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National Integrated Protected Areas System

(NIPAS)-It is the classification and administration of all

designated protected areas to maintain essential
ecological processes and life support systems, to
preserve genetic diversity, to ensure sustainable use of
resources found therein and to maintain their natural
conditions to the greatest extent possible.
DENR -The NIPAS is implemented by what agency.
PD 1151-It is the decree that laid the basis for requiring
Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) for
all projects and programs that effect environment
PD 979-A decree declaring as State Policy to prevent and
control the pollution of seas by dumping of wastes and
other matter which create hazards to human health,
harm living resources and marine life, damage overtime
or interfere with the legitimate uses of the sea within the
territorial jurisdiction of the Philippines.
R.A. #8435-It is the law on Agriculture and Fisheries
establishing the Strategic Agriculture and Fisheries
Development Zones (SAFDZ).
R.A. 7611-It is the Act creating the Palawan Council for
Sustainable Development and the Strategic
Environment Plan - a policy framework for sustainable
Act # 4003-The first fisheries act in 1932 where fisheries
management was under the Secretary of Agriculture and
Natural Resources.
PD 43-The Fishing Industry Development Decree of 1972
created the Fishery Industry
Development Council.
PD 1219-The Coral Resources Development and
Conservation Decree of 1976 provided the
framework for regulation of the exploitation of coral
resources within the territorial waters.
Sumilon Island -Establishing Marine Protected Areas is
now one of the key strategies of integrated coastal
management. To date, about 439 MPAs have been
legally established. The first municipal marine protected
area is located in:
 Marine Protected Area (MPA) is a general term used
to refer to areas of the sea protected
whether by law and/or in fact one or more activities.
There are many kinds of MPAs.
a. No-take zones
b. Sanctuaries
c. Reserves
 Philippine marine fisheries today are characterized
by the following:
a. depleted fishery resources
b. degraded coastal environment and critical fisheries
c. low catches/income and dissipated resource rents
 Overfishing is rooted in the de facto "open access
regime" that prevails in marine capture
fisheries. It means that:
a. resources is open for everyone
b. fisher decide where to fish, when to fish
c. decide the amount of fish to catch, what gear to apply
Ecosystem overfishing -It is a type of overfishing
where excessive fishing results in an ecological imbalance
and eventual changes in the fishery. When one species
disappears from the food web, others may replaceit,
thereby changing the whole system through an
"ecosystem shift" that effects other marine organisms.
Agenda 21, Chapter 17-It is an agreement negotiated
by governments at the United Nations Conference
onEnvironment and Development (UNCED) 3-14 June
1992 at Rio de Janiero, Brazil dealing with the protection
of the oceans, all kinds of seas, including enclosed and
semi-enclosed seas and coastal areas and the protection,
rational use and development of their living resources.
artificial reefs -It is a type of resource enhancement
structures aimed to restore the productivity of damaged
habitats to their former levels and even to further
increase the ecosystem's natural production capacity.
They are used to illustrate their value as tools for the
rehabilitation and enhancement of degraded coral reefs
and other important marine habitats.
Closed Area/Season -It is the closure of an entire
fishing ground for a particular fishing gear or a part of it,
for the protection of a section of a population such as
spawners and juveniles, the whole population or several
populations. The closure is usually seasonal abut it could
also be permanent.
E.O. # 304-It is an executive order signed by President
GMA on 02 April 2004 devolving to municipal
and city governments the registration of fishing vessels
three (3) gross tonnage and below.
E.O. #209-It is an Executive Order referring to the
guidelines and procedures for the availment by
commercial fishers of the tax duty exempt importation of
fishing vessels and Tax and Duty Rebates
on fuel consumption.
Purse seine and ringnet -In terms of commercial
fisheries production, the two (2) most productive fishing
Trawl- It is a type of fishing gear to catch demersal fishes
and whose horizontal opening of the net
is openend by wooden or steel boards and dragged by a
powered boat.
bagnet -It is a type of fishing gear resembling an
inverted mosquito net which is lowered underneath
a boat to impound school of fish attracted by light.
