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An object detection approach for detecting damages in heritage sites

using Deep Learning


Over period of time due to environmental conditions or invasions, certain monuments in

heritage sites are heavily damaged. Lighter damage affects the visual and artistic value of
historic buildings, but some serious damage can affect the stability of the entire
structure. Therefore, it is of great significance to examine the surface damage of
structures in historic monuments and buildings. with the rapid development of deep
learning techniques, the above problems can be solved using Convolutional neural
network (CNN)-based deep learning various CNNs have emerged with a high accuracy of
classification and recognition


Machine Learning

Problem statement :
Compared with manual inspection, damage monitoring of large-scale historic buildings
is efficient and provides powerful supplement for manual inspection. Especially in some
cases that cannot be easily reached by manual workers, the camera/webcam is used to
collect images and transmit them to the workstation for automatic damage detection, so
a lot of time and manpower can be saved


To design Image dataset containing damaged monuments by visiting historic sites ;

To detect the damaged parts of Monuments of Historic value and heritage sites using Deep learning

Benefits to the society/Organization ..etc

This project can be used by Archeological dept or constructors to repair the damage part of
monuments / historic buildings in order to safeguard and conserve.

Literature survey :
Damage Classification for Masonry Historic Structures Using
Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Still Images
Niannian Wang,Qingan Zhao,Shengyuan Li,Xuefeng Zhao,Peng Zhao

First published: 13 August 2018

Automated defect detection and classification in ashlar masonry walls using

machine learning
Author links open overlay panelEnriqueValeroaAlanForsterbFrédéricBoschéaEwanHyslopcLynWilsoncAurélieTurmelc

Autonomous damage segmentation and measurement of glazed tiles in historic

buildings via deep learning
Niannian Wang,Xuefeng Zhao,Zheng Zou,Peng Zhao,Fei Qi

( Refer these papers)

Technology used

Opencv and Anaconda Navigator




And other related packages of image processing


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