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are we as Christians really giving a good representation of ourselves on social


Im pretty sure everyone has social media here

-Teens are drawn to social media like moths drawn to a flame…. Cuenta la
historia del banquete y los jóvenes Lo primero que pregunto una de ella es
que si teníamos Insta

As we know, perception is everything; especially in the world of social media. In

terms of perception, we all have an ideal self. We all wish to maximize our careers,
our profession, and aspire to be like those who we find most successful. As the use
of social media continues to evolve; the concept of presenting our ideal selves
versus our real selves has become more and more prevalent on social media
platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Pinterest, and tiktok.

As research suggests, your "real self" is what you are - your attributes, your
characteristics, and your personality. Your "ideal self" is what you feel you should
be; much of it due to societal and environmental influences. From a societal
standpoint, many of us are driven by competition, achievement, and status; hence,
the creation and portrayal of our ideal selves.


1. We should Stop comparing ourselves to others.

When you compare yourself to others specifically on social media, you are
comparing yourself to the perception of what you think the person is. In reality,
many people are presenting only their ideal selves online. Therefore, you are
comparing yourself to an ideal figure, not a true representation.
That’s why we take so long to take a pictures sometimes because were looking
for the best angles the best view the best outfit the best everything we think
about every little detail every insecurity that most people probably don’t even
see in you

2. Authenticity is Key.

Stay true to your real self and to God.

As Christians we must present ourselves on the internet as good examples, we cannot

be on thing in person and another on social media, we must learn to live our lives for
Christ and not to please our flesh

3. Don’t display ungodly characteristics in your interaction (Ephesians 4:25-32) –

People say things on social media they’d never say face-to-face. Even Christians
often display anger, gossip, complaints, and disrespect. We argue with people we
don’t even know. Let’s be better than that. Don’t take the bait tossed out. Don’t
respond to negative comments. If one of your posts unexpectantly generates
negative interaction, delete it!
4. Don’t support or encourage ungodly behavior – Find out what God’s Word
teaches about our culture’s hot-button topics before you align yourself with any
current events or trending issues.

Lets read Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your
mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and
perfect will.

As this verse says we shouldn’t fall in to trends of the world, people must be able to
differentiate us from the rest, when they look at us they must see Jesus in us
And social media plays a big role now a days in all our life’s, so that means we must be
careful as to how we use it.

When I search Scripture for leadership guidelines, I find an emphasis on lifestyle and
character (1 Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-9). Instead of offering ambiguity and wiggle-
room, Paul says leaders should be blameless and exhibit unimpeachable virtue. Paul
said: “Since an overseer is entrusted with God’s work, he must be blameless…” (Titus

God does not demand that leaders achieve sinless perfection. Were that the case, no
human being ever would be qualified for Christian leadership; but Scripture does call
us to a very high standard that is consistent with the calling of all God’s people to be a
reflection of His glory and His values on this planet.

Perhaps Luther said it best in one of his sermons on the Gospel of John: “These are
the two causes of offense to hearers: doctrine and life. If a man leads a good life but
preaches bad doctrine, this is a great offense, because he should not be believed. If, on
the other hand, he teaches good doctrine but leads a bad life, people say: If what he
teaches were true, he himself would live it.”

So para concluir we are spriritual examples so our life should aline with Gods word,
who we are in church should be the same as who we our online

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