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Medical Narrative Report on Child Delivery


This medical narrative report documents the details and outcomes of the delivery of
___________________________at __________________ on __________________The report aims to

Patient Information:

Mother's Name: ___________________________________________

Father's Name: __________________________________________

Date of Birth: _____________________________________

Gestational Age: ___________________________________

Estimated Due Date: __________________________________

Overview of Mother's Medical History ____________________________________

Obstetric History: [Previous Pregnancies, Deliveries, and Complications, if any]


Labor and Delivery:

On ______________________________, ______________presented to the labor and delivery unit at

__________________________________ with regular contractions and ruptured membranes.

Obstetric examination revealed ______________________________________________ [details of

cervical dilation, effacement, and fetal presentation].

__________________________________was admitted to the labor suite and monitored closely

throughout the active phase of labor.

Progress of labor was monitored using electronic fetal monitoring and regular cervical examinations.


[Details of interventions during labor, including augmentation, pain management, and maternal-fetal
responses to interventions].

____________________________________________ progressed through the stages of labor, and the

decision for mode of delivery was made based on maternal and fetal status.

Mode of Delivery:

_____________________________________________ underwent
_________________________________________ under _______________________ at



[Description of the delivery process, including duration, maternal pushing efforts, and fetal descent].



[Details of any complications or challenges encountered during delivery, including maternal or fetal
distress, shoulder dystocia, or instrumental delivery].

Maternal Health Status:

Following delivery, _________________________________ was monitored closely for signs of

postpartum hemorrhage, uterine atony, or other complications.

Vital signs were stable, and ________________________ tolerated the delivery well.


[Description of perineal or abdominal lacerations, if any, and interventions performed for repair].



[Details of postpartum care, including breastfeeding initiation, pain management, and maternal



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