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Effect of Exercise on Body Spectrums

Effects of Exercise on Muscular System

we know that exercise is good for health and fitness. But we don’t know what or
how many specific advantages we get from regular exercise. Regular exercise
helps us to improve muscle tone, better posture, less fatigue and good health.
These changes occur only when exercises are performed regularly. The following
are the effects of exercises on muscular system-

1. Muscle Hypertrophy: When individuals take part in various physical

activities regularly then its shape and size improves. The cross-section area
of muscles also improves. Strength of each muscle fiber also enhances
which ultimately increases the strength of the muscle.
2. Energy Supply to Muscle: Due to long training period the size of the
mytochondria increases which improves the energy supply to the muscles.
By other sources like ATP, muscle glycogen and creatine phosphate also
provides energy to the muscles in our body.
3. Formation of more Capillaries: By doing exercises regularly, the number
of capillaries in the muscles increases so that during their working or
contraction muscles get sufficient amount of O 2 and blood and thus the
muscle gets more red in colour.
4. Posture: When students perform exercises regularly then it also leads to the
development of better posture and they also are saved various postural

Actually, postural deformities occur because of inactivity of the related

muscles. If we are exercising regularly muscles of the body can maintain
good posture.
5. Strength and Speed: Regular exercise helps to increase the strength and
speed of the muscles. When we perform exercise regularly strength of the
individual muscle fiber and its contraction improves, which ultimately
enhances the strength and speed of the muscle.
6. Delays Fatigue: Regular exercise helps in delaying the onset of fatigue. The
students feel fatigued because of formation of CO 2, lactic acid and acid
phosphate during activity. When we perform exercises regularly, then in our
body accumulation of all these chemicals becomes less and at the same time
body develops resistance against these chemicals, which helps us to delay
the fatigue.
7. Controls Extra Fat: When we perform exercises regularly, then it helps us
to maintain the required percentage of fat on our body. We also regularly
burn the calories by participating in various physical activities which in turn
helps us to maintain the required amount of fat on our body. Physical
activities also reduce the amount of fat around the muscles and help to
increase the lean body mass.
8. Increases Food Storage: The storage capacity of food increases because of
regular exercises. Regular training or participation in physical activities
increases the reserves of ATP and creatine phosphate in the muscles which
provides energy to the muscles, as and when required.
9. Reaction Time: When we perform exercises regularly muscle tone
improves which helps to reduce the contraction time as well as it improves
the reaction time.
10.Muscles Remain in Tone Position: When we perform regular exercises
then muscles remain in tone position which means muscles remain under
some amount of contraction. Muscles become firm and maintain slight,
steady pull on the attachments.
Effects of Exercise on Circulatory System
Regular exercise by an individual over a long period of time has valuable
effects on the circulatory system of our body. Regular physical activities
change the anatomy and functions of the heart in order to meet the
requirement of sufficient amount of oxygen and blood by the various
muscles of the body. As a result of regular training following changes in
circulatory system can be seen:
1. Hypertrophy of the Heart Muscle: When exercises are of performed
regularly for long duration, heart muscles by also get exercised indirectly
which helps to improve the strength of the cardiac muscles.
2. Heart Rate: Regular training reduces the heart rate at di rest. Generally, in
an individual heart beats 72 times per minute at rest. But in case of trained
individual who has undergone systematic training for considerably long
time, this value may be 50-55 beats per minute or lesser.
During training, heart rate also indicates marked difference in case of trained
and untrained individual. In Case of a beginner or untrained individual heart
rate can go up to 180-200 beats per minute, whereas, for a trained individual
this value can go up to 240 beats per minute.
3. Stroke Volume: It is the amount of blood coming out of the heart during its
single contraction. Due to training efficiency and strength of the cardiac
muscles improve, which provides better stroke volume.
4. Control of High Blood Pressure and Hypertension: Hypertension or High
B.P. is directly related with the development of heart diseases. Regular
exercise increases the elasticity of arteries, which reduces the risk of getting
various heart problems.
5. Cholesterol Level: When we perform regular exercises in that condition, we
will be able to control and maintain lower level of fat (Cholesterol and
Triglycerides), in blood serum, which ultimately helps us in preventing
various heart problems.

