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The Pillars of Tawheed

You cannot be a Muslim without them

Tawheed is one of the most talked about subjects in Islam. Many people speak about it, from the secular apostates
to the deviant Muslims who support the dictator regimes in Muslim countries. But what exactly is Tawheed?

Tawheed is to comprehend, believe in and submit to Allah (swt) exclusively. This means that a Muslim believes in
and submits to Allah alone, not to any man or woman. When he prays, he does so to Allah, and when he worships,
he worships Allah alone and does not worship Allah and somebody else. He worships and obeys Allah (swt)

Tawheed has two pillars:

1st Pillar

1. To disbelieve in Taaghout (an-Nafie – to reject)

Allah (swt) says in the Qur’aan:

‫َفَم ْن َيْكُفْر ِبالَّطاُغ وِت َو ُيْؤ ِم ْن ِباِهَّلل َفَقِد اْسَتْمَس َك ِباْلُعْر َوِة اْلُو ْثَقى ال اْنِفَص اَم َلَها َو ُهَّللا َسِم يٌع َع ِليٌم‬
“…Whosoever declares kufr on (rejects) Taaghout then believes in Allah, he has grasped the most trustworthy
knot of Islam (understood the meaning of the Shahaadah).”

(EMQ al-Baqarah, 2: 256)

Allah (swt) says in the above verse that a Muslim is the one who rejects Taaghout, and then believes in Allah.
Therefore we must know what Taaghout is in order to reject and disbelieve in it. Taaghout has been defined by the
classical scholars of Islam as: “Anything people worship, obey, submit to or follow other than Allah.”

Therefore even a rock or a tree can become Taaghout, a pop idol, a fashion pin up or a fortune teller, even the law
of the land (if it is kufr). Anything people refer to, arbitrate to, worship, obey or submit to other than Allah is

Do people worship the Man Made Law in Mauritius? No maybe the answer; but do people obey the law? Yes!
Therefore the Man Made Law law is Taaghout and Muslims are obliged to reject it (if they want to call themselves
“Muslim”). Do people obey rocks? No. But do people worship rocks? Yes!

Idols are Taaghout as people worship them rather than Allah. The formula is simple and you can even try it
yourself! Anything that is obeyed, followed, worshipped, or submitted to other than Allah is Taaghout. Other
examples of Tawaagheet (plural for Taaghout) are: The Shaytaan (devil), all the present rulers in the world, the
United Nations, Man Made LAw law, Freedom, Democracy, Secularism, Liberalism, Human Rights or anything
else that is worshipped or obeyed other than Allah.

So the first and most important part of being a Muslim is rejecting Taaghout. It is not enough just to believe in
Allah and Muhammad (saw) as the Last and Final Messenger. Before you believe, you MUST reject, or in simple
terms: You are still a non-Muslim! The Muslim MUST reject anything that is obeyed, worshipped, followed or
submitted to other than Allah. No person can ever claim to be a Muslim or speak about Tawheed without to reject
Taaghout first. Whoever thinks they can, they have not understood Tawheed at all, not even by 5%.

Now that we understand the first and greatest obligation upon a Muslim is to reject Taaghout, we must now know
how exactly do we reject it! There are five ways of rejecting Taaghout which all Muslims are obliged to adhere to
and fulfil:

The five ways of rejecting Taaghout

1. To declare the Taaghout to be baatil (falsehood)

You must believe that the Tawaagheet are all falsehood, and not from the camp of Haq (truth):

‫َذ ِلَك ِبَأَّن َهَّللا ُهَو اْلَح ُّق َو َأَّن َم ا َيْدُع وَن ِم ْن ُدوِنِه ُهَو اْلَباِط ُل َو َأَّن َهَّللا ُهَو اْلَعِلُّي اْلَك ِبيُر‬

“That is because Allah – he is the truth, and what they (kuffaar) invoke besides him, it is baatil…” (EMQ al-Hajj
22: 62)

