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14/11/23, 20.

08 Descriptive Text

Descriptive Text
* Menunjukkan pertanyaan yang wajib diisi

1. Name? * 1
14/11/23, 20.08 Descriptive Text

** Please read the text and then answer the questions below **

Definition of Descriptive Text

Descriptive Text is a genre of text which contains explanations and descriptions of an object, from its
shape, function, characteristics, etc. The object can be varied, it can be a person, an animal, a place, a thing,

~To describe an object
~To inform the reader about a particular thing

Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

# Identification : The initial part of the text which contains general explanation of the thing
which is going to be described.

# Description : This part contains the special characteristics that the object, place, or
person being described have. It can be physical appearance, atmosphere, or other
specific characteristics.

The Characteristics / Language Feature of Descriptive Text:

– Using Simple Present Tense
– Using a lot of adjectives to describe, number, and classify the thing.
Example: sharp white fans, strong legs, etc.
– Using adverb to give additional information to the behavior or characteristics of the thing being
described, such as : very, extremely, etc.
Example: He is very handsome.
- Using linking verb, such as : be (am, is, are), appear.
Example: It is smells nice.

Pratama Arhan Alif Rifai (Arhan Pratama) was

born on 21 December 2001 in Blora, Central Java, Indonesia. He is a very famous Indonesia
football player. Arhan is now the
face of football and becomes one of the greatest football players in Indonesia.
Arhan Pratama has a height of 172 centimeters. His skin color is olive with a beardless face and
distinctive smile. He has round, light brown eyes. His short, dark brown and wavy hair along with his
face makes him look masculine and handsome. 2
14/11/23, 20.08 Descriptive Text

2. What is the purpose of Descriptive Text? * 1 poin

Tandai satu oval saja.

To argue a point
To persuade the reader
To entertain the reader
To describe an object

3. What is the generic structure of Descriptive Text? * 1 poin

Tandai satu oval saja.

Introduction, Body, Conclusion

Problem, Solution
Cause, Effect Identification,

4. What language feature is commonly used in Descriptive Text? * 1 poin

Tandai satu oval saja.

Past Perfect Tense Present

Continuous Tense Simple
Present Tense Simple Past
Tense 3
14/11/23, Descriptive

5 What does the phrase 'sharp white fans' describe? * 1

Tandai satu oval saja.

An object
A person
An animal
A place

6. Which verb is commonly used in Descriptive Text? * 1 poin

Tandai satu oval saja.


7. Where was Arhan Pratama born? * 1 poin

Tandai satu oval saja.

Blora Central
December 21st 4
14/11/23, Descriptive

8. What is Arhan Pratama known for? * 1 poin

Tandai satu oval saja.

Being a famous football player

Being a famous actor
Being a famous writer
Being a famous singer

9. What is Arhan Pratama's height? * 1 poin

Tandai satu oval saja.

172 centimeters
190 centimeters
160 centimeters
180 centimeters

10. What is Arhan Pratama's skin color? * 1 poin

Tandai satu oval saja.

Pale 5
14/11/23, Descriptive

11. What color are Arhan Pratama's eyes? * 1 poin

Tandai satu oval saja.

Light brown Green

Dark brown

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14/11/23, Descriptive 7

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