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Basant maheshwari thoughtful investor pdf s free version

The book has 41 chapters(!) dealing with all aspects of equity investment based on Mr.Maheshwri's journey as an investor and following a loosely chronological order right from the 1990s. In addition this book provides a really good sense of how business works and how to pick winning stocks for your portfolio. ...more Sep 19, 2018 Ashutosh rated it
really liked it As the name suggests(and I hope in due course of time) this is bound to become the Indian equivalent of the Ben Graham's, 'The Intelligent Investor'. More than anything, it inspires you to dream big in stock market. They sort of appear in the book time and again. The booked distills the authors experience in equity investing and brings it
straight to our table.As a beginner, I found the book catering to both the psychological as well well as strategical aspect of investing in equity. Masterpiece and practical about how to invest in Indian markets. Basant shares some really good insights about Indian equities and seems to be a huge fan of holding highly concentrated and heavily leveraged
portfolios...However, he came across as a confused author to me as if he's trying too hard to theorize his stock picking ideas. The price is a tad bit steep Excellent book. The point is the author discusses at length about problems with a large number of sector and also his own short-sightedness and his bets that turned sour.Having said that, the author
has tried his best to make the reader understand that the Indian market is unique. Although the price is little steep but believe me it is worth every rupee.A must have book for everyone investing or thinking to invest in stock market. ...more Sep 16, 2016 Sai Krishna rated it really liked it A recommended read for every aspiring investor in Indian
equities. To top it off the bad loan problem with PSU banks(and hence the poor credit growth by PSU banks) aided this phenomenal growth in Indian HFCs. As now the cycle has started to reverse after a 10-year gap and the raw material that aided this phenomenal growth is bound to become expensive and hence the downside risk. One can literally
relate to market price movements. The author walks you through his investment hypothesis during the multiple cycles through examples and detailed analysis on rationale for entry and exit - must read!! Feb 17, 2015 Kailash Pandey rated it really liked it This book is a must read for value investing learning from an Indian stock investor perspective.
The price is a tad bit steep but it certainly worth the read. But somehow he forgets to mention that he entered them post-2008 when the cycle for cheap credit started and emerging economies have been flush with cheap money ever since. This book focus on the growth shares and tells you how one can get benefit from the growth shares.I usually
don't follow this philosophy but you never know when you have to us This book was completely different then my investment philosophy. Showing 1-30 Start your review of The Thoughtful Investor Sep 16, 2015 Vikas Agarwal rated it really liked it This book was completely different then my investment philosophy. Finally culminating in dos and don't
and his thoughts on leverage and a checklist for beginners.Baring a few chapters, in the beginning, a basic understanding of finance, equity investment and the broad Indian corporate governance/ culture is important for anyone who wishes to take maximum out of this brilliant book. Sep 18, 2017 Gautam Subramanian rated it liked it Basant shares
some really good insights about Indian equities and seems to be a huge fan of holding highly concentrated and heavily leveraged portfolios...However, he came across as a confused author to me as if he's trying too hard to theorize his stock picking ideas. Jan 18, 2019 Karthi Sn rated it it was amazing Obtained a plenty of terms and knowledge. Apart
from the usual beginner's guides from stalwarts like Ben Graham, Peter Lynch, Charlie Munger, Joel Greenblatt etc Indian equity investors had very few options. To add to all this ther Just finished my first read and I must say this book is definitely one of the most comprehensive books available on Indian Stock market. ...more Apr 26, 2014 Aman Vij
rated it it was amazing Just finished my first read and I must say this book is definitely one of the most comprehensive books available on Indian Stock market. But I just skipped that for later. And there are rules that might work for a matured markets in EU and US but those same rule need be true for the Indian market. Captures a good snapshot of
history of Indian stock market and various bubbles. Apart from the usual beginner's guides from stalwarts like Ben Graham, Peter Lynch, Charlie Munger, Joel Greenblatt etc Indian equity investors ha As the name suggests(and I hope in due course of time) this is bound to become the Indian equivalent of the Ben Graham's, 'The Intelligent Investor'. A
