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Writing a term paper on Frankenstein can be a daunting and challenging task.

This iconic novel by

Mary Shelley has been a popular choice for students to analyze and write about for decades.
However, the complexity of the story and its themes can make it a difficult topic to tackle.

Firstly, the novel itself is a masterpiece of gothic literature, filled with complex characters and
thought-provoking themes. It tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, a scientist who creates a
monstrous creature in his quest for knowledge and power. The novel explores themes of ambition,
responsibility, and the consequences of playing God.

As a result, writing a term paper on Frankenstein requires a deep understanding of the novel and its
underlying messages. Students must not only analyze the plot and characters but also delve into the
themes and symbolism within the story. This level of analysis can be challenging for many, especially
if they are not familiar with literary analysis techniques.

In addition, the novel's historical context must also be taken into consideration. Mary Shelley wrote
Frankenstein during a time of great scientific advancement, and the novel reflects the fears and
concerns of society at that time. This adds another layer of complexity to the term paper, as students
must understand the historical significance of the novel and its impact on society.

Furthermore, writing a term paper on Frankenstein also requires extensive research. Students must
gather information from various sources to support their arguments and analysis. This can be a time-
consuming and tedious process, especially for those who are not skilled in research techniques.

Given the challenges of writing a term paper on Frankenstein, it is understandable why many
students struggle with this task. However, there is a solution – ⇒ ⇔. This website
offers professional writing services that can assist students in crafting a high-quality term paper on

The team of writers at ⇒ ⇔ are experts in literature and have a deep
understanding of Frankenstein. They can provide well-researched and well-written term papers that
meet all academic standards. This will save students time and effort, allowing them to focus on other
important tasks.

