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lllElllllfillfiEififrllllllilllEsl 4ffi3

$ixth Semester S Yean th.E. ffixamlnatfion, $epternber Z02t (June ZOZI)

LAW OF EVHtIEfdCE (pOi B ffinwards)
Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : B0 ,

lnstructlons : .l . Answer any flve questions from group (a) each qulestion
carrEes 10 marl<s
2. Answer any five questions from group (b) each question
carries 06 rnarks
3- Angwers shoc.!!d bewrntfren either im HngEish on Kar.lnada

Q. No. "i. (a) Explain the relevancy of facts showing niotive, preparation
nd conduct' Mlarks : 10
**d, {nA {.J.
dBdrdcino a$+ +-J-,-
ddddddl doeoiod S*ddd
xbdouddo$d1 edo,tuo.
Q. No. 1. (b) x is hit by a speedy vehlcle and is severely injured.
Y has deposed that he saw the speedy vehicte but not
the accident and X has explained him about the accident.
ls this statement relevant ? fMarks : 06
X $ derlauaft udcgdcC ocddood ddro;*1 ae{mn
* Pt.acnod eBd: deriao D do ed:8 d aa ddddl Ao eacl:
erdqpad doeae.:_ e:dd eldqiEdd doodr-X ddri dieddodi
Y oL dranemod. & de*dol:l iodou{de t
,. Q. No. 2. (a) State the persons whose admissions are relevant. Marks : 10
" otlad dddd u{adddr xbdouddoruddl deeo.
Q. No. 2. (b) A is accused of killing B. Prosecution has adduced evidence
of marks on ground produced by fight between A and B
prior to the incident. ls it relevant ? Marks : 06
e, d: u ddl dodr$d udoeaoJnflaaod. dr;dnod dror^3
q, drQ u .qdd ddlad ri:cn^u^laoaan- dsd d:eej ern&d
rfrar*n-J, dcod: *{rdq o$o:"**dcr, ,*r.a**. ;;
t'r:doudde r

I .t"
4033 -2- i;iil,,:;1lrl1

Q, No, 3. (a) Discuss the relevancy of confession to Fotice and

consequential recoveries.
SOCruorl dnadood dq# *>Q ef*"bd ddda,rrdoeafrtd
a4 zJuS rxro.
Q. [rto. 3. (b) A court is required to form an opinion as to a matter. The
information relating to it is stored in digital form. who can
be regard as an expert to give opinion in this matter ?
e,"op edo$dO an olnoobdBoctr ee?patsS ddo$ajetnhd.
doarc6x, d drJa.g o$q aq sLd no Jdgo do_ E dero A d.
& a6io$d0 er?patsS dod-ep oJ:add:4 doeaddoCo
dorlcddu*# f
Q. No. 4. (a) Examine the relevancy of dying declarations in dowry
dbath cases. 'i

ddd1# mS $ddeorldo_abdeam0d depddd xbdou qdo$q

Q. No. 4. (b) A is accused of committing a crime at Bengalurul or a
particular day. There is evidence to show that on the sanre
day A was at Ahmedabad. ls this relevant ? I

lo.b .oar{ addocjc e d: r,iorldoodO_ edofrdBode,

dna&$oan eraDddrtrodronoad. erdd 'ede od erdd;
u{emzmod0- uddo*dd* :oqr$*. "ac$ isiouqlde ?

Q. No. 5 (a) Explain the cases in which secondary evidence relating

to documents may be given. fiVlanxs . -i0
te{*rylyd douoex,dod q.Beo$d nafu dodudremd
dod$rddd1 adoxro.
Q. [\o. 5 (h) A, a married woman has committed suicide after leaving
a suicide note that has husband subjected her to cruelty.
Decide the relevancy of this suicide note. ,, ]'. ,-' .,.
e, Q)o?r &asa&d abbd @i."|a**"€q dnadooadg
9"q{.f ddri {,obr
$qsdo$ xbdouddo$d,l
ilcd#.+. * "{d_d;

Q" Nlo. 6. (a) Explain the provisions relating to the exclusion of ora! by
documentary evidence.
d4.derc xofuaod dirsDd rafu dodmado,)dri douop:rd
eruduo(iI9d1 AdO,tuO.
lllElllf,lillflEl[llllBlllllllil -s- 4033

Q. No. 6 (b) A has drawn a bill on B for Rs. 5,000 payable to c. B is

denying the authority of A to draw the bill. Decide.
Marks : 06 '

A & d &rl ioemoJ:amrtldC u d abeej doamoll 5,000 dd

?ir*${ udaoa$. Lr $ e, d sq aldo$d -er6aadddl :

&o.odoncnod. &droxro

e. No. 7. (a) Explain the scope of privileged communications between

advocate and his client. Marks : 10
dtee.: ab* egdd dloadd dd:ad DdemQrodd doddddd
mr*ss; edotuo.

xnfu d:aaotod. erqrCoexdCl elddQ o=uie dasae-::

dndud:de ?

8. No. 8. (a) Discuss the scope of cross examination and explain the
questions lawful in cross examination. Marks : 10
aar^3e dm0d mr*o$q aiagrzuo abdl aau3e damOd{o$
d$d uadod:u{do$d} ado,tuo.

Q. No. 8. (b) Write a short note on leading questions. Marks : 06

olgd do?3d $dn doomn sdD r^3{td udosro.

Q. No. 9. (a) De{ine Estoppel. State the different kinds of estoppel. Marks : 10
,)uo{ ddooidco aroramr0tsr. Dad {mdrid auofrddd.1

Q. No. 9. (b) Public Document. Marks : 06

;odra&d dmdeao.
Q. hlo. 10. (a) What is burden of proof ? On whom it lies ? Marks: 10
d:rcamBd qnd aoddedl ? egcJ: oJnd dceeJ 'a&$d ?
Q. No. 10. (b) h{ostite witness. Marks : 06

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