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The main idea of the text is that peace, as defined in the Bible, is not

merely the absence of conflict or hardship, but rather the positive state
of having a harmonious relationship with God, our neighbors, and
creation. It emphasizes that true peace comes from being in alignment
with God's will and fulfilling our responsibilities toward Him, others, and
the world around us.

Peace, according to the text, is a result of being justified by faith and

having a reconciled relationship with God through Jesus Christ. It brings
about a sense of tranquility and confidence, as well as freedom from the
fear of condemnation. This peace is described as surpassing human
understanding and guarding the hearts and minds of believers.

Patience is portrayed as the ability to have a clear vision of the future

and the tenacity to take steps towards it one by one. It involves trusting
in God's wisdom and guidance, especially in times of adversity and when
facing circumstances that may be perplexing or challenging.

The church can apply these virtues in a practical way by fostering an

environment where believers are encouraged to deepen their
relationship with God through faith and prayer. They can also support
one another in cultivating patience amidst trials and difficulties.
Additionally, promoting understanding and living out the principles of
peace and patience in everyday interactions can contribute to a more
harmonious and supportive community within the church.

Sure, I can help you with that. Here are the answers:
1. _c an orange
2. __p_ The Lord of the Rings
3. _c__ a book
4. _p_ The Holy Bible
5. __p_ Matías
6. __c the car
7. __p_ Pacific Ocean
8. __c_ an elephant
9. __c_ the school
10. _p__ Google
And the plural forms for the nouns are:

1. Knife Knives 7. Wife Wives

2. Leaf Leaves 8. Crisis Crises
3. Woman Women 9. half Halves
4. Fish Fish 10.species Species

5. Mouse Mice
6. Foot Feet

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