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In the realm where shadows linger and the unseen stirs the air,

Fear, a silent predator, prowls the edges of despair.

It whispers in the corridors where light dares not to tread,
Breathing life into the ghosts of worries yet to spread.

With tendrils like the night, it wraps around the soul,

Squeezing out the light, swallowing the whole.
In its grip, the world distorts, becomes a twisted maze,
Where every turn can lead to dark, foreboding, unseen haze.

The pounding of the heart, a drumbeat loud and clear,

Echoes the footsteps of what's unknown, what's drawing near.
Eyes dart, seeking threats in every shadow's cast,
Finding in each corner, specters of the past.

Fear, the thief of now, robbing us of peace,

Turning each moment into a battle to be ceased.
It paints the future with a brush soaked in dread,
Casting every hope in hues of looming, heavy lead.

Yet, within this quaking heart, a spark of courage lies,

A defiance against the dark, a will to rise.
For though fear may claim the night, and shadow all our days,
Within us burns a light, which can set ablaze.

Facing fear, embracing it, is the journey of the brave,

Learning to dance with shadows, even in the darkest cave.
For in the heart of terror, where we feel most alone,
Lies the chance to find our mettle, the strength we've always known.

So let us step into the night, where our fears like phantoms roam,
Knowing that each step we take, is a step closer to home.
For in confronting what we fear, in staring into the night,
We find our truest selves, our own, unique light.

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