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Session End Exam Syllabus- 2023-24

Lit: If (Poem), India's Heroes (Prose), Milk for the Cat (Poem), Lata Mangeshkar in Her Own
Voice (Prose), Macbeth (Prose), Ranji's Wonderful Bat (Prose) (Term 1), How Pleasant to Know
Mr. Lear (Poem) (Term 1).
Lang: Integrated Exercise, Reported Speech, Transformation of Sentences Speech Writing, E-
mail, Letter Writing (Formal) (Term I), Unseen Passage/Poem

Lit: अकबरी लोटा, सूर ् के पद, पानी की कहानी, बाज और सााँप।
Lang: अलंकार, वाक्ांश के ललए एक शब्द (Pg 125), वाक् ववचार, मुहावरे (Pg 154) लोकोक्कि्ााँ
(1-10) , संज्ञा, ललंग, वचन , ननबंध लेखन, अपठिि गद्ांश।

Math: Linear Equations in one Variable (Term 1), Understanding Quadrilaterals (Term 1),
Comparing Quantities (Term 1), Mensuration, Exponents and Powers, Direct and Inverse
Proportions, Factorization, Introduction to Graphs
SST: Confronting Marginalization, Human Resources, Civilizing the Native, Educating the
Nation, Public Facilities, Law and Social Justice, The Making of the National Movement:
1870-1947, Resources (Term 1), When People rebel 1857 and after (Term 1), Why do we
need Parliament.
Science: Light (from Term1), Reproduction in Animals (from Term 1), Force and Pressure
(from Term 2), Chemical Effects of Electric Current, Friction, Conservation of Plants and Animals
Computer: Networking Concepts (From Term I), Link and Frames in HTML file, Intro to
Robotics, Cyber Ethics, Iterative Statements in Python
G.k.: Pg 50-75
Aptitude: Reasoning and Coding
Art: Pages 1-30
Sanskrit: क: रक्षनि, क्षक्षिो राजिे भारि- स्वर्णभूलम: आ्णभट्ट, संधध, समानार्णक ववलोमपद,
ववशेष्् ववशेषर्, धचत्रवर्णनम, अपठिि गद्ांश: ।

French: Lesson 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9


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