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- Listen to different people talking about their guilty pleasures, take notes of those ideas that are

alike to yours. Example if your guilty pleasure is related to music , takes notes of that idea.

1. Lady
2. Couple
3. Couple
4. Couple
5. Girl
6. Friends
7. boy
8. Man
9. Man
10. Lady
11. Boy
12. Group of friends
13. Pair of friends
14. Camera girl
15. Interviewer

Match the answers to their possible place in the conversation

– Eating too much cake, Binge-watching TV shows etc.

– Off the top of my head...Eat less, Work more etc.
– Out with friends, At home by yourself etc.
– I prefer not say. Honestly I don't remember
– Probably...,Trying to lose weight.

A: What is your guilty pleasure?

B: ____________________________________
A: How does it affect you?
B: ____________________________________
A: What have you done to curb this guilty pleasure?
B: ____________________________________
A: When did this guilty pleasure develop?
B: ____________________________________
A: Where do you indulge in this guilty pleasure/With whom?
B: ____________________________________
expressions to give an aproximate idea Expressions to avoid answering

As the guys from the video did, come up with 4 interesting question to know about your classmates
guilty pleasures, use extra follow up question for more detailed information

Try to answer the question by including expression to give an approximate idea or to avoid answering.


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