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"Ever feel the thrill of taking a life? It's unlike any feeling. It's so intense." - Richard Ramirez

Imagine a world where the line between the normal and the really scary is hard to see, where some
people's minds are tangled in darkness that's tough to understand. Today, we're going into that
world, inspired by scary words from a famous serial killer, Richard Ramirez. Our goal? To learn more
about why serial killers do such terrible things.

In the next bit, we'll look closely at how their minds work, what makes them do awful stuff, and why
they become so interesting in books and movies, like the famous show "Criminal Minds." So, get
ready because we're about to take a journey into the world of criminals' minds, where we'll explore
why they do what they do and why we're so fascinated by it all.

Characteristics of Serial Killers

Serial killers, while diverse in their motivations and backgrounds, often share certain traits and
characteristics that provide insight into their twisted psychology. These traits can help in forming
psychological profiles to better understand their behavior:

1. Lack of Empathy (Serial killers frequently display a profound lack of empathy for their victims. This
emotional detachment allows them to commit heinous acts without feeling remorse.)

2. Manipulative Nature (Many serial killers are skilled manipulators, adept at charming and gaining
the trust of others. This manipulation can help them lure victims into dangerous situations)

3. Narcissism:(A narcissistic sense of grandiosity is often present, with some serial killers believing
they are above societal norms and laws)

4. Pathological Lying (Serial killers are prone to lying, often constructing elaborate falsehoods to
maintain their façade or mislead law enforcement)

5. Need for Control (A strong desire for control over others is a recurring trait, driving them to
dominate and victimize their targets)

6. Violent Fantasies: (Serial killers may indulge in violent and sadistic fantasies, using their crimes as
a means to fulfill these fantasies)

7. History of Abuse ( Childhood trauma, abuse, and neglect are prevalent factors in the backgrounds
of many serial killers, though not all individuals with such histories become killers)

8. Sexual Deviance ( Some serial killers exhibit sexually deviant behavior, incorporating sexual
elements into their crimes or deriving gratification from the act of killing itself)

9. High Intelligence ( While not universally true, many serial killers display above-average
intelligence, which they may use to plan and carry out their crimes)

10. Isolation and Alienation (Serial killers often lead isolated lives and struggle with feelings of
alienation from society, contributing to their skewed worldview)

11. Obsession and Rituals ( Some killers develop obsessions with particular objects or rituals, which
may be incorporated into their crimes as a form of personal signature)
The majority of serial killers are not reclusive, social misfits who live alone. They are not monsters
and may not appear strange. Many serial killers hide in plain sight within their communities. Serial
murderers often have families and homes, are gainfully employed, and appear to be normal
members of the community. Because many serial murderers can blend in so effortlessly, they are
oftentimes overlooked by law enforcement and the public


• Checklist by robert hare (Canadian psychologist)

glib= schleimig (kommt aus dem deutschen daher keine richtige übersetzung)

estimation= Einschätzung

remorse= Reue

callousness = Gefühlslosigkeit

cunning= listig

superficial emotional responsiveness = oberflächliche emotionale Reaktionsfähigkeit

need for stimulation = always bored with life, wanting to get adrenaline

Parasitic lifestyle = depending financial, emotionally on people (bad)

Promiscuity = Zügellosigkeit

juvenile delinquency = Jugendkriminalität

criminal versatility = kriminelle Vielseitigkeit

Case Studies

The Zodiac Killer ,,

• 2023: Police believed they may have found the killer, but no good proof (suspect is also
• Himself claimed to have killed 37 people ( only 6 could be really proven)
• Often killed people in lovers lane (= a secluded area where people kiss, make out, or engage
in sexual activity)

Jeffrey Dahmer

• Portrayed by evan peters (american horror story)

How does one become a serial killer?

The nature vs. nurture debate seeks to understand whether serial killing behavior is primarily
influenced by genetics (nature) or environmental factors (nurture).

It's important to recognize that both factors likely interact to shape an individual's propensity
toward serial killing

Criminal Minds and Profiling

Criminal minds

• revolves around a team of highly skilled criminal profilers who specialize in understanding
the minds of criminals (especially serial killers)
• (Each episode typically features a different criminal case, with the team analyzing evidence
and creating profiles to catch the perpetrator)
• 15 Episodes based on true stories (all seasons together end up with 334 episodes)


Imagine you're trying to guess what a puzzle picture looks like based on a few pieces. Profilers are
like puzzle solvers. They look at crime scenes, evidence, and the way crimes are done to guess what
the criminal might be like. They think about things like why they did it, how they did it, and who they
might be targeting next. When detectives can guess what a criminal is like, it helps them find the
person faster. They might know where to look, what to look for, and how to stop the criminal from
hurting more people. Just like in the show, real-life profilers use these ideas to help police catch
criminals, especially ones who keep doing bad things again and again. While it's exciting on TV, real
profiling is a mix of science and experience, and it's just one piece of the puzzle that police use to
catch bad guys.

• Real-life profilers work discreetly, aiming to avoid giving criminals undue attention or
inadvertently influencing their behavior
• Profiling in reality can be a time-consuming process, requiring thorough examination of all
available evidence and often taking weeks or months to develop a profile. (cases are solved
much more quickly in the series, with events unfolding over a short time frame, which is
often not reflective of reality.)

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