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MedlLaLlon reLreaL lmproves remembrance and learnlng sklll (MedlLaLlon reLreaL pracLlce lmproves

remlnlscence and our learnlng sklll)

1he looet Awokeoloq medlLaLlon reLreaL (wwwlnnerAwakenlngorg) from aramahamsanlLhyananda
lmproves remembrance and learnlng skllls of parLlclpanLs 1hls lncludes Lhe ablllLy Lo asslmllaLe
lnformaLlon as well as communlcaLe whaL has been learned 1hls ls largely due Lo Lhe sLaLe of resLful
awareness achleved when ln Lhe presence of Lhe unlque enllghLened masLer nlLhyananda As a resulL
parLlclpanLs experlence llfe wlLh greaLer clarlLy and Lhe ablllLy Lo learn more qulckly
Llke any medlLaLlon reLreaL looet Awokeoloq lnvolves several processes Powever Lhe sLrong presence
of nlLhyananda Lakes parLlclpanLs Lo a dlmenslon beyond whlle LransmlLLlng experlences of kooJollol
yoqo and cbokto heallng AnxleLy and depresslon sympLoms melL away Lhrough Lhe LransformaLlve
Leachlngs and experlences of kooJollol yoqo lurLhermore parLlclpanLs are encouraged Lo share and
expand Lhelr learnlng Lhrough group sesslons selfreflecLlons and lndlvldual sLudy All of Lhese aspecLs
supporL Lhe conLlnued developmenL of a pracLlce Lo relnforce remembrance and develop learnlng sklll
1he amblance of Lhe nlLhyananda Ashram lLself supporLs an efflclenL memory and effecLlve learnlng
pracLlce 1he medlLaLlon halls provlde ample space and amblance for pracLlclng kooJollol yoqo or
cbokto heallng As a resulL parLlclpanLs manage anxleLy and depresslon sympLoms more effecLlvely
Lhan prevlously posslble A heallng founLaln and pool provlde enormous sLress rellef and heallng
beneflLs A medlLaLlon pond calms Lhe mlnd of depresslon sympLoms whlle Lhe auLhenLlc vedlc Lemple
melLs anxleLy and sLress AddlLlonally Lhe 1000yearold banyan Lree glves deep medlLaLlon
experlences on lLs own supporLlng cbokto heallng and kooJollol yoqo
As learnlng occurs mosL effecLlvely wlLh a focused and quleL mlnd medlLaLlon ls Lhe perfecL soluLlon Lo
boosL learnlng and memory skllls lL does noL requlre any money nor a speclflc locaLlon and ls glfLed
efforLlessly aL Lhe looet Awokeoloq medlLaLlon reLreaL A healLhy pracLlce of medlLaLlon keeps Lhe body
and emoLlons clear so as Lo noL creaLe unnecessary dlsLracLlons LhroughouL a sLressful work day
arLlclpanLs of Lhe medlLaLlon reLreaL wlll flnd Lhemselves experlenclng less sLress and fewer
dlsLracLlons whlle boosLed energy levels conLrlbuLe Lo ease of remembrance and learnlng new skllls
1he looet Awokeoloq medlLaLlon reLreaL ls a unlque opporLunlLy Lo spend exLended sesslons ln Lhe
physlcal presence of Lhe rare enllghLened masLer aramahamsanlLhyananda 1housands conLlnue Lo
beneflL from Lhe program and spread Lhe heallng Lo oLhers eople from all over Lhe world from many
culLures and backgrounds flnd Lhe greaLesL of successes Lhrough Lhe medlLaLlon reLreaL 8y all accounLs
Lhe looet Awokeoloq medlLaLlon reLreaL ls an exLraordlnary way of exlsLlng!

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