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Sate Ayam Gurih

Bahan-bahan :

500 gram dada ayam

Secukupnya Tusuk Sate
Bumbu Halus :
4 siung Bawang Merah
3 siung Bawang Putih
3 buah Kemiri
1 sdm Ketumbar
1 sdt garam
2 sdt gula merah
Bahan Olesan :
2 sdm Margarine
1 sdm Kecap Manis

Cara Membuat :
(1) Cuci dan potong-potong daging ayam. Kalau saya potong agak
panjang dan tipis, agar enak nusuknya, cepet matang dan bumbu
meresap. Sisihkan.

(2) Campur bumbu halus yang sudah di blender bersama kecap manis.
Aduk rata. Dan marinasi sekitar 15 menit.

(3) Tusuk-tusuk daging ayam sampai selesai. Lalu panggang di

panggangan arang atau teflon sampai kecoklatan. Sambil di oles
dengan bahan olesan. Hidangkan bersama lontong atau untuk lauk
makan. Gurih dan enak!
Tugas Bahasa Inggris
Kelas 4B

1. Fitria Aurel Difinubun

2. Anastasya
3. Hipolita
4. Gita
5. Rakha

Savory Chicken Satay

Ingredients :
500 grams of chicken breast
Sufficient skewers
Ground spices :
4 cloves of Red Onion
3 cloves of Garlic
3 candlenuts
1 tbsp Coriander
1 tsp salt
2 tsp brown sugar
Spread Ingredients:
2 tbsp Margarine
1 tbsp Sweet Soy Sauce

How to make :
(1) Wash and cut the chicken meat. If I cut it a bit long and thin, so it sticks
well, cooks quickly and the spices are absorbed. Set aside.

(2) Mix the ground spices that have been blended with the sweet soy
sauce. Stir well. And marinate for about 15 minutes.

(3) Skewer the chicken until finished. Then grill on a charcoal grill or Teflon
until browned. While smearing it with oil. Serve with lontong or as a
side dish. Savory and delicious!

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