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Deadly dance of AN

(Science and health by Jhon Mark Candor)

Anorexia nervosa (AN) or simply anorexia is a deadly dance eating disorder specify by
abnormally low body weight.

Person with anorexia refuses to eat enough food that affect their physical appearance and
also mental behaviour or to unable to maintain their minimum weight index. In simplest term, they
fear of gaining weight.

Person with anorexia tend to control their diet usually restrict the amount of food they eat.
They control this by vomiting after eating.

Anorexia’s symptoms may distinguish as having a thin appearance or extreme weight loss it is
difficult to notice the sign because for some it is just a normal weight loss

Physical symptoms of AN may include fatigue, hair fall, insomnia, and dry or yellowish skin
these are some of anorexia physical symptoms.

Individuals with AN also experience exercising excessively, restricting food intake through diet
or fasting, vomiting to get rid of food which may include the use of laxatives, enemas, diet aids just to
prevent gaining weight.

There is no exact cause of anorexia, but there are some factors that might be involved such as
genes and hormones, social attitude that promotes very thin body types.

Genes and hormones may play a role; individuals that are involved with anorexia are more
likely to carry a variant of 5HT2A receptor, which is increase the amount of serotonin in the non-
starved state.

Simplified, serotonin is a chemical produced in the brain that is influencing the behaviour and
hunger of individual diagnosed with AN

To treat this eating disorder, the individual should take a therapy, often an individual therapy
called cognitive behavioural therapy, CBT helps to change unhealthy thoughts and behaviour. Its
objectives is to help you to learn how to control your strong emotions and build stronger self-esteem

Nutritional rehabilitation, restoration of weight and nutritional status is the main elements in
treatment of AN, this aims to restores a healthy body weight and reverse the medical complications of
the disorder and to improve eating behaviours.

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