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Assignment #01

Submitted to: Dr Farhat Nisar

Submitted by: Mariam
Registration no: 081
Department: Bs psychology
Why the belief in Tauheed is important for the Muslims in daily life? Explain
in detail.

Meaning of Tauheed:
According to Islam, Tauheed means Oneness of God, it means that
there is no God but he is the one to whom The Sovereignty belongs
.Sovereignty in Islam means Hakemia. In Islamic, legal and political
theory, a holder of sovereignty is God. Allah has the supreme
authority and absolute power over all the things in this world.
QURAN SAYS: His command is only when He intends a thing that He says
to it, “Be” and it is. (Surah Yaseen)

1 pillar of Islam: There are five pillars in Islam .Pillars defines the
basic identity of Muslims, their faith, beleifs and their daily life
practices. Tauheed is the first most important pillar of Islam.
SHAHADAH; to testify that none has the right to be worshipped except
Allah and that and the acceptance of Muhammad (PBUH) as God’s
All the pillars are very important for the completion of Islam but the
faith in Oneness Of Allah and strong belief that He is only the one
who is worthy of worship and everything in this universe is in His
control . All the pillars remind Muslims about the teachings of Islam.

Importance of Tauheed in Daily Life

Tauheed, the oneness of God is important in daily life of Muslims.
Once a believer accepts that the Allah is always present and He is the
one that has authority over this whole universe that everything is in
his control then this firm belief and faith in Allah leads him to success
and prosperity. His daily life tasks are automatically directed towards Allah
and his teachings.

Allah is the supporter;

The person who has strong belief in the presence of Allah Almighty
concludes that Allah is the only supporter and the savior of man in
every situation no matter what the situations are.
Purpose of existence;
Tauheed helps Muslims to understand the purpose of their existence
in the world and why Allah has sent us in this world. The only purpose
is to worship Allah alone.
Importance of teachings of Islam;
Tauheed helps Muslims to understand the importance of teachings of
Islam and how they can spend their lives according to the teachings
of Islam and living a life in accordance with Allah’s commandments. If
a person spend his or her life according to the teachings of Islam then
there will be a great sense of satisfaction and joy and the person will
be rewarded in this world and also at the day judgment.
Individual peace;
Tauheed grants us an individual peace and courage.

Quran say’s;
“Allah is the protector of those who have faith. He will lead them from the
depths of darkness into light. As for those who disbelief, their patrons are devils:
from the light, they will lead them forth into the depths of darkness. They will be
the companions of the fire, to dwell therein forever.”

Concept of harmony; It liberates human society and gives the

concept of harmony and equality. Each person is equal in the sight of
Allah, regardless of their race, gender, or social status.
Reduces bad qualities; when we realize Tauheed and understand our
insignificance in the world, overall, our arrogance is diminished. We
know that we are entirely dependent on Allah and sustenance from
Him. If he doesn’t help us, in everything than we have nothing.
Hence, we become humble in our daily life tasks.

Reference of surah luqman

And do not turn your cheek [in contempt] towards people and do not walk
through the earth exultantly. Indeed, Allah does not like everyone self-deluded
and boastful.

Sayings of Muhammad (PBUH); ‘’All mankind is from Adam and Eve. An

Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab have any
superiority over an Arab; a white has no superiority over a black, nor does a black
have any superiority over a white; except by piety and good action’’.

This is also the main reason that finished the arrogance and which
makes our relationship strong with God. This is the firm belief that
everyone is equal in the sight of Allah and He has the authority to do
each and everything.
Enables us to have positivity; when we don’t always know what is
best for us or not, and we learn to be positive about our future. Once
we let go materialism and have faith in Allah Almighty and just focus
on giving our best and we can leave rest in Allah’s hands. A person
with strong belief in Tauheed says Alhamdulillah in every situations.
Way to live a peaceful life; this is the side effect of being content
with life. When we are not always wishing for more or wondering why
this happened, or why that didn’t happen, we gain peace. We don’t
need to be worried about things that are not in our control. We focus
on what is in our control, which provide us with peace. Similarly, a
strong belief in Tauheed means that we don’t sin or don’t engage in
deceit. The only thing that help us in life to struggle in the way of
Allah. Hence, we live life by rules, which gives us peace.
Avoidance of Shirk; Shirk is the biggest sin in Islam. It means
associating partners with Allah. Tauheed is to believe that there is no
partner to Allah and in His attributes. In other words, we do not
believe that that there is an an-other being like Him. By believing in
Tauheed we have firm believe that there is only one God. He is only
worthy of worship. Tauheed serve as a protective shield against this

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