In conclusion, writing a term paper on Frankenstein is a challenging task, but with the help of ⇒ ⇔, it can become a manageable and successful endeavor. Don't hesitate to seek
professional assistance and ensure that your Frankenstein term paper is a masterpiece just like the
novel itself.
After sharing their thoughts, I read the students a cute story. Victor wanted to kill the monster for
destroying his family, the monster after being neglected by his creator and all the people he had met,
decided he wasn't going to give the human raise another chance after being rejected by the little boy
who he thought was unprejudiced. This gives her moral idea on her clarification to the novel. On his
way, he is shipwrecked and he comes across Victor Frankenstein, who is the protagonist in the book.
This makes it difficult for him to understand the God’s message to humanity through his creation
(Krensky 43). When in later stages of the story, the monster mentions that he wants to have a mate
and build a family like humans do, Victor does not welcome the idea of allowing a family of
monsters to come up in the society. After putting the final touches on their essay, students created
their Frankenstein. In my opinion, his actions in chapter five were totally selfish and childish, for
someone to have worked so long and vigorously, just to reject it in the matter of the first minute or
two. Even though she creates different creatures to imply her ideas on different humanistic
relationships, Shelley’s belief on structural ground explains the numerous ideas she has enforced in
the book. I will also talk about how Shelley swings the sympathy away from the monster when he
talks about killing William. In case of humans, all power is known to be superseded by the power of
the Almighty Creator whom man refers to as God. When I had attained the age of seventeen, my
arents resolved that I should become a student at the University of Ingolstadt. It soon becomes
evident however, that he should attempt neither. Don't forget to grab your free copy of the bubble
map and lined paper below. Victor's parents thought that he should attend the University of
Ingolstadt to expand his cultural knowledge, although Victor at the time was attending the schools of
Geneva. Overall, Shelley uses blurred characters and an epic storyline to bring out the monstrous
thoughts in humans. PapersOwl showcases more free essays that are examples of Frankenstein topic.
Victor swears he will extract revenge on the creature and tracks it up North. Frankenstein Goethe in
Faust and Shelley in Frankenstein: Still the Wretched Fools They Were Before Jeremy Burlingame
Goethe in Faust and Shelley in Frankenstein, wrap their stories around two men whose mental and
physical actions parallel one another. The question that arises here is whether the writer does justice
to the human source of origin of the monster or injustice to the fact that the monster was not woman-
borne and therefore, not expected to be interested in sexual activities. Your summits are clear; the
sky and lake are blue and placid. Through Frankenstein, Shelley believes that realization of ideas can
enable a person to think beyond their contemplation (Bloom 24). The reader in fact relates to the two
characters in the story just as he would relate to the technology of building human clones and while
the monster is showcased to get emotional and wants to indulge the readers, the writer is actually
using it as a tool to showcase the monstrousness of hidden human tendencies. I think that Mary
Shelley is suggesting that at this time, society was not ready to undermine new things and new
movements as well as new ways of life such as Romanticism and social responsibility is also not
willing to understand new ways of thinking because they thought that it was wrong so usually people
that do come up with these kind of attitudes and radical ways of thinking are either usually ignored
or cursed. An example would be the creature, society lashed out on the creature when they first saw
it, and they had every right to because at that time nothing of the sort was ever created, but it shows
that society at the time would rather judge by someone’s cover rather than look deep down and find
out the real reason why he has been turned out to be like this. Identify specific cultural and national
events linked to at least 3 plays. The story begins with a letter from Captain Walton to his sister.
Frankenstein tries to justify his dining with pigs because he acknowledges his actions to waste
resources (Krensky 43). Humans have grown with the understanding that for procreation, a male and
a female must come together. Also, it shows how society is quick to judge on things without
gathering all the facts.
So when these two striking differences are mixed they form and altogether different, unnatural
being. He explains this convincingly as a realization of his thoughts and taking control of them. The
origin of the monster is highly ambiguous and therefore, the expression of the ghost, his activities,
expectations and thoughts are unscrupulously new. We are all aware now, that the ferociousness and
inhumanity of the monster’s actions are a direct result of the confused and immoral origin of the
monster, which happens to be in the hands of a Victor Frankenstein who was in a trance. While there
are many criticisms of the work, the present article will concentrate upon the origin of the monster
and how different schools of thought show that he is incapable of survival in a human dominated
world. Victor is successful in creating life, but is horrified and repulsed by what he created. Victor
relives his story to Walton about what he did, which emphasizes the “story within a story” narrative.
Shelley has used words like “trance”, “work-shop of filthy creation”, and “all soul and sensation”
(Shelley, 50), which add that poetic flavor to a scene that is in plain words horrendous and ethically
wrong. He was rescued by Captain Walton and his crew, but he still succumbed to his illness. Using
the power of spirit to rule over the world is often a writer’s chance to open up different visuals in the
mind of the reader. Adam’s rejection by God after sinning enabled Shelley to create her idea of
Adam in the novel. It is a result of the revolution that changed the standard perception of the world
and the possibilities of a human being. In the Bible, the prodigal son dines with pigs because he lacks
the capacity to buy a genuine meal. As the reader gets deeper in to the story, one begins to notice