Majority of fish caught are pelagic fishes.
trammel net -It is three-layered nettings used to catch
garfish. It is set to drift with the current where fish
caught are impounded in the middle layer of the net.
fish corral -It is a type of fishing gear which is set along
shallow areas of the coastal waters to block
migratory fishes. It is either made up of bamboo or nets
with compartments. Major species caught
are tuna, caranx, mackerels and scads.
troll line -It is a type fishing gear towed by a banca to
catch pelagic fish such as mackerels, tuna and
other small pelagics.
catch and effort data by species -To estimate the
maximum sustainable yield (MSY) of Philippine marine
waters, two different approaches have been used. One
approach estimates of potential productivity per square
kilometer of continental shelf and deeper waters and
then multiples these estimates by the total area.
multi-gear and multi-species fishery -The Philippines
is one of the countries located in the tropical region and
the fishery is unique. It is characterized with what type of
shifting baseline-One method of detecting overfishing
is the determination of the change in biomass over time
of two major fisheries. What we regard today as a
"healthy" fish population based on the 1950s figures
(example) is in fact already significantly changed from
the actual baseline.
Cyanide Fishing Reform Program -Cyanide fishing is
not the only threat to the coral reefs and other coastal
ecosystems of the Indo-Pacific Region. Cyanide fishing
targets a very specific and high-end market, live food and
aquarium fish but very destructive to coral reefs, the
fishery resources and the environment. With these, the
International Marine Life Alliance introduced a program
that puts emphasis on cyanide detection technology,
monitoring, inspection and sampling of live ref fish, etc.
the program is called:
municipal and commercial fisheries -Marine fisheries
refers to all activities (fishing, culturing, preserving,
processing, marketing, developing, conserving and
managing) of living resources in the coastal and open
seas in the service of human needs or markets. Marine
fisheries resources include fishes, invertebrates, etc. In
the Philippines, the distinct sectors in marine fisheries
production are:
Delphi Method -It is a technique for the estimation of
the potential yield of the Philippine marine fisheries. Itis
essentially an approach for helping experts in a certain
area to reach a usable consensus on a given controversial
issue in their area of expertise. It allows for an increasing
consensus through an anonymous process which
completely eliminates the nefarious group-dynamics
effect of normal committee work.
Horizontal divergence -produces rising air over the
entire region involved. Under such conditions, stratus-
type clouds often develop
Inland Fishery -The freshwater fishery and
brackishwater fishponds
 Example of soft fiber used in making nets
a. hemp
b. flax or linen
c. jute
 Example of hard or leaf fibers
a. abaca
b. sisal
c. henequen
Gross tonnage-includes the under deck tonnage,
permanently enclosed spaces above the
tonnage deck, except for certain exemptions
saturation -When the humidity capacity of the air has
been reached.
 Classification of fishing boats as to form of the hull
or style of structure
a. round bottom
b. V-bottom
synthetic fibers –A fibers produced by chemical process
where-in different substances are mixed
until a complex and totally new material with distinct
characteristics or properties is formed
Ancillary Industries -Firms or companies related to the
supply, construction and maintenance of fishing vessels,
gears, nets and other fishing paraphernalia; fishery
machine shops; and other facilities such as hatcheries,
nurseries, feed plants, cold storage and refrigeration,
processing plants and other pre-harvest and post-harvest
Fishery operator -is one who owns and provides the
means including land, labor, capital, fishing
gears and vessels, but does not personally engage in
stapling -The spacing of loops formed when hanging
netting to a line by lifting a number of meshes
and hitching at intervals
 Approximately __85% of municipal waters of a
municipality within 3 nautical miles
of the coastline is considered overfished.