6. Increase in Number and Efficiency of Capillaries: Due to regular exercise

efficiency of already existing capillaries improves and new capillaries are
also formed so that active muscles can get sufficient supply of blood during
activity. Latent or unused capillaries also become active due to regular

7. Number of R.B.C. and W.B.C. Increases: When we perform regular

exercises number of RBC in our blood increases which helps to provide
more nutrients like hemoglobin and oxygen to the muscles and in the same
way by exercise number of WBC also increases in our body.
8. Delaying Fatigue: When an individual performs activities various chemical
changes takes place, due to which lactic acid, phosphates and CO 2, get
produced at the end, which causes fatigue in the muscles. But when an
individual performs physical activities regularly, then muscle developing
resistance against these chemicals which helps us in delaying the fatigue up
to some extent.
9. Fast recovery: Fast recovery means how quickly an individual is able to
regain his normal position after an activity. It has been observed that a
trained individual recovers fast in comparison to an untrained individual.
Heart rate, respiration, perspiration etc., become normal quickly for trained
individuals whereas untrained individuals require more time to recover.
Effects of Exercise on Respiratory System

When we take part in physical activities regularly, the demand of oxygen

increases. That is why depth of breathing also increases to meet the requirement
of oxygen for the muscles. In-take of oxygen, rate of exchange of gases in air
sacs also increases. Along with these changes, following important changes also
take place in respiratory system:

1. Improved Tidal Volume: Training helps to improve the strength of muscles of

thoracic cavity which helps to increase the lung volume. This brings about an
increase in the tidal volume.
2. Improved Vital Capacity: Vital capacity of the lungs also improves due to
regular training. This improves, due to the increase in inspiratory reserve
volume and expiratory reserve volume.
3. Decrease in Rate of Respiration: For a beginner, during exercises he has to
take long and quick breathing to meet the requirement of oxygen to various
muscles of the body. As training progresses continuously for longer duration
i.e., when he becomes trained, then his rate of respiration decreases and he can
respire more easily.
4. Faster Recovery: The recovery time to gain normal breathing after physical
activities becomes shorter, means a trained individual takes less time to recover.
5. Unused Alveoles Become Active: In case of untrained individuals many of the
alveolus of lungs remains inactive. As individuals start taking part in various
physical activities, these passive alveolus become active to meet the
requirement of oxygen for the muscles of the body.
6. Improved Gas Exchange Capacity: Due to regular training more capillaries
will be opened in the alveoli which improves gas exchange capacity of the
lungs. More oxygen will reach the working muscles and helps in reducing the
7. Smooth and Regular Breathing: Due to regular training a trained person
inspires more air in one inhalation than an untrained person. Thus, during rest, a
trained individual requires less number of inhalations per minute, whereas an
untrained individual requires same and normal number of inhalations. That is
why a trained individual has more smooth and regular process of respiration.
8. Strength of Respiratory Muscles Improves: Due to regular training, strength
of diaphragm and inter coastal muscles, which is also known as respiratory
muscles improves.
9. Helps to Avoid Second Wind: Whenever an untrained individual starts an
activity, in the beginning of that activity he faces various discomforts and feels
like stopping that activity. But after sometimes all these symptoms disappear
automatically. This occurs due the phenomenon of second wind. But a trained
individual does not face any such symptoms, while starting an activity, which
helps a trained individual to avoid second wind during training.

Effect of Exercise on Digestive System

When we perform exercises regularly, functioning and efficiency of digestive
organs also improves. But, we should never go for just after taking food. When
we eat food, supply of if we are participating in physical activities, then
digestive organs will not get sufficient blood supply which may cause various
other problems related to digestion of food. So, it is always recommended that
we should not take part in activities immediately after taking food. Regular
training will have permanent effects on our digestive system. Some of them
are given below:
1. Better Digestion and Absorption: Regular participation in training
helps an individual to improve his digestion. He requires more energy to
work more which he gets from more food. Thus, physical activities help
in better digestion which in turn gives more energy.
2. Increased Appetite: Regular participation in physical activities requires
a lot of energy, which we can get by increasing in-take of food.
3. Avoids Constipation: Problem of constipation can be solved when we
regularly take part in physical activities, because bowel motion will be
4. Reduce Extra Fat: Exercise helps to reduce fat in the takes part in
energy to the body when an individual takes part in endurance activity.
Thus, helps to maintain a good physique.
5. Glands: Various glands related to digestive system improve their
efficiency and functioning and provide exact amount of secretion at right
6. Muscle Mass Increases: Due to regular training muscle improve their
shape and size, which enhances muscle mass or lean body mass of our

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