency as working the line will grow rapidly within a year. At Jarret's we pride ourselves on producing quality materials in a positive environment. We hold weekly team building exercise and a monthly staff gateway. I'm sure you will enjoy our company events and become good friends with your colleagues. Today we will have a tour of the factory and meet the workers. The next three days are spent on machine training. One of the days we will have a special team lunch and the president will be coming in to meet everybody. Chao mimg dén véi budi dio tao dau tién tai Jarret's! 4 ngay tiép theo sé kha cing thang vi ban sé duge huéng din rat nhiéu thiét bj khéc nhau ma ban duge yéu cau xir Ii trong céng viée hing ngay. Hay cé dimg dé bj chodng nggp nhé. Mét khi ban da quen véi quy trinh Lip rap, cdc may méc sé tro. nén rat dé dang, tao nén su hiéu qua trong cng viée vi cOng vige nay sé phat trién nhanh chéng trong vong | nim. O Jarret’s, ching tdi tu hao vi san xuat cae vat ligu chat lugng 6 trong mét méi trudng tich cue. Chiing t6i 18 chite cde bai tap xay dug nhém. hang tuan va céng két néi nbn vién hang thing. Téi chic chin ban sé thich céc sy kign cia cong ti va két ban voi cdc dong nghigp. Hém nay ching ta 6 m6t tham quan nha may va gp cée céng nhan. 3 ngay tiép theo sé danh cho vige dio tao may méc. M6t trong sé 3 ngay 46 moi ngudi sé c6 mot bia an trua dic bigt khi chu tich t6i tham. Listen to the following instructions and training schedule, then choose the correct answer (mp3.12) TRAINING SCHEDULE Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday Meet and | Machine Machine Machine greet | training training training Factory Lunch tour meeting with president 1, What are the listeners training to be? (A) Airline attendants (C) Assembly line workers (B) Military soldiers (D) Computer programmers 2. According to the speaker, what will the listeners enjoy doing? (A) Learning their job (C) Producing quality materials (D) Goi (B) Assembling products jing to company events 3. Look at the graphic. On what day will the listeners meet with the company president? (A) Monday (B) Tuesday (C) Wednesday (D) Thursday ‘Bang ki khéa hoc Luyén thi TOEIC cép tée myc ti jéu 550-700+ ciia c6 Mai Phuong tai KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong ~ PRACTICE You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. (mp3.13) FOCUS GROUP QUESTIONAIRE RESULTS: Majority respondents selected the following Alright Ales | Doyoulike | Doyoulike | Would you | Would you New Styles | the label? | the flavor? | choose this | recommend again? _|_ this beer? Dark Ale Yes No Maybe Maybe Red Ale No Yes Yes Yes Belgium Style Yes No No No Wheat Ale Yes Yes Yes Yes 1, Why is alright ales worried? (A) They have a new competitor. (B) They are nervous about their new beers. (C) They are not in the top 5 of the market share in Northcut. (D) They will have to cut staff. 2. What will the company likely do with the results of the survey? (A) Change the label of the Red Ale (B) Work on the Belgium Ale (C) Begin marketing the chosen beers (D) Start working on a new style of beer 3. Look at the graphic. What beer is least likely to be part of Alright Ales' new product line? (A) Wheat ale (B) Dark ale (©) Red ale (D) Belgium style Listen to the following excerpt from a meeting and fill in the missing words (mp3.14) Alright everyone, here's the analysis of this year's microbrew market (1) . The good news is, Alright Ales is still in the top five small breweries in the Northeut region, The bad news is, the newest (2) into our market, Strange Brew Ales, has a directly competing beer and is making strong gains. In order to stay (3) , we must be able to introduce new styles of craft beer to our consumers. Our analysts agree, if the current trend (4) , Strange Brew Ales will bump us out of the top five by this time next year. Our master brewers have come up with four new styles of beer that we will introduce toa focus group at the upcoming Northcut Beer Festival. Once we get consumer feed-back we will select the two most popular offerings and create an (5) marketing campaign, Our sales must increase by at least 5% over the next quarter in order to maintain our market in Northeut. ‘ing ki khéa hoc Luyén thi TOEIC cp téc myc tiéu 550-700+ cia cé Mai Phurong tai KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong ~ Listen to the Vietnamese translation (mp3.15) Alright everyone, here's the analysis of this year’s microbrew market shares, The good news is, Alright Ales is still in the top five small breweries in the Northeut region, The bad news is, the newest entry into our market, Strange Brew Ales, has a directly competing beer and is making strong gains. In order to stay competitive, we must be able to introduce new styles of craft beer to our consumers. Our analysts agree, if the current trend continues, Strange Brew Ales will bump us out of the top five by