2. Keep distance from Taaghout

It is not enough just to declare Taaghout to be falsehood; you must also keep distance from it. Hence you cannot
call a ruler Taaghout but become his minister or mufti. Allah (swt) says:
‫َو َلَقْد َبَع ْثَنا ِفي ُك ِّل ُأَّمٍة َر ُسوال َأِن اْع ُبُدوا َهَّللا َو اْج َتِنُبوا الَّطاُغ وَت‬

“…worship Allah alone, and keep away from Taaghout…” (EMQ an-Nahl, 16: 36)

3. Declare animosity towards Taaghout

You must declare all Tawaagheet to be your enemy as they are the enemies of Allah. Many people declare Taaghout
to be falsehood and keep distance from it, but if you do not declare it to be your enemy you have not yet rejected

‫ِإَّنا ُبَر آُء ِم ْنُك ْم َوِمَّم ا َتْعُبُد وَن ِم ْن ُدوِن ِهَّللا َكَفْر َنا ِبُك ْم َو َبَدا َبْيَنَنا َو َبْيَنُك ُم اْلَع َداَو ُة َو اْلَبْغ َض اُء َأَبًدا َح َّتى ُتْؤ ِم ُنوا ِباِهَّلل َو ْح َد ُه‬

“…We have rejected you, and there has started between us and you, animosity and hatred for ever, until you
believe in Allah alone.” (EMQ al-Mumtahanah, 60: 4)

4. To hate Taaghout

After you have declared Taaghout to be falsehood, kept distance from it and declared it to be your number one
enemy, you must then have hatred towards Taaghout.

‫ِإَّنا ُبَر آُء ِم ْنُك ْم َوِمَّم ا َتْعُبُد وَن ِم ْن ُدوِن ِهَّللا َكَفْر َنا ِبُك ْم َو َبَدا َبْيَنَنا َو َبْيَنُك ُم اْلَع َداَو ُة َو اْلَبْغ َض اُء َأَبًدا َح َّتى ُتْؤ ِم ُنوا ِباِهَّلل َو ْح َد ُه‬

“…We have rejected you, and there has started between us and you, animosity and hatred for ever, until you
believe in Allah alone.” (EMQ al-Mumtahanah, 60: 4)

5. To make takfeer upon Taaghout

We all declare Shaytaan (Taaghout) to be falsehood, we keep distance from him, have animosity towards him and
hate him. But we must also declare him to be kaafir because the Tawaagheet are entities that are worshipped,
obeyed or followed other than Allah, therefore it is inevitable for it to be kaafir as we only obey and worship Allah
exclusively. Hence, it is impossible for the rulers of Muslim countries today to be Muslim, as they are all
Tawaagheet . Furthermore, Allah orders us to declare Taaghout to be kaafir in the Qur’aan:

‫َفَم ْن َيْكُفْر ِبالَّطاُغ وِت َو ُيْؤ ِم ْن ِباِهَّلل َفَقِد اْسَتْمَس َك ِباْلُعْر َوِة اْلُو ْثَقى ال اْنِفَص اَم َلَها َو ُهَّللا َسِم يٌع َع ِليٌم‬

“…Whosoever declares kufr on (rejects) Taaghout then believes in Allah, he has grasped the most trustworthy knot
of Islam…” (EMQ al-Baqarah, 2: 256)

After a person has fulfilled the first pillar of Tawheed, he must then fulfil the second pillar which is:
2nd Pillar is To believe in Allah (al-Ithbaat – to affirm)

After one has rejected Taaghout (by the five ways mentioned above) it is then safe to believe in Allah exclusively.
But even then, one must believe in Allah, his names, attributes and functions the way He (swt) himself describes
them and not by any limited human interpretation.

1. We believe in his Tawheed Rububiyyah

Allah alone is the creator owner

1. We believe in his Tawheed Uluuhiyyah

All our worship are directed towards Allah (swt) and not to anyone else whether it is a human, a Jinn, a System, a

1. We believe in his Tawheed Asma Wassiffa

Only Allah(swt) can be called by his names and attributes. No one else can be called by his names and atributes.

1. We believe in his Tawheed Haakimiyyah

Legislation belongs him alone. He only has the right to legislate. Only his shariah has the righ to be followed and


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