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Gamify Your Growth

The Point System

During our lives, we will make thousands of decisions. Some will be positive and
bring light into our lives, while the negative decisions will build mud. We often seek
immediate satisfaction and make decisions that help us in the short term, but
ultimately hurt us in the long run. One way to encourage yourself to make better
decisions and positively impact your life is to think of your life as a spiritual game. The
reason is because immediate goals can be gamified.

Every time you make a decision, you either lose or win points in the game. When we
view our life as a spiritual game, we look at obstacles and interactions as ways to gain
points. In order to move on to the next level, you have to collect points by making
positive decisions and actions. To effectively do this, we need emotional mastery
(the accumulation of consciousness). Any time you take a positive action, you gain
points in the game of spirituality. Conversely, every time you take a negative action,
you lose points in the game. When you decide to go out of your comfort zone, for
example, you gain points. If you accumulate enough points, you accelerate to the
next level in the spiritual game of life. As you visualize your life as a game, see yourself
collecting points with each positive response. Any decision, interaction, challenge, or
event during our life can be turned into a game.

Have you had the experience where you’ve felt your life was looping, a sort of
“groundhog day” experience where you don’t get the lessons of the level? When this
happens, you get “rebooted” back to the same level and the same experience is
typically worse. This is because the universe wants to get your attention. It gives you
multiple chances to do better. Why? Because the life within you (your soul) wants to
advance. How do you escape this loop? Forgiveness of self and others. The deepest
reason you are here is for your evolution. Growing emotionally and spiritually is not
easy. This is why you get many chances to evolve.

Key Terms
Gamification - Adding game mechanics such as levels or points into activities that do not
currently incorporate them.

Emotional Mastery - High level of consciousness; the ability to identify, understand, use,
and control emotions in positive ways.

Reaction - An automatic action or behavior to a situation or event.

Response - A conscious decision to act or respond in a certain way.

Growth - Expansion: the process of developing or maturing physically, mentally, spiritually.

Transformation: The act of transforming; a change in form, appearance, nature, or character.

Reaction vs. Response
Remember, there is a difference between a reaction and a response. A reaction is
something that happens automatically. For example, if someone cuts you off while
driving, your automatic reaction might be to honk your horn. Responses are different
because they are something that we consciously choose. The word response comes
from the word “responsibility,” which means the ability to choose our response in any
given situation. We need to train ourselves out of the need to label and judge things.
Judgment poisons the self.

Now imagine the same scenario again. You’re driving and someone cuts you off, but
instead of automatically honking your horn, you choose to pause for a moment. This
pause gives you the opportunity to implement restriction. In this case, you might
think to yourself that this person who cut you off is having a bad day. Or perhaps they
are running late to work. Perhaps they are worried about getting fired because they
have been late before. Maybe this worry is causing them to act unconsciously
themselves. In this moment, instead of being offended that you got cut off, you may
choose compassion. This allows you to score major spiritual points. Purification of the
heart leads to advancement of the next level.

Ask yourself the following questions and journal:
List some actions you can take to add points to your life
What’s a current challenge you’re facing that you can gamify
What default reactions are making you lose points
How can you alter your unconscious reactions into conscious responses in order
to gain points?

Gamify Your Growth
This is a game of transformation. Getting enough points will change your
consciousness and change your life. Challenges are merely opportunities to gain
points. In every situation, we have default reactions and intentional responses. Our
default reactions might be reacting to a situation with anger or not sticking up for
ourselves. When we choose to restrict our default reactions and respond intentionally
instead, we transform ourselves. The ability to respond instead of react is as simple a
practicing the pause. Each time you do this, you gain awareness.

For instance, if you have a conflict with someone and you choose to resolve it with
compassion instead of anger, congratulations! You just hit a new level in the game. In
certain seasons of your life, it will feel like you are facing many obstacles, but just
remember that as long as you’re collecting spiritual points, you’re actually winning
the game.

Make a game out of turning the negative into positive
There is a difference between a default reaction and a conscious response
Gain points by changing your default reaction to an intentional response
There are an infinite number of levels in the spiritual game of life
Take positive action, gain points. Take a negative action, lose points
Use the AlterCall Modalities to help you advance in the game of life.


1. What was a recent interaction or event where you had a chance to gain points?

2. Did you gain or lose points from that interaction?

3. If you lost points, first forgive yourself. Next, list any actions you can take so that
next time you will gain points.

4. List any fun ways you can gain points. This could be through donations working at
charity events, offering to help a friend, covering a shift for a coworker,
complimenting someone, etc.


Meditation Exercise

Visualize yourself as Mario in Super Mario Brothers. Your goal is to overcome

obstacles and gain points and strength, so you can master the levels of the game.
With each new level, the game gets faster and more fun. In the event that you fail to
learn the lesson from the obstacle, you’ll have to start the level over. See yourself
having to repeat a level, but going through that level much faster. This doesn’t mean
that we won’t have obstacles, it just means our ability to navigate these obstacles will
continue to improve. Now, see your strength growing and the game getting more
fun with each level you master. Journal your experiences and emotions.


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