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Crafting a Literature Review on Global Value Chain: A Challenging Task

Writing a literature review on the global value chain is no small feat. It requires extensive research,
critical analysis, and effective synthesis of existing literature to provide a comprehensive overview of
the topic. Delving into the intricacies of global value chains demands a deep understanding of
various disciplines such as economics, business, sociology, and international relations.

One of the primary challenges of writing a literature review on the global value chain is the sheer
volume of literature available. Navigating through numerous scholarly articles, books, reports, and
other sources can be overwhelming. Additionally, ensuring that the selected sources are relevant,
credible, and up-to-date adds another layer of complexity to the task.

Furthermore, synthesizing diverse perspectives and findings from different studies requires strong
analytical skills. It involves identifying common themes, contradictions, and gaps in the existing
literature to offer valuable insights into the topic. Moreover, structuring the literature review in a
coherent and logical manner is essential to effectively communicate the research findings to the

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Applications for 2024 entry open in September 2023. To address these issues, the paper asks: Which
policy initiatives, relating to the four state roles ( facilitator, regulator, producer, buyer ), support (or
constrain) economic, social, and environmental upgrading in GVCs. Of this total, 20 met the
minimum threshold of 63 citations per source. From her point of view, the globalization of the
economy has an obvious impact on local industrial districts, which will be successful in their
integration in global value chains if the firms included in them are able to learn and assume new
activities beyond manufacturing. Importantly, we find that these gains are related to GVC trade and
not to conventional trade. There is little doubt that understanding and informing effective state
policy in an era of GVCs is an increasingly active research agenda, and one that can and should
continue to be co-developed with the academic community. NOTES. As stated by Pietrobelli and
Staritz ( 2018 ), GVC-oriented policies are quite distinct from more general policies aimed at
supporting private sector development. Though the database chosen, WoS, gathers the majority of
the most prominent publications in this research stream, some relevant studies could be potentially
not included in it. Similar upgrading trajectories are observed when incentives are introduced. The
stringency of the regulatory framework is found to be especially effective in supporting product
upgrading (see Table 4 ). The first is its flow, also called its input-output structure. You can similarly
convert our content to any other desired screen aspect ratio. Keywords: Literature review Global
value chain International business GVC configuration JEL classification: M16. Additionally, as we
have seen in this review, most of the studies adopt a static perspective when examining the
governance decisions around the configuration of the global value chain. Mudambi and Puck (2016)
conclude that the footprint of MNEs is global when a value-chain based approach is used which also
incorporates all the externalized activities. Some of the most prominent papers in this topic are co-
authored by them, and the work of the teams in which they participate is clearly a must when it
comes to the analysis of this business trend. Public-Private Partnerships in Global Value Chains
Ajmal Abdulsamad, Hernan Manson34. The links between the nodes represent the number of times
that the keywords occur together. Results show the multidisciplinary character of the topic, including
papers published in different areas, such as business, regional studies and world development, as
well as its close link with aspects like innovation, regional development, governance or organization.
Global Value Chains and Quantitative Macro-Comparative Sociology Matthew C. Mahutga5.
Modelling Global Value Chains: Approaches and Insights from Economics Davin ChorPart II:
Governance, Power and Inequality 6. The bulk of the iPod’s value is in the conception and design of
the iPod. This product is a premium product available for immediate download and is 100 percent
editable in Powerpoint. This is clearly one of the future research lines concerning clusters and global
value chains, as well as a deep literary review that can shed an additional light on this literature.
Numerous contributions also report that some forms of economic upgrading have been achieved
(e.g., increased export shares and local firm access to GVCs), but others (e.g., higher local value
content) have not (e.g., Azmeh, 2015; Pavlinek, 2016 ). Marcel Timmer Groningen Growth and
Development Centre, University of Groningen Presentation at e-Frame final conference “GDP and
Beyond”, 11 February 2014. The case of Rwanda coffee making described by Behuria ( 2019 )
provides an interesting explanation of why GVC-oriented policies differ from traditional Private
Sector Development policies. The gains from GVC participation, however, are not automatic. The
development of the whole chain locally, initially supported by sub-national government investments,
sustained the effective diversification of final markets, as well as the process and functional
upgrading of local firms. A vast majority of the papers on the state’s role as producer suggest it is
linked to product upgrading (see Table 4 ). With complex interconnections in production, the
consequences of a currency movement for export volumes are likely to be reduced and will become
harder to predict. But special emphasis has been given to the upgrading process for local producers
that can learn from global buyers.
Table 2 offers an overview of the studies analyzing different aspects of governance structures in a
global value chain configuration. Table 2. Studies of the governance structures of global value chains.