that both Victor and his creation were filled with a voracious reprisal. Reviews Select overall rating
(no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. In his criticism of Shelley’s work, Martin
Tropp correctly points out that Shelley tried to create a ghost story with a scientific context that lost
its impact because the main protagonist was indulged in psychomachia (Tropp, 52), which means
psychological tension and stress that arises from a conflict between mind and soul. In this story, the
scientific vision of creation, that is solely man-made, is generated by making Victor the sole creator
of a monster, which is born out of no woman. Her contemporary ideas depended on her spirituality
and religious grounds. As Tropp points it out, Shelley gave everyone a glimpse of the large scale
disaster that cloning can lead to, although in a much dramatized form. Because of wrong
investments, Frankenstein lost all his money and spent the night in a pigsty. After reading these
books, Victor had a different view of the world. Overall, Shelley uses blurred characters and an epic
storyline to bring out the monstrous thoughts in humans. For example he only made the monster
because he wanted to prove to everyone that he was capable of creating life because he thought to
himself that he was acting as God. It seems that since the beginning of human life we have always
nosed around and meddled with thing which are way out of our power; it is in our nature to search
for knowledge which we do not posses. Her studies exposed her to many forms of literature. In
Chapter 10, for example, Victor laments on how the sight of the awful and majestic in nature always
had the effect of solemnizing his mind and caused him to forget the passings cares of life
(Frankenstein 214). Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?2.00
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reviews Not the right resource. Also, it shows how society is quick to judge on things without
gathering all the facts. Victor Frankenstein is a person who wishes to create a being of his own type.
She was left in the care of Godwin, another writer.
At first he was creating this creature to try and preserve life so that no one should ever have to suffer
death and its effects again but he is more concerned about the end result rather than the
consequences. The creature for his actions, Frankenstein for not looking after his creation and
teaching him right from wrong, society for rejecting the creature and not helping Frankenstein to see
the consequences of his actions, and for not showing him how he could help. In the Greek tale,
Prometheus was a Titan who gave the fire of the Gods to mankind. If he had have took the time to
help his creature learn and taught it about life then maybe the outcome would have been the one he
was hoping for rather than the tragic one he got. He does this because of his two ambitions, one
arrogant and one noble. Among these collegues that Shelley would meet, were Humphry Davy and
William Nicholson. Even though she creates different creatures to imply her ideas on different
humanistic relationships, Shelley’s belief on structural ground explains the numerous ideas she has
enforced in the book. Although he spent countless hours and days into the project of making life
using electricity, when the end result came, since it was not up to his standard he rejected it
completely which utterly ignored everything like the creature’s feelings and its needs. He compared
the two interactions with an aim of achieving a similar result. Last, students copied their edited essay
on lined paper. Although Shelley advises a person to take control of his or her thoughts, the
realization of this factor takes a different twist in comparison to the Bible. To what extent does
gender actually dictate thought process. Shelley used the death of Frankenstein’s parents to create
reasoning that satisfies the audience. Even though they were able to see the beauty in the world,
each one of them had a dark side. Students did all editing at home with their parents. Because of
this, Frankenstein does not recognize God as the creator but himself. Reviews Select overall rating
(no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. Throughout the book, Victor continues
trying to escape the creature. Mu?nchen: GRIN Verlag, 2008. Print. Krensky, Stephen. Frankenstein.
Minneapolis: Millbrook Press, 2007. Print. By saying this however, I think Mary Shelley is
suggesting that Romantics are also, in their own way, doing the exact same thing, pushing boundaries
that they were not supposed to and that sometimes their actions can lead to dire consequences and
they might not have the responsibility needed to control the situation that may arise. Godwin
believed in giving his daughter an education equal to the one boys would receive. Later on, the
creature learns and develops his English understanding simply by trying to mimic what others say.
He is currently stuck as the water has since been overridden by ice, making it impossible for him and
his crew to continue his dangerous mission. In today's society this is an unasked question lurking in
the corners of cottages and winter getaways where food is cooked over a wood stove and the
information highway is just a dirt road. Before you begin, consider the level of interest of the person
s who will be reading it. Shelley reflects this in the behavior of her characters. This makes the readers
feel angry towards Frankenstein for turning his back on his creation, and makes us sympathise more
with the creature. Yet, Mary Shelley chooses to use pathetic fallacy to reflect the mood of Dr.
Frankenstein and to also warn you to expect the unexpected. Just as Victor had once done, the
monster came upon three books. This blurs their legitimate origins in the story and removes hem
from being regular characters in society.
As Tropp points it out, Shelley gave everyone a glimpse of the large scale disaster that cloning can
lead to, although in a much dramatized form. This also makes the reader feel that he is monstrous
and heartless. From there she began writing the Modern Prometheus, or as it would be called,
Frankenstein. In my opinion, his actions in chapter five were totally selfish and childish, for someone
to have worked so long and vigorously, just to reject it in the matter of the first minute or two. He
began travelling to demonstrate the medical benefits of electricity. He is portrayed in more detail, as
a normal being with the same thoughts, feelings and needs as every human on the planet. Victor is
seen to go through several such psychologically intense situations throughout the story, in which