National Agriculture and Fisheries Education
System - NAFES means
 Type of biological overfishing except...
a. growth overfishing
b. recruitment overfishing
c. ecosystem overfishing
Precipitation -is any condensed moisture that falls to the
ground surface
West Palawan Waters, South Sulu Sea, Visayan
Sea, Moro Gulf-The top 4 fishing grounds (1992-1995)
of the country: (in order; high to low)
Archimedes Principle -A body immersed in liquid
seems to lose weight. This apparent loss of weight is
exactly equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the
relative -humidity is the ratio to which reference is
6ft -One (1) fathom is equivalent to . .
1.85 km -One (1) Nautical mile is equivalent to . . .
mucus -Fish odors are present in . . .
ganoid -Scales of gars and birchirs.
203. Enamel compound found in placoid.
a. isopedine
b. denticles
c. cosmine
d. vitrodentine
204. Study of poison gland and their secretions.
a. ichthyology
b. ichthyosarcotoxism
c. ichthyoacanthotoxism
d. Ichthyotoxism
205. Intoxication resulting from eating poisonous
fishes . . .
a. ichthyology
b. ichthyosarcotoxism
c. ichthyoacanthotoxism
d. Ichthyotoxism
206. Intoxication resulting from stun by venomous fishes.
a. ichthyoacanthotoxism
b. ichthyosarcotoxism
c. Ichthyotoxism
d. ichthyology
207. Venom of the following fishes can be fatal except:
a. chimaeras
b. rays
c. stargazer
d. dragonets
208. Teeth that are numerous short, fine, and pointed
common among catfish, seabass, and
a. villiform b. cardiform
c. canines d. molariform
209. Sharply edge cutting teeth common in Scariidae.
a. canines
b. molariform
c. incisors
d. villiform
210. Which of the following is considered a thermocline
a. big eye
b. yellow fin
c. sardine
d. all of the above
211. Species usually found in coralline bottom.
a. goatfish
b. surgeon fish
c. croakers
d. shrimp
212. Which of the following does not belong to the
a. flying fish
b. angel fish
c. butterfly fish
d. Moorish idol
213. Which of the following does not belong to the
a. Decapterus
b. Caesio
c. Stolephorus
d. Acanthurus
214. Which of the following does not belong to the
a. Makaira
b. Isthiophorus
c. Marlin
d. Auxis
215. Pacific salmon
a. Semelparous
b. Iteroparous
c. Viviparous
d. Ovoviviparous
216. Reproduction in all fishes is controlled by the . . .
a. hypothalamo-pituitary-gonad axis
b. sex steroid
c. Gonadotrophine
d. Chorionic gonadotrophine
217. This is a highly- priced fish in the Indo-West Pacific,
Middle East, Southern Japan, Hawaii
and in the Philippines which has a large mouth with the
maxilla exposed in the cheeks, caudal fin is
usually rounded and change in coloration but the pattern
of spots, stripes and blotches remain the
a. seabass
b. spadefish
c. grouper
d. mullet
218. An important species with elongated body,
moderately compressed fins without spines,
coloration varies from silver (belly part) to olive green,
blue or black (side) and with a. single dorsal
fin about midpoint of the body.
a. mullet
b. cavalla
c. milkfish
d. mackerel
219. This fish migrate from one habitat to another: adults
spawn at the sea, larvae migrate
inshore; juveniles settle in shallow water habitats, large
juveniles and sub-adults return to the sea.
a. Chanos chanos
b. Mugil cephalus
c. Ephinephelus malabaricus
d. Auxis sp.
