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1- ........... the great d�vers�ty �n soc�al behav�our 9- As we w�ll be tour�ng, we could take the tent just
and hab�ts between d�fferent types of ants, most .......... we see a n�ce camps�te and want to stop.
of them have the same bas�c phys�cal
structure. A) �n case B) when
C) unless D) unt�l
A) Regardless B) Even though E) as
C) As �f D) Bes�des
E) Desp�te 10- .......... urgently callers say they need to speak
Baarmak için YESDĐL! Eskiehir

to me, I do not want any calls for the next hour.

2- Strawberr�es are .......... cheap at the moment
........... we should make some jam. A) Moreover B) Prov�ded that
C) However D) Even �f
A) both/and B) not only/but also E) The more
C) so/that D) more/than
E) as/as 11- ......... the work was phys�cally demand�ng, and
at t�mes we felt really exhausted, see�ng the
3- Th�s book �s .......... enterta�n�ng ......... end result was very sat�sfy�ng.
�nformat�ve, so I def�n�tely recommend �t to
you. A) Ow�ng to B) Even though
C) No matter D) As though
A) both/and B) e�ther/or E) However
C) so/that D) ne�ther/nor
E) whether/or 12- He has put on a l�ttle we�ght ..........he started
do�ng th�s sedentary off�ce job.
4- Some people argue that trad�t�onal blood
sports, .......... fox-hunt�ng and A) once B) when
bullf�ght�ng, should be banned because they C) desp�te D) s�nce
are barbar�c and �nhumane. E) before

A) �n case B) even when 13- It �s a pebble beach, .......... we had better take
C) as far as D) such as some beach mats to l�e on.
E) as though
A) as B) because
5- The pol�ce are determ�ned to f�nd the C) unless D) for
culpr�ts .......... long �t may take to trace E) so
14- They looked around a lot of d�fferent bu�ld�ngs
A) �n sp�te of B) however ........... they could choose the most su�table
C) even �f D) the more one to rent for the�r new bus�ness.
E) no matter
A) yet B) bes�des
6- .......... engaged �n as compet�t�on ......... as C) s�nce D) by the t�me
recreat�on, watersk��ng �s an exh�larat�ng E) so that
outdoor sport.
15- ......... he �s a strong man, he had no trouble
A) No sooner/than B) Unless/and h�k�ng w�th a heavy rucksack.
C) Whether/or D) Hardly/when
E) The more/the less A) For B) S�nce
C) Unt�l D) Prov�ded that
7- Spec�al heat sensors on the front of the E) When
rattlesnake's head enable �t......... to detect the
presence of prey �n the dark ......... to str�ke �ts 16- I'm not sure ........... he has dec�ded to take the
v�ct�m accurately. new job .......... stay w�th h�s present employer.

A) �n add�t�on/due B) not only/but also A) whether/or B) ne�ther/nor

C) whether/or D) e�ther/or C) yet/st�ll D) not only/but also
E) scarcely/when E) hardly/when

8- Peter �s leav�ng to go back to England, ....... we 17- I wasn't d�sappo�nted not to w�n the f�nal..........
are hold�ng a farewell d�nner for h�m. I hadn't even expected to get as far as I had �n
the compet�t�on.
A) or else B) s�nce
C) once D) yet A) even B) though
E) so C) however D) as
E) prov�d�ng 1

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