Topic. Under this last approach, upstream activities are those that involve design and research, both
basic and applied, and the commercialization of creative endeavors; downstream activities typically
comprise marketing, advertising, brand management, and after-sales services; and middle-end
activities are related to manufacturing, standardized service delivery and other repetitious processes
in which commercialized prototypes are implemented on a mass scale. To address these issues, the
paper asks: Which policy initiatives, relating to the four state roles ( facilitator, regulator, producer,
buyer ), support (or constrain) economic, social, and environmental upgrading in GVCs. This is an
essential collection of essays that covers the micro and macro dimensions of the global value chain,
including implications for gender equality, technological innovation and social activism. In a
globalized world, managing supply chains is shockingly difficult How should a globally dispersed
supply chain be managed. This vision, however, focuses on the examination of MNEs as the unit of
analysis, which may hide the existence of global value chains that include externalized and
internalized activities. Alex Hughes (Newcastle University). Outline. Conceptual significance of non-
linearity Responsibility, ethical consumption and changing governance of GPNs 1) Networks of
responsibility 2) Ethical and emotional relations. Following a bibliometric mapping approach throw
the VOS-Viewer software ( Van Eck and Waltman, 2010 ) it is possible to detect the structure of the
research topic. However, it seems that explaining the global configuration of value chain activities
merely through a hierarchical or a market structure (the two extremes) is far from the reality. These
cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Some research is adopting this
perspective of including the whole system, in order to explore the “degree of globalness” of the
value chain ( Verbeke and Asmussen, 2016 ). This matches one of the types of value chains
identified by Yip (1989, p. 31), the multi-domestic firm configuration, in which foreign subsidiaries
are autonomous units with “ all or most of the value chain reproduced in every country ”. Also, even
if it is not frequent, some of the documents analyzed may not include keywords, which could
slightly modify the results of the co-work analysis. Yet, it is also clear that governments require a
multi-scalar appreciation of wider commercial GVC dynamics, working with multiple (and
sometimes competing) stakeholders to achieve their developmental objectives. To summarize, Table 3
offers an overview of the studies analyzing the location decisions of a global value chain
configuration. Table 3. Studies considering the geographic scope of global value chains. Topic.
Although these studies show the reasons for locating different activities in specific countries and the
benefits thus obtained, they do not show the geographical scope of a value chain, nor take into
account the complexity of today's business world or the broader range of the firm's strategic choices
( Wiersema and Bowen, 2011 ). Apple figured out how to combine 451 mostly generic parts into a
valuable product. Better Work Conference October 27, 2011 Washington, D.C.. Economic
Upgrading Lessons from Kenya Michelle Christian Duke University. Thus, management literature
has used the term “global value chain” for those cases in which some functions are located in other
countries. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY). Accessibility, User Agreement, Privacy, Payments Terms of Use,
Cookies, CA Privacy Notice, Your Privacy Choices and AdChoice. Second, there are other relevant
internal conditions within the firms that can affect the governance mode. In total, 418 contributions
have been identified using this selection process 4. The analysis suggests that when enhancing GVC
participation is the goal, policymakers often adopt facilitative strategies to invest in the development
of (knowledge) infrastructures or in the provision of incentives. Under this structure, buyers and
suppliers along the value chain need little cooperation and the cost of switching to new partners is
low for both. All in all, in order to systematize all the aspects covered above, we created Table 5 to
provide an overview of the studies analyzing how the activities of global value chains are
coordinated. Table 5. Studies considering coordination decisions of global value chains. Topic. On
the one hand, participation in global lead firm-driven GVCs may facilitate learning and enhance the
development potential for supplier firms and territories, particularly in developing-country contexts
(Gereffi, 2018 ). To decline or learn more, visit our Cookies page. This is an editable Powerpoint six
stages graphic that deals with topics like Global Value Chain Analysis to help convey your message
better graphically. Performing activities in different countries and reintegrating them through
production systems. Global production brings opportunities and challenges.
Industrialization Paths and Industrial Policy for Developing Countries in Global Value Chains Victor
Stolzenburg, Daria Taglioni, Deborah Winkler32. Sinkovics27. Supply Chain Management and
Global Value Chains Ruggero Golini, Matteo KalchschmidtPart V: International Development and
Public Policy 28. It is thus necessary to clearly identify the decisions involved in a global value chain
configuration that have been already examined and, from that, the aspects that remain unexplored.
Studies in Comparative International Development.. Article. In addition, this database is commonly
used in bibliometric studies in the fields of management and organization ( Dzikowski, 2018 ). Such
linkages account for an estimated half of the global component of Producer Price Index inflation.
