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About Kishida/Biden defense meeting

Japan, U.S. strongly in sync over radical defense buildup | The Asahi Shimbun: Breaking News, Japan
News and Analysis

Biden and Kishida discuss Japan 'stepping up' security - The Mainichi

Kishida, Biden Agree to Strengthen Deterrence, Response Capabilities of Alliance - The Japan News

About Tetsuya Yamagami

Japan ex-PM shooting suspect ‘fed up’ with repeated questions; uncle recommends he take English test
- The Japan News (

Suspect in Abe shooting sent to police in Nara Pref. after psych exam; charges expected - The Mainichi

Letters, gifts, money sent to man suspected of killing Abe | The Asahi Shimbun: Breaking News, Japan
News and Analysis


Japan marks 3 yrs since 1st COVID case, moving to 'normal times': top gov't spokesman - The Mainichi

Eighth wave of COVID-19 cases strain medical services, doctors | The Asahi Shimbun: Breaking News,
Japan News and Analysis

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