there is no basis or reason behind the monster’s psychology or actions. Victor is very negative
towards the creature, during his narration. Now with his creator dead, the creature can end his own
suffering. As a young boy Frankenstein enjoyed learning new things. My first Halloween treat of the
season was homemade. Each one of them read different books that changed the way they viewed the
world. He compared the two interactions with an aim of achieving a similar result. He feels
exhausted by his “toils”, fed up and is itching to finish his work and bring the creature to life. Many
argue that quite a few salient features of the original novel are missing from its movie version.
Throughout the story, Victor Frankenstein and his creation share hatred towards one another. Since
she is an atheist, Shelley used this storyline to specify her ideas on humanistic relationships. In the
Greek tale, Prometheus was a Titan who gave the fire of the Gods to mankind. By continuing we’ll
assume you’re on board with our. It tells the enthralling tale of Dr. Victor Frankenstein, a scientist
consumed by his need to find a way to preserve life, as he succeeds in creating an immortal, super
strong creature using different attributes of corpses. In his criticism of Shelley’s work, Martin Tropp
correctly points out that Shelley tried to create a ghost story with a scientific context that lost its
impact because the main protagonist was indulged in psychomachia (Tropp, 52), which means
psychological tension and stress that arises from a conflict between mind and soul. This is in
reference to the Bible, which discusses the prodigal son and his wasteful ideas. “My food is not that
of man; I do not destroy the lamb and the kid to glut my appetite; acorns and berries afford me
sufficient nourishment” (Hadjetian 78). Adam’s rejection by God after sinning enabled Shelley to
create her idea of Adam in the novel. Shelley used this idea to enable the audience to take control of
their thoughts. Therefore, again the monster’s origin is non-human which makes him unfit to exist in
the human society, let alone be born or have a family. While reading the story, the reader can see
similarities between. Hopefully, students will be able to create a thesis statement for their
Frankenstein research papers all by themselves now. The fact that Adam did not fulfill his promise to
God by eating the forbidden fruit enabled Shelley to come up with a resembling storyline. Write a
review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. Frankenstein
believed that some of the creatures could develop a different sense of realization from God’s creation.
The same is portrayed by his vision of a dead Elizabeth wherein he sees the monster staring at him
and looks in contempt. Elizabeth is the double of Victor’s mother and Walter is a possible
Frankenstein himself who believes in science and creation through technology. Through
Frankenstein, Shelley believes that realization of ideas can enable a person to think beyond their
contemplation (Bloom 24). These books shaped how the monster viewed the world around him.
According to Shelley, Frankenstein achieved the same forum as God. Then he sees the Monster
running away from the crime scene and makes a conclusion that the Monster was the killer. Scholars
can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. Don't
forget to grab your free copy of the bubble map and lined paper below. Later on, the creature learns
and develops his English understanding simply by trying to mimic what others say. I think that Mary
Shelley is suggesting that at this time, society was not ready to undermine new things and new
movements as well as new ways of life such as Romanticism and social responsibility is also not
willing to understand new ways of thinking because they thought that it was wrong so usually people
that do come up with these kind of attitudes and radical ways of thinking are either usually ignored
or cursed. God’s creation is not similar to Frankenstein because of the divine power that he possess.
In the bible, Adam eats the forbidden fruit and plunges humanity on satanic grounds. Because of
wrong investments, Frankenstein lost all his money and spent the night in a pigsty. Analysis of
Frankenstein Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is a book about a mad scientist called Victor
Frankenstein. Her perception to this theory originated from the distant thinking of the structural
belief of humankind. Her imagery is also used to reveal Frankenstein opening sentence in the
introduction of chapter five. In Walton’s second letter to his sister, he refers the poem by saying he
will kill no albatross. If you want a unique paper, order it from our professional writers. In her novel,
Frankenstein takes the role of both God and Adam. Frankenstein used this quote to justify his
decision to dine with the pigs. Her contemporary ideas depended on her spirituality and religious
grounds. Even though they were able to see the beauty in the world, each one of them had a dark
side. This gives her moral idea on her clarification to the novel. Frankenstein integrates his ideas
towards an understanding of his creation. He was rescued by Captain Walton and his crew, but he
still succumbed to his illness. Frankenstein perceived himself to be a different scientist from the rest
because of the ideas he had from others. But where was mine? He had abandoned me: and, in the
bitterness of my heart, I cursed him’. We learn that through rejection, loneliness and people’s hatred
of him, he is driven to do bad things. This also makes the reader feel that he is monstrous and
heartless. The key events in this novel symbolize Mary Shelley’s problems in real life, in one way or
He suggested that humans could have a better understanding of themselves if they took control of
their thoughts. Just as Victor had once done, the monster came upon three books. I had hitherto
attended the schools of Geneva; but my father thought it necessary, for the completion of my
education, that I should be made acquainted with other customs than those of my native country'
(Shelley 25). Transgression is when someone or something pushes a boundary that has not been
pushed before. The monster vowed to be with him on his wedding night, and Frankenstein
misinterpreted him and thought that he would kill him but did not realise that he would kill Elizabeth.
In his criticism of Shelley’s work, Martin Tropp correctly points out that Shelley tried to create a
ghost story with a scientific context that lost its impact because the main protagonist was indulged in
