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-The effects (slide 6):

Body shaming can lead to some serious mental health problems like eating
disorders, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and body dysmorphia, as well
as the general feeling of hating one's body
-Statistic (slide 5):
To better understand the reality of body shaming, I have surveyed 141 social
network users (1998- 2004) about body shaming on social networks. The
majority of all survey respondents were teenagers. 98% (138 people) of survey
participants have heard about body shaming. The results show that this phrase is
intensely popular among teenagers today.
- The causes (slide 7):
Almost have heard about body shaming, which leads to terrible effects. But
why are we still doing it?
+Bullying: First of all, bullying is a severe problem in school, it's increasing
every day, every year. Almost the bullying …person is just criticizing you
without any knowledge so you shouldn't care about them.
+Taking out their frustration: The second one is they want to take out their
disappointment. It means, if someone hates you, whenever you are in their sight,
they'll be like "oh, she's ugly" "oh, she's fat"
+Having low self-esteem: Another reason why people body shame others are
they feel inferior about their own body! Now think about it. Why would
someone who is the same body shape and size as yours, body shame you? It is
just because they have low self-esteem. These types of people will generally
and naturally be bullies.
+The I am superior feeling: the last reason is the 'I am superior feeling'. A
person who feels her body is the ideal body will always have this feeling
amongst people who have different body shapes than hers. Someone with this
mentality can easily body shame others without blinking an eye.

(slide 11) If you are the victims of body-shaming because you're fat, you're ugly
so you should feel lucky because this man doesn't have two arms and two legs,
just only two tiny feet. Nick Vujicic- The one who has been body-shamed since
he was born. He was born without two arms and two legs but only two tiny feet.
Just a little more, Nick was not allowed to go to formal school even though his
brain was completely normal. Nick was treated unfairly by his friends, he once
prayed that God would bless him for having four limbs. But life was not like a
dream, no magic happened to him. Nick Vujicic has tried to overcome the guilt
and the shame of being strange to achieve success and live a regular life like
any other human being. Nick taught himself how to fight his body defect. He
has learned to write with his feet, type on a computer, handle personal activities,
play golf, and swim. With his incredible energy, Nick Vujicic can do everything
that all people can do. And now he is a famous motivational speaker that people
around the earth have known for his positive energy.
(slide 12) So it's almost done, I want you guys to do not body-shaming
anymore. If your victims can be like Nick Vujicic, they'll be depressed, they'll
destroy themselves. You'll regret what you do with them.

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