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What is anorexia?

It is an eating disorder characterized(caracterazed) by a very

low body weight, a great fear(fair) of gaining weight, and a
distorted view of weight. People with this problem greatly value(
valeu) weight(wat) control. To avoid gaining weight or losing
weight, usually people with anorexia do a strict(struic) diet, or


The cause of anorexia is unknown(announ). But it is probably a

combination of biological(bailogecal),
psychological(psaicologecal), and environmental factors.

Anorexia can have many consequences. But the most serious
is death(deth), this can be sudden(saden).

In other(ohter) consequences such(sathc) as:

● Anemia
● Heart problems
● Muscle(macel) loss
● Depression, anxiety and other mood disorders

Symptoms of anorexia:
Symptoms can be:
● Fine appearance(aperance);
● Fainting(feiting);
● Dehydration(deiaidracion);
● Extreme weight loss
● Hair that thins(thens), breaks or falls out(aut);
● Denial(denail) of hunger or making excuses for not eating;
● Not wanting to eat in public

Anorexia has to have psychological and physical(fisical)
accompaniment(acompanenmente). It is essential to involve
the whole family in the process. It is estimated(estemated) that
about half(ahf) of people do so, many others have periods of
recovery and relapses. This treatment begins with weight


The prevention of anorexia has to do with(uithe) the first signs

of this disorder and its correction. A loss of self-esteem,
unhappy with the appearance, change in eating habits are
reasons for the appearance of this disorder.

Why this topic?

Choosing to talk about eating disorders is relevant due to the
prevalence of these problems, the need for mental
health(helfhe) awareness(auerenesse) and the importance of
promoting an environment of understanding to support those
who may be facing food-related challenges. This choice
highlights(ailaites) the importance of addressing mental health
issues in an open education way.

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