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182 Chapter 18 Persuasion Peer Example Persuasion Paragraph he | Examples of Persuasion ha 66 1 argued against corporal punishment primary by showing that thas neg- ative effects 99 Put Away the Paddle Corporal punishment should not be used in secondary schools. First, corpo ral punishment aggravates antisocial behavior. Most parenting books advise parents to teach their children to solve conflicts using words rather than resort- ing to physical violence. When schools resort to physical punishment to resolve problems, they teach children itis acceptable to solve problems by hitting. Sec- ‘ond, corporal punishment blocks the opportunity for communication between teacher and student. Many students who are behavior problems in school are acting out because of real or perceived injustices at home or in society. The teacher may be the only person in the student’ life who is able and willing to help him. tf, however, the teacher resorts to paddling, any chance at communi- ‘ation and positive growth is lost. Finally, corporal punishment instills fear rather than respect. Respect comes from the fair and even-handed use of authority, not from punitive measures that rob an individual of dignity. A fac- Ulty or an administration that uses paddling to solve discipline problems is rely- ing on brute force and fear rather than on respect. Corporal punishment is ‘worse than useless it aggravates the very problems it is intended to solve.

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