Therefore, the traditional configuration of the value chain is frequently replaced by other ones which
include the collaborative participation of different agents. Value chain development must also aim at
enhancing the innovation capacity of marginalised actors. Those related to marketing, advertising,
brand management, after-sales services, etc. Specifically, an important part of the literature has
focused on explaining the reasons and effects of locating individual activities in foreign countries (
Lewin et al., 2009; Martinez-Noya and Garcia-Canal, 2011; Rodriguez and Nieto, 2016; Schmeisser,
2013 ). Accessed 14 Dec 2020.. Kaplinsky, R. 2014. Shudder: The challenges to “industrial policies”
in the early 21st century in low-and middle-income economies. Results show the multidisciplinary
character of the topic, including papers published in different areas, such as business, regional studies
and world development, as well as its close link with aspects like innovation, regional development,
governance or organization. Modular governance implies that suppliers make products according to a
lead firm's specifications, implying a high volume of codified information flow, while the lead firm
concentrates on the creation, penetration and defense of markets for end products ( Sturgeon, 2002 ).
The strength of the link is illustrated by the thickness of the link. An important aspect of governance,
location and coordination decisions is related to the dynamics that may emerge over time. And
Global Value Chains also have an important effect on job creation. Such investments are often aimed
at enhancing local skill development, value capture, and promoting broader GVC participation.
However, Covid-19 has further exposed and exacerbated the inequalities and weaknesses that exist
within these chains. On the other hand, specialization and focus on controlling certain activities is
more likely in companies with stronger dynamic competencies in internal knowledge-intensive
activities but weaker competencies in linking standardized and specialized activities. Such production
fragmentation means that intermediate goods and services cross borders several times along the
chain, often passing through many countries more than once. Ngongoni and Grobbelaar (2017)
studied how the participation of external agents spurred value cocreation in an entrepreneurial
ecosystem. Rupo et al. (2018) studied an Italian maritime cluster from different perspectives,
including value cocreation. Economic Upgrading through Global Value Chain Participation: Which
Policies increase the Value added Gains? 31. Zhi Wang United States International Trade
Commission. The journal research areas are similar when they are frequently cited together. Full size
image Overall, 232 articles were excluded because they did not meet one or more of these criteria.
Our lead validation and qualification services provide clients with the highest quality leads. From a
policy perspective, this more interventionist academic interpretation of states is reflected in an
emerging consensus (including among certain branches of more liberally oriented IOs such as the
World Bank and OECD) that state policymaking in a GVC order entails a shift in the design and
development of policy interventions for local development (ILO, 2006, 2015; UNIDO, 2002, 2011,
2015; UNCTAD, 2020 ). The key is therefore to examine these components as a whole ( Mudambi
and Puck, 2016 ). The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's
Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. On the one
hand, firm's factors affecting global value chain configuration may be related to the ownership type
of leading firms. Some scholars point to this aspect as a future line of research in which, for
example, family and non-family firms are compared ( Fernandez and Nieto, 2014 ).
The journal research areas are similar when they are frequently cited together. Regarding the design
phase, GVC policies should stem from an accurate understanding of a given GVC’s functioning and
address all the relevant actors in the chain; including specific segments of the chain (e.g., input
producers), firms populating the segments, and even typologies of workers. We can't connect to the
server for this app or website at this time. More communication, coordination and control needs.
New-generation growth corridors and their integration in global value chains in the Global South.
Our lead validation and qualification services provide clients with the highest quality leads.
Development of General Purpose Technologies in the IT sector. The previous publications of Gereffi,
frequently cited in the topic, deal with the transformations experimented by commodity chains,
pushed towards globalization due to the demand of the buyers (buyer-driven commodity chains).
Having connections with several suppliers along the value chain may increase confusion and
information overload ( Chiu, 2014 ). This cluster is, so, closely linked with the study of value
cocreation. How value chain activities are carried out determines costs and affects profits. This
configuration implies the existence of affiliates operating independently with lower levels of
coordination needs and more focus on satisfying local responsiveness ( Hansen et al., 2009 ).
However, it sacrifices the potential benefits of scale economies ( Beugelsdijk et al., 2009 ) and at the
same time incurs costs derived from replicating subsidiaries, lack of standardization, etc., which are
the pros of the global strategy ( Moon and Kim, 2008 ). A dispersed or concentrated value chain
may, however, imply different challenges and opportunities for SMEs. GVC participation will be
associated with a rising synchronization of real economic activity and inflation across countries. The
multi-national corporations that dominate international trade face fierce competition on their home
turf, mostly in high-income countries (HICs). Public-Private Partnerships in Global Value Chains
Ajmal Abdulsamad, Hernan Manson34. Thirdly, we explore the outcomes related to global value
chain configurations in terms of performance and upgrading. Several reasons motivate the co-
existence of economic up and downgrading dynamics. Other factors such as the value chain's
ownership structure and country of origin, the dynamism of the industry, etc., may also be relevant.