this time next year, Our master brewers have come up with four new styles of beer that we will introduce to a focus group at the upcoming Northcut Beer Festival. Once we get consumer feed-back we will select the two most popular offerings and create an aggressive marketing campaign. Our sales must increase by at least 5% over the next quarter in order to maintain our market share in Northcut. Chio moi ngudi, day li ban phan tich thi phn vi men cia nam nay. Tin tot la Alright Ales van nim trong top 5 nha may 4 bia trong ving Northcut. Tin xdu la, céng ti méi nhat gia nhap thi trudng, Strange Brew Ales, di c6 m6t logi bia canh tranh true tiép va thu durge nhiéu Igi nhuan, Bé gitt vi thé canh tranh, ching ta phai dua ra nhimg céch thife Lim bia thit cng méi t6i khdch hang. Cac nha phan tich dong y ring, néu xu huéng iép tuc, Strange Brew Ales sé da chiing ta ra khoi top 5 vao gid nay nim sau. Cac nha Ién men bia chuyén nghiép cia ching ta di nghi ra 4 logi bia méi va sé duge gidi thigu cho mét nhom_ tap trung nghién cttu tai 1 hdi bia Northcut sap toi. Ngay khi nhn duoc phan héi ciia khdch hang, ching ta sé chon hai logi duge yéu thich nhat va mé ra chién dich tiép thi manh mé. Doanh s6 cia chiang ta phai tang it nhat 5% ‘vio quy tiép theo dé duy tri thj phan & Northcut. (mp3.16) e Zone 1: Board Games and Video Games Zone 2: Action Figures and Dolls Zone 3: Sports Equipment Zone 4: Learning and Education Games Toy List Z1 Laughing Logs, Z2 Macho Man, Z2 Lovely Lady, Z3 soccer ball, Z3 golf clubs, Z4 Animal ID, Z1 Business Tycoon, ZI Fighting Forces. 1, What is indicated at the orientation? (A) Big toys will be a boring job. (B) Big toys have a large selection of products. (C) Their inventory system is confusing. (D) The managers will be very critical of mistakes. 2. Look at the graphic. Where will the trainees spend most of their time during the training exercise? (A) Zone | (B) Zone 2 (C) Zone 3 (D) Zone 4 3. How quickly should the trainees complete their exercise? (A) 2 hours (C) 11/2 hours (B) 45 minutes or less (D) 1 hour or less ‘ing ki khéa hoc Luyén thi TOEIC cp téc myc tiéu 550-700+ cia cé Mai Phurong tai KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong ~ Listen to the following telephone message and fill in the missing words (mp3.17) Welcome to Big Toy's warehouse orientation, As the industry leader in children's toys, it is essential that you understand the huge (1) ‘of merchandise that you will be dealing with as a stockroom worker. The worksheet is front of you is a map of our warehouse. Each section of the warehouse is divided into zones by the type of toy, and then (2) alphabetically by manufacturer. At the bottom of the map is a list of toys we would like you to collect and place on the (3) pallet for shelving. There will be a"Z" and a number before the name of toy, to let you know that zone it is in. This is a timed exercise, and all toys should be collected within | hour. I understand this is a trial by fire, but once you get the hang of our organization, you will able to complete a task like this with (4) iten to the Vietnamese translation (mp3.18) Welcome to Big Toy’s warehouse orientation. As the industry leader in children's toys, it is essential that you understand the huge volume of merchandise that you will be dealing with as a stockroom worker. The worksheet is front of you is a map of our warehouse. Each section of the warehouse is divided into zones by the type of toy, and then arranged alphabetically by manufacturer. At the bottom of the map is a list of toys we would like you to collect and place on the designated pallet for shelving. There will be a"Z" and a number before the name of toy, to let you know that zone it is in. This is a timed exercise, and all toys should be collected within 1 hour. I understand this is a trial by fire, but once you get the hang of our organization, you will able to complete a task like this with ease. Chao mimg t6i budi dinh huéng nha xudng cia Big Toy. La céng ti dan dau nganh v ‘hoi tré em, cdc ban phai hiéu ring long hang héa Ién cn xiru li nh gidng li mot nhan vign lam vige trong xuéng kho. Tai ligu truée mit cac ban li ban dé nha kho. Mai phan cia nha kho duge chia thanh céc khu vuc theo loai dé choi, va sau dé nha san xuat sé sip xép theo thir tw bang chit edi. O dudi day ban dé 1a mét danh sich cde 5 choi chung t6i muén céc ban thu thap va dat len tm nang da duge chi dinh len gid. Sé c6 mot chir"Z" va mét sé truéc tén dé choi, dé cho céc ban biét nd nim & khu vue nao. Céng viée nay sé duge tinh théi gian, va cac ban phai thu thap tit ca dé choi trong vong 1 tiéng. Tdi hiéu day thye sy la mot thir thach day Ap lye, nhung ngay khi céc ban lam quen véi céch van hang bén chung téi, thi moi thir sé dé dang duge hoan thinh, ‘ing ki khéa hoc Luyén thi TOEIC cp téc myc tiéu 550-700+ cia cé Mai Phurong tai

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