recommended read for every aspiring investor in Indian equities. Thought several times whether to buy for1500₹. ...more May 14, 2021 Pradeep Kumar rated it really liked it In this books has given insights of his learning in Indian stock market journey. Being an Indian author, the topics include references to Indian markets which i could very well
relate to. This book has it all be it financial analysis to individual sector analysis and even the least covered and one of the most important side of investing i.e. the Behavioral side of investing. ...more Aug 07, 2017 Amrutayan Pati rated it it was amazing An excellent read which gives you a first hand perspective of the Indian stock market - I think this
is one of the few well written books on the Indian stock market. There is a lot of detailed analysis for the expert investor as well. No words to praise. A good 'on the ground' perspective on Indian public markets and how you can make money from them. To add to all this there are few topics like P/E expansion and contraction and Identifying tops and
bottoms which I have never found in any other investing book so far. It's a no-nonsense book. This particular title by Mr.Maheshwari stands out amongst the current Indian literature available on investing and is a definitive work that covers all aspects of equity investments in the Indian market. Also, has a good detail of what worked and didn't. His
journey of from 1994 to 2014 (till the book written)His style of choosing stock was explained.Explains about world of investing, trends, financial analysis, buy and sell strategy, sector analysis, help on portfolio building, and check list.Most importantly I loved the following1. But i really loved reading this due to couple of reason:1.) This book is based on
Indian Market, usually very less books are written on Indian Market.2.) This book emphasized a lot on earnings, which i also felt that earning is the king for the the investor. Sep 05, 2017 Duraimurugan rated it did not like it Worst book I have read recently.I think you could learn much more through than this shit.Filled with full of
assumptions. ...more Aug 19, 2014 Siddarth Gore rated it really liked it There might be thousands of books about the financial markets and this one is as good as any.For a newbie like me it has lots of sensible advice and insights. You can, however, disagree with certain views/suggestions from Mr. Maheshwari but then at the end of the day, what is
important is to make money and he had achieved it in actually a well calculated and calibrated manner. Also a great read. Besides this, I found that (maybe not intentionally) the author does not discuss the downside risk for HFCs. As many might know that the author has investments in a few of the HFCs which have done very well. I enjoyed reading
this book immensely and would recommend it to anyone who would like to gain an understanding of an emerging market and an investor's journey from the days of Indian economic liberalisation right till the end of taper tantrum. ...more Jul 05, 2020 Jp rated it really liked it Great book Oct 09, 2016 Shashwat rated it it was amazing Excellent book. Jul
03, 2016 Pravin Sharma rated it it was amazing A good 'on the ground' perspective on Indian public markets and how you can make money from them. Mar 01, 2021 Karan rated it it was amazing Masterpiece and practical about how to invest in Indian markets. Read and I keep reading whenever have doubt. ...more Jun 22, 2017 Mahesh rated it really
liked it Hi,this is my first book on investing and i enjoyed and learned so many things from the book but no real time examples covered for analysis of the stock, If covered, it will be very good learning. But what really make this book stand apart are the real life examples and the thought process of the author at each point of his investing decisions.
This book focus on the growth shares and tells you how one can get benefit from the growth shares.I usually don't follow this philosophy but you never know when you have to use this philosophy. But not to give a slight thought for the same. They had to interpret and adapt foreign authors' work in terms of Indian market scenarios, which meant the
outcome ranged from useful to impractical conclusion.With a well-known track record of wildly successful investments and having been in the market since the early 1990s, Mr Maheshwari starts with his introduction, how he got started with equity investments and briefly discusses investment philosophy. Financial independence,If you achieve 50
times to annual expense, you are independent.2. ROE The DuPont analysis of ROE. Not even a single clear cut idea on how to pick a stock.No analysis on financial ratios.Ludicrously written. Pratik rated it it was amazing Jul 29, 2017 Abhinek Nanda rated it it was amazing Nov 06, 2016 Varesh rated it really liked it Jun 30, 2015 Kartik Jain rated it it
was amazing Nov 22, 2016
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