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The effectiveness of using youtube video

In english speaking class

By : dina anggraini



Language is an important part of communication. By using language everyone

can communicate with other people. They can express their ideas, express their thoughts,
opinions and whatever is on their mind. Wardhugh (1998: 1) states that language is a
privilege in a certain social environment. In indonesia, english is used as an international
language so it is very important to learn. English has an important role in the field of
education. Learning english needs to be done so that communication skills to fulfill
ambitions, desires, and goals are well conveyed. So that in its development many people
want to master the language.

There are four skills in learning english, namely listening, speaking, reading and
writing. These skills are important to master without neglecting each other. For most
people, the mastery of speaking skills is the most important aspect of learning a foreign
language, and the success of mastering one language is measured by the ability to have a
conversation. Burn and joyce (1997: 54-55) state that one of the goals of most language
programs is to develop spoken language skills and most programs aim to integrate
spoken and written language. Speaking clearly and confidently can grab the audience's
attention, providing a golden opportunity for the speaker to convey his message.
Speaking skills are defined as skills that allow us to communicate effectively. So
speaking is one of the important aspects of language.

In the process of learning to speak english, most of the 4th semester english
students at iain curup felt shy, nervous, and lacked confidence when answering questions
from their teachers or making presentations or having conversations with the people
beside them. Moreover, they cannot express their thoughts fluently using proper
vocabulary and correct grammatical forms where students can only speak the first two or
three sentences, and then get completely stuck and speak in their mother tongue and
bahasa. Teachers must understand the problems of english learners and try to apply
various teaching strategies in their classrooms to develop the speaking skills of their
students in the english classroom. This is possible for teachers as they change their
methods and materials and by using the latest speaking skills teaching techniques. The
existence of the use of youtube plays a role in increasing students 'self-confidence,
including in supporting students' speaking skills. Based on preliminary observations of
research by researchers, more than half the number of 4th-semester english students at
iain curup felt that their english language skills had increased, and some of the words
were mediocre. Therefore, according to watkins and wilkins (2011), using youtube both
inside and outside the classroom can improve students' conversation and pronunciation
skills. Based on the phenomenon that occurs, there are still some students who have not
felt the benefits of using youtube, even though youtube can promote authentic
vocabulary development. Furthermore, using youtube in the classroom allows students to
gain exposure to authentic english and autonomy in (student-centered) learning.
Researchers want to investigate the use of the youtube application in english classrooms
more deeply.

Based on the above phenomena, researchers used a mixed-method approach to

determine the effectiveness and usefulness of youtube. So that the data obtained is clear,
the researcher uses a mixed-method approach. Effectiveness cannot be measured without
statistical data to prove its correctness. Meanwhile, to find out how youtube affects
students in learning speaking requires students' opinions in a descriptive manner and
broadly elaborating. Therefore researchers combine the two in this study.

The phenomena anchored in the approach chosen above are faced in the field as
highlighted above plus previous studies have also shown the importance of using
youtube media as a means of learning to speak for students, this study is further designed
to investigate problems with regard to teaching strategies carried out by students and the
teacher uses youtube video in speaking. Therefore, this study is entitled "THE
CLASSROOM". This research is expected to be successful in providing information
about teaching strategies using youtube media through student perceptions and
contextual implementation for efl students learning to speak english.

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