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Teenager mischef

"The story began with a friend groud contain of four high school friends names ave abhi
davin and, they are been best friends since childhood Two of them are starting to going in the
wrong path in this is their story..."

Davin : Hey Guys! Lets all hang out after school

Ave, Abhi, Muet : yeah, let’s go!

*Lagi perjalanan menuju cafe trs ide muncul*

Davin : I think we should do something fun

Abhi : what is that? davin?
Davin : we should prank that meatball seller over there
Ave : but guys I don’t think we should do that
Muet : yeah guys that would harm the meatball seller and that you will get sin from allah swt.
Davin : you guys are not fun
Abhi : yeah you guys are lame boohoo
Ave : whatever, we already warn you
Muadz : yeah if this becoming bad we are not part of this.

Davin and Abi start cranking the meatball seller

Davin : good afternoon sir I would like to order 100 portion of meatballs
Abhi : and we would like to eat them all here.
Meatball seller : oh my God, what a big order thank you so much. I will start cooking it now.
Davin : Psst.. let’s start hiding abhi
Abhi : Yeah let’s start hiding (giggling)
Meatball seller : Here all of your order sir, oh no, where are they? I cannot find them.
All of this meatball will go to waste and I will lose so much money...

how dare them try to trick me. They didnt know but im actually an undercover cop who
patrol this area i will not let this slide away. I will certainly find them and caught them to
teach them a lesson.

"After the incident the undercover cop is putting flyer to find these two teenagers"

*muet ama ave pisah kan abis si davin ama abhi nge prank tukang pakso ga lama di
jalan mereka nge liat lembaran dari intel*

muadz : Oh no look ave there is wanted flyer for our friends davin and abhi we should warn
them to turn themselves in.
Ave : yeah i agree, we should warn them before its too late! I think they are in the coffe shop

"At the coffee shop abhi and davin are hangin out and doing something bad."
Davin : ha ha that’s so funny
Abhi : yeah, you should look the face of the meatball seller
Davin : Hahaha
Abhi : anyway i got the new drug in town you should try this, because this stuff is amazing.
davin : I would like to try some of the new drug
*Abhi try the new drug*
Abhi : Oh my God I feel so high right now
Davin : oh, yeah, this stuff is so good man

*Muet and ave are coming to the coffee shop*

Ave : hey guys, what are you doing tonight?

Abhi : we are trying the new drug in town. You should try it to ave.
Muet : God, are you crazy? This is illegal. And by the way we come here to warn you that
you are wanted by police we just saw your flyer at walls nearby.
Davin : don’t be such a coward muet those stupid police would never found us HAHAHAHA
*abhi and davin laughing together*
Ave : I think you guys should stop and turn yourself in and redeem yourself to Allah and stop
drinking alcohol and taking drugs
Muet : yeah, I agree with ave
Davin : shut up, You guys talk too much. This is our life.
Abhi : my life, my rule ha ha ha ha
Muet : please, you you guys should stop doing this this is will harm yourself and if you get
caught, you will go to jail for a long time
Abhi : Shut up and leave. I don’t want you to rule me like my mom did.
davin : yeah shut up!
Muet : OK, but we already warn you

"ave and muet are leaving the coffee shop

and kinda pissed of how their friends act"

Muadz : i know they are our friends but i think we should call the police and tell about them
because they are going out of hands.
Ave : yeah i agree with you too.
*Muadz and ave are calling the police*
Muadz : hello is this the police? i heard you guys were looking for 2 teenagers in area?

police : yeeah that’s right are you guys have seen them?

Muadz : yeah they are actually my friends and we are teach them a lesson by snitching them
to the police, their name is Davin and Abhi they are now using drugs in the coffee shop at
jalan rawacondet No.69. I hope this will make them start going to the right path.

police : ok sir, thank you so much for the information im sure after rehab your friends will
going to the right path insyallah.

Muadz : Amiiin
*polisi otw sokin tempat cafe*
Davin : oh no it’s the police we should hide our stud and act normal
Abhi : oh, yeah quick quick hide this.
*terus polisi nya nangkep sebelum bisa di sembunyiin*
Police man : you guys are under arrest for drinking alcohol And using drugs!!
Davin : Oh no we are so sorry we wont do any of this again. (cry)
Abhi : Yes please oficer dont arest us!
Police man : You must follow me to police station. I know you guys have been active
harrasing other people in this area because im actually the meatball seller you guys prank the
other day! im in undercover that day.
Davin : Oh No! im sorry please dont take me to jail!
Abhi : i regret not listen the great advice that our friends gave us.

In the jail.

Muet : Oh my god guys how can this happend.

Abhi : After you guys left a police show up to the coffee shop and caught us red handed with
Drugs in our hand
Ave : we told you before this can lead to a bad things
Davin : yeah we regret didnt litsten to you guys in the first place and after i got my lesson i
want to redeem myself to allah swt.
Abhi : yeah me too
Muet : Im glad you guys realized and start going to the right path. i hope we all can be
successful together and enter jannah insyallah
all at once : amiin

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