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1- It wasn't because she was bored 6- ........ had her broken arm mended
stay�ng at home w�th her son that she ........ she broke her other wr�st fall�ng
returned to work; ........., she loves off her horse.
look�ng after h�m, but they needed
some add�t�onal �ncome. A) The moment/wh�le
Baarmak için YESDĐL! Eskiehir

B) Ne�ther/nor
A) on the other hand C) Hardly/when
B) on the contrary
C) therefore D) If only/st�ll
D) nonetheless E) Not only/but also
E) as a result
7- You had better take some tablets w�th
2- My nephew wants to become a you ........ Pak�stan� food upsets you.
doctor; ......... he takes a spec�al
�nterest �n b�ology at school. A) so that B) as though
C) even �f D) �n case
A) although B) nevertheless
C) therefore D) however E) thus
E) bes�des 8- ......... restaurant you eat at �n th�s
town, you w�ll be able to pay w�th
3- The play was ......... well rehearsed your cred�t card. All the restaurants
......... su�table for fam�l�es. In fact, �t around here accept V�sa or Amer�can
was a complete waste of t�me see�ng Express.
A) Wh�chever B) No matter
A) ne�ther/nor
C) However D) As soon as
B) e�ther/or
C) both/and E) The more
D) not only/but also
E) so/that 9- .......... h�s �nvent�on changed the
world, he never ga�ned much
4- .......... he loves h�s work, he wasn't f�nanc�al success.
w�ll�ng to forsake h�s hol�day.
A) Desp�te B) In contrast
A) As soon as B) Much as C) No sooner D) However
C) Due to D) However
E) Although
E) Desp�te
10- ......... how many hours I spend
rev�s�ng, I don't seem to be able to
5- ......... stay�ng at the best hotel �n
catch up w�th the rest of the class.
Brussels, she was not ent�rely
sat�sf�ed w�th the serv�ce there. A) Whereas B) Although
C) Whenever D) No matter
A) Although B) Desp�te
C) Whereas D) However E) Even �f
E) Ow�ng to 1

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