psychomachia (Tropp, 52), which means psychological tension and stress that arises from a conflict
between mind and soul. This is probably because the creature has done many bad things and Victor
does not want to have to blame himself for this. It is the pivotal point; if Frankenstein hadn’t brought
the monster to life then he would have led a happy, normal life with all of his family alive and well.
This makes the readers feel angry towards Frankenstein for turning his back on his creation, and
makes us sympathise more with the creature. They were instructed to write at least 3 details in each
bubble. One main event that started the quench for the undying hatred and sorrow was the death of
Victor's son, William. Analysis of Frankenstein Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is a book about a mad
scientist called Victor Frankenstein. Shelley did not use this concept to discredit the work of God,
but to realize her thoughts on humanity. Although he spent countless hours and days into the project
of making life using electricity, when the end result came, since it was not up to his standard he
rejected it completely which utterly ignored everything like the creature’s feelings and its needs.
Victor becomes consumed with discovering the secret of creating life. His academics took a different
turn when he realized that he could take control of his thoughts. In his pursuit of this knowledge,
Victor creates a living creature made of body parts of corpses. Wollstonecraft was a writer who
would become known as a foremother of feminism. However, in this book, we are shown that the
creature is driven to do these terrible things by his life of rejection, loneliness and hatred. Each one
of them read different books that changed the way they viewed the world. In Walton’s letters, he
tells his sister of his encounter with the scientist Victor Frankenstein. This is because Shelley
intended to differentiate humanity and manmade creatures. As Victor tells the readers of the horrific
things the creature has done, we start to expect that the creature is a cruel, heartless monster. This
makes the reader feel, that the creature is a monster because he has killed a child, and that is seen as
a monstrous thing to do. Frankenstein refused to be a part of his life and so he was left to fend for
himself without any knowledge of human life or even a name. These tales excited in us a playful
desire of imitation. When Frankenstein lost his parents, he thought he could assume God’s role in
making another creation. People devote their lives to studying and advancing their knowledge, but
their advancement is always held in. This gets viewed as a similarity between God's creation and
frankenstein's creation. This blurs their legitimate origins in the story and removes hem from being
regular characters in society.
The question that arises here is whether the writer does justice to the human source of origin of the
monster or injustice to the fact that the monster was not woman-borne and therefore, not expected to
be interested in sexual activities. Instead we get a sensitive and caring being, which has been driven
to do terrible things. Thus, in view of the study above, we see that Frankenstein is a story of
confused origins and the horrendous result of having such characters in society and in a story.
Analysis of Frankenstein Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is a book about a mad scientist called Victor
Frankenstein. This gets viewed as a similarity between God's creation and frankenstein's creation.
They both had the desire to expand their knowledge and learn new things. From them, Shelley
learned of the work of Giovanni Aldini. People who reduced themselves to body snatching were
only punishable by fine or imprisonment, not execution or transportation. However on the next page
we are shown his noble ambition to be able to bring the dead back to life. “I thought that if I could
bestow animation upon lifeless matter, I might in process of time (although I now found it
impossible) renew life where death had apparently devoted the body to corruption”. Frankenstein’s
creativity was influenced by the death of his parents. The significance of Captain Walton’s decision
to turn home was it gave the creature the sense of belonging. She however died as a result of
childbirth complications. Mary Shelly came up with the storyline because of her illusions with
scientists. Frankenstein was originally titled The Modern Prometheus. Instead, this was a period in...
This makes it a difficult term to specifically define, but there are a number of characteristics that
united works of art and literature produced during this time. The arrogant ambition is to be
remembered and respected for the creation of a whole new species. An example of imagery, is when
stated on page 56 “sometimes my pulse beat so quickly and hardly that I felt the palpitation artery; at
others, I nearly sank to the ground through languor and extreme weakness.” This shows that his
pulse was beating so fast that he was getting weak. Shelley claims that her story came to her in a
dream. In our quest to know more, we risk the chance of destroying ourselves in the process.We
experiment with the natural order thinkning we can change it. The Holy Scripture does not recognize
her imitations of the earth’s creation. Frankenstein sleeps with pigs after wasting so much money in
wrong investments. Nevertheless, Frankenstein does bring life to the dead limbs that lay before him
and the monster is born. Victor is seen to go through several such psychologically intense situations
throughout the story, in which there is no basis or reason behind the monster’s psychology or
actions. Even though they were able to see the beauty in the world, each one of them had a dark
side. Elizabeth is the double of Victor’s mother and Walter is a possible Frankenstein himself who
believes in science and creation through technology. The students were so excited about this
assignment. This is because of Frankenstein’s imitation of God in his creation of creatures (Bloom
32). Book Summary of Frankenstein The novel is composed epistolary form, or in the form of letters
exchanged between two characters — a captain of the ship Robert Walton and his sister, Margaret
Walton Saville. The main story and its characters have dubious origins giving critics ample reason to
consider Frankenstein as a story of confused origins. The circumstance on which my story rests was
suggested in casual conversation.

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