Presentation Plan. Background Overview of global value chains Criteria for identifying economic
activity. Innovation in Global Value Chains Rasmus Lema, Carlo Pietrobelli, Roberta Rabellotti24.
With contributions from many leading lights of the GVC approach, and rising star early career
academics, it provides a comprehensive understanding of the analysis of power, governance and
distributive outcomes of globalisation in trade and production, and identifies key challenges for
GVC research in the 21st century.' --Khalid Nadvi, University of Manchester, UK, 'Finally, a
Handbook of global value chains. The third dimension of the value chain is the control that different
actors can exert over the activities making up the chain. This is particularly evident in cases where
the state acts as producer and regulator (and especially when implementing protective measures).
Globalization motivates companies to restructure their operations internationally through outsourcing
and offshoring of activities. However, a number of papers also highlighted that such a role can be
counterproductive if not implemented effectively, in some cases resulting in economic downgrading.
Apple figured out how to combine 451 mostly generic parts into a valuable product. Porter (102
citations), who is the world’s leading authority on competitive advantage. The configuration of the
value chain in each of these governance structures may depend on several factors. Strategies for
economic upgrading in the TV format global value chain.
In what contexts are those initiatives likely to be implemented. Provide background (5 - 15%
accuracy) against which we can search for structure. Error: Try Again Ok Sell Watchlist Expand
Watch List Loading. Simply put, GVCs include all of the people and activities involved in the
production of a good or service when the different stages of the production process are located
across different countries and geographies. The stringency of the regulatory framework is found to
be especially effective in supporting product upgrading (see Table 4 ). Christopher. Logistics and
Supply Chain Management: Creating Value-added Networks. Specifically, we review the literature
focusing on the concept of the global value chain and its activities, the decisions involved in its
configuration, such as location, the governance modes chosen and the different ways of coordinating
them. While the literature acknowledges that states matter in GVCs, there is little understanding of
how they matter from a policy perspective. Indeed, the state is often engaged in designing and
implementing regulation that affect product price and quality (e.g., Gao et al., 2019; Tessmann, 2020
), labor and environmental standards (e.g., Alford, 2016; Hossain, 2019; Yoshida, 2017 ).
Paperpicks’s global team designs and executes multi-channel marketing campaigns including content
syndication and distribution that are focused on producing effective, efficient results. So, either
starting from the study of the globalization of the supply chains or stemming from the upgrading of
local clusters, the topic analyzed in this paper appears as a logical meeting point. In case the abstract
was not explicit enough to understand if these criteria were met, we performed a full-article
screening. Regarding the design phase, GVC policies should stem from an accurate understanding of
a given GVC’s functioning and address all the relevant actors in the chain; including specific
segments of the chain (e.g., input producers), firms populating the segments, and even typologies of
workers. The bulk of the iPod’s value is in the conception and design of the iPod. There are other
relational techniques such as co-authorship and bibliographic coupling, which are not suitable for
this article considering the limited number of documents and the forward-looking approach of the
study. Ravi Srivastava. Three related changes in the global production structure under discussion:
Tertiarisation (or quaternarisation ) of the world economy. Although all of them are based on
relationships with other firms, there are also differences between them. Based on the total number of
publications, Table 4 presents the most productive authors —more than two articles—. P.Lund-
Thomsen is the most productive author. Governance and Power in Global Value Chains Stefano
Ponte, Timothy Sturgeon and Mark Dallas7. According to the similarity method used by VOS-
Viewer, we have identified three clusters. Journals with more than three articles on the research topic
are listed in Table 3. All rights are reserved, including those for text and data mining, AI training, and
similar technologies. Studies in Comparative International Development.. Article. SJR uses a similar
algorithm as the Google page rank; it provides a quantitative and qualitative measure of the journal's
impact. Interestingly, such arrangements are also often used to support the achievement of social
outcomes, rather than solely economic. American company with manufactures facilities in Taiwan.
Another important issue explored in the literature about the implications of value chain activities is
related to innovation performance. These complex global production arrangements have changed the
nature of trade. Value chain development must also aim at enhancing the innovation capacity of
marginalised actors. This cluster is, so, closely linked with the study of value cocreation.

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