220. The following are common species of siganids in the
Philippines except:
a. Siganus argus b. Siganus canaliculatus
c. Siganus guttatus d. Siganus argenteus
221. Scylla or mudcrab is a catadromous species. Which
part of its life cycle is spent in
a. Spawning
b. larval development
c. growth and maturation
d. spawning and larval development
222. How long will mudcrab reach sexual maturity?
a. 18-36 months
b. 18-30 months
c. 18-38 months
d. 15-30 months
223. The sex of mudcrab is determined when they reach
an average size of .
a. 18 x 30 mm
b. 16 x 32 mm
c. 17 x 30 mm
d. 20 x 31 mm
224. The following are the feeding habits of mudcrab
except . . .
a. omnivores
b. herbivores
c. cannibals and scavenger
d. nocturnal
225. Funnel like bag nets constructed over circular hoops
with a non-return valve but no wings.
a. filter net
b. impounding nets
c. hoop nets
d. push nets
226. Manipulated instrument made of a running noose
attached to the end of a pole or shaft.
a. spear
b. snare
c. harpoons
d. rakes
227. Line bearing multiple barbless hooked devices which
worked by jerking up and down to
catch squid, octopus and other fish attracted to it.
a. pole and line gear
b. troll line
c. jiggers
d. longlines
228. Nets in a form of a conical bag with the mouth kept
open by various devices and the entire
gear is tied behind a moving boat.
a. dredges
b. push nets
c. trawls
d. drag nets
229. A conical funnel shaped bag nets set in flowing
water and the capturing fish is done through
a. cover nets
b. cover pots
c. filter nets
d. fyke nets
230. Instrument provided with pointed, barbed or
barbless blades at the straight tip which are not
detachable from the handle of the shaft.
a. harpoon
b. spear
c. scoop
d. dredge
231. Metallic material used as sinker.
a. tin
b. aluminum
c. steel
d. lead
232. Pertains to the load the twine can stand.
a. elastic recovery
b. breaking strength
c. breaking stretch
d. stretch resistance
233. Fishing ground with most number of productions in
a. West Palawan Waters
b. Visayan Sea
c. Lingayen Gulf
d. Bohol Sea
234. Smallest unit of twine and rope.
a. fiber
b. yarn
c. strand
d. net
235. Usually used for collecting shellfish.
a. dredge
b. trawls
c. hook and line
d. fyke nets
236. Trawling is done in the following except:
a. 200-300m
b. less than 40 fm
c. more than 800 m depth
d. smooth bottom
237. Which of the following does not belong to the
a. trammel nets
b. purse seines
c. round haul seine
d. ring nets
238. Which of the following does not belong to the
a. crab lift nets
b. Danish seines
c. bag nets
d. lever nets
239. Tuck seines having a bunt or landing piece at one
a. purse seine
b. filter nets
c. beach seines
d. trawls
240. Triangular bag net framed with a collapsible wooden
or bamboo handle being operated by
one man.
a. skimming net
b. lever net
c. scoop net
d. push net
241. Which of the following does not belong to the
a. sigay
b. sapaw
c. kurantay
d. patalang
242. Which of the following does not belong to the
a. fyke net
b. cover pot
c. ring net
d. otoshi-ami
243. A single vertical line carrying one or two barbed
hooks and worked simply by dropping it
into the water and waiting for fish to bite.
a. drift long lines
b. pole and line gear
c. simple hand line
d. multiple handline
244. A long line with large series of baited hooks or called
"kitang paanod"
a. simple handline
b. set longline
c. drift long line
d. troll lines
245. Which of the following does not belong to the
a. spears
b. dredges
c. harpoons
d. rifles
246. Introduced fishing nets like gill nets, cast nets, lever
nets and push nets in the Philippines?
a. Chinese
b. Japanese
c. Portuguese
d. American
247. The beam trawl, tuna long and line, and ring net
were introduced by _______in the early
a. American
b. Japanese
c. Spaniards
d. Malayan
248. These are fixed impounding nets except one . . .
a. Filter nets
b. Hoop nets
c. fyke nets
d. Lift nets
249. These gears take fish by submerging a hanging net
and swiftly and lifting the gear to capture
or enclose the fish that happens to be over it except one:
a. crab lift nets
b. dip net
c. hoop net
d. lever net
250. These are dragged gears except:
a. Dredges
b. Danish trawls
c. beam trawls
d. Beach sein

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