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GROUP 3: CHINA  Paper Making Technology (105 A.

D, Han
CHINA: The Land of the Sleeping Dragon - The invention of paper greatly affects human
history. Paper already existed in China since
105 A.D, however, a eunuch named Cai Lun
- China is a country in East Asia bordering the (ca. 50 AD – 121) made significant innovation
East China Sea, Korea Bay, and the South and helped drive its widespread adoption. His
China Sea. Neighboring countries include advanced paper-making technology then
14 sovereign states. The terrain is diverse in spread to central Asia and the world through
China with mostly mountains along with the Silk Road.
deserts in the west and plains in the east.
Principal rivers flow west to east including the  Seismograph (132 A.D, Han Dynasty)
Yangtze and Huang He rivers. The - It was invented by Chang Heng. It was used to
government system is a communist state; the measure the strength and direction of
chief of state is the president, and the head of earthquakes, and to predict when they would
government is the premier. occur. The seismograph was also used to
- Civilization in China began more than 3000 study the movement of the earth’s crust, and
years ago. The Chinese called their civilization to map the distribution of earthquakes around
‘the Middle Kingdom’, believing it to be the the world.
centre of the world. For much of its long
history, China led the world in literature, the  Compass (1000 A.D, Han Dynasty)
arts and sciences, technology and philosophy. - The compass was first used for worship,
- Most of Chinese history can be divided up into fortune-telling and geomancy - the art of
a series of dynasties from the start of the Xia aligning buildings. In the late 11th or early 12th
dynasty in 2205 BCE to the end of the Qing century, Chinese sailors adopted the compass
dynasty in 1912 CE. for astronomical and terrestrial navigation,
- Ancient China was a land of invention. For heralding a new era in the history of
centuries, China was way ahead of most other navigation.
countries in science and technology,
astronomy, and math. The Chinese invented  Gun Powder (850 A.D - 1000 A.D, Tang
paper, the magnetic compass, printing, Dynasty)
porcelain, silk, and gunpowder, among other - Gunpowder was invented by Chinese Taoist
things. alchemists about 1000 A.D. when they tried to
find a potion to gain human immortality by
TIMELINE mixing elemental sulfur, charcoal, and
saltpeter. The interesting fact is that Chinese
 BCE used this discovery mainly for firecrackers
1. Xia Dynasty (2205 to 1575) while Europeans created cannons and guns
2. Shang Dynasty (1570 to 1045) and dominated China in the mid-1800.
3. Zhou Dynasty (1045 to 256)
4. Qin Dynasty (221 to 206)  Rocket (228 A.D, Song Dynasty)
5. Han Dynasty (206 BCE to 220 CE) - China is hometown of rockets, ancient
Chinese inventors created rockets by applying
 CE counter-force produced by ignited gunpowder.
6. Six Dynasties (222 to 581) The Song Dynasty (960-1279) had adapted
7. Sui Dynasty (589 to 618) gunpowder to make rockets. A paper tube
8. Tang Dynasty (618 to 907) stuffed with gunpowder was attached to an
9. Five Dynasties (907 to 960) arrow which can be launched by a bow. This
10. Song Dynasty (960 to 1279) kind of ancient rockets and improved ones
11. Yuan Dynasty (1279 to 1368) were widely used in military and entertainment
12. Ming Dynasty (1368 to 1644) activities in China.
13. Qing Dynasty (1644 to 1912)
 Moveable Type Printing (960 -1279 A.D, Song
 Republican Era Dynasty)
 Communist Era - It was created by Bi Sheng a chinese artisan,
engineer and the inventor of the world's first
FAMOUS INVENTIONS Movable Printing. Its main purpose was to
create a mass production of books. In the 12th
 Acupuncture (2500 BC, Shang Dynasty ) century it reached China's western region . It
- The discovery of acupuncture was credited to also reached Europe in the 13th- 19th century
the Chine Emperor Huangdi. It's a Traditional and spread throughout the rest of the world.
Chinese Medicine that has been practiced in
China for at least 4,500 years. It is a treatment
for disease and pain in the body to maintain

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