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Title: A Guideline For Game Development-Based Learning: A Literature Review

Embarking on a literature review can often feel like navigating through a labyrinth of scholarly
articles, theories, and research findings. When it comes to a complex topic like game development-
based learning, the challenge intensifies. Crafting a comprehensive literature review requires not only
an in-depth understanding of the subject matter but also the ability to synthesize diverse perspectives
and findings into a coherent narrative.

The process of conducting a literature review on game development-based learning entails extensive
research across various academic databases, journals, books, and conference proceedings. Sorting
through the plethora of literature to identify relevant sources can be daunting, especially considering
the interdisciplinary nature of the field. From educational psychology to computer science and game
design, the literature spans multiple domains, each offering unique insights into the intersection of
gaming and education.

Once the relevant literature is identified, the next hurdle lies in critically analyzing and synthesizing
the findings. This involves extracting key themes, theoretical frameworks, methodologies, and
empirical evidence from the selected sources. Additionally, it requires discerning the strengths,
limitations, and gaps in existing research to provide a comprehensive overview of the topic.

Moreover, crafting a literature review demands meticulous attention to detail and adherence to
academic standards. Proper citation and referencing are essential to acknowledge the contributions of
previous scholars and maintain academic integrity. The review must also be structured logically, with
clear transitions between sections and a coherent flow of ideas.

Given the complexities and challenges inherent in writing a literature review on game development-
based learning, seeking professional assistance can be invaluable. ⇒ ⇔ offers expert
guidance and support to students, researchers, and academics undertaking this daunting task. Our
team of experienced writers possesses the necessary expertise to conduct thorough literature reviews,
ensuring the highest quality and academic rigor.

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Don't let the complexities of writing a literature review deter you from exploring the fascinating
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Game-based learning is one teaching strategy that’s growing increasingly popular to help students
achieve their learning objectives. Most of the time, as long as there is an internet, they can have an
access in the lessons and they can easily review their lessons. Because of the novelty of the topic and
the aim to provide comprehensive insights into game-based learning for learners with disabilities,
conference papers were considered. Specifically, the connexion between different activity
components can create more effective learning and generate greater benefits for learners with
disabilities. Maybe you experienced something similar as a student or in an effective professional
development session. However, despite these limitations, this study has provided a solid basis for
understanding the design and effects of game-based learning for learners with disabilities. It explains
how Unity 3D can be used to build AR applications that can enable learning of various subjects and
skill the proficiency by playing an AR game in a Test manner. Prodigy Math helped bridge learning
gaps in West Haralson Elementary School Prodigy Math is a game-based learning platform for 1st to
8th grade. Specifically, this study aims to answer the following research questions. Serious games
offer motivating and engaging experiences, interactive learning environments and collaborative
learning activities. Gamification is about bringing aspects of game-design into the learning process.
Therefore, a systematic literature review using the Activity Theory (AT) was conducted to analyse
studies about game-based learning for learners with disabilities. Consequently, this review is
intended to fill this gap by including different disabilities (e.g., hearing impairment, autism spectrum
disorder, and intellectual disability). To ensure the credibility of Horner's quality indicators, the
researchers checked them against the essential quality indicators for experimental research in special
education ( Gersten et al., 2005 ) and found that Horner's criteria sufficiently fulfilled items for
describing participants, implementation of the intervention and description of comparison conditions
and outcome measures. For experiments conducted in special classrooms, where other learners were
also doing some activities, learners who underwent experiments might get distracted ( Everhart et
al., 2011 ). This set of criteria was valid because case design is commonly used in special education
research, and a large proportion of the selected studies employed case design. In GBL research, the
following three terms are always used namely: serious games, educational games and digital
educational games ( Pan et al., 2021 ). These three terms have similarities and differences among
their definitions. This study was performed with peers of siblings: one with ASD and the other one
without. Plass Chapter 6 Motivational Foundations of Game-Based Learning: Richard M. Ryan and
C. Scott Rigby Chapter 7 Socio-Cultural Foundations of Game-Based Learning: Constance
Steinkuehler and A. M. Tsaasan Part 3 Design Foundations of Game-Based Learning Chapter 8
Instructional Support, Feedback, and Coaching in Game-Based Learning: James C. At the same
time, program effectiveness will be affected by employee’s previous experiences with video games
and organizational support. In this game, children learn to recognise animal sounds, discriminate
sounds and understand simple orders. Hence, they are considered as a proper educational tool which
enhances learning procedures and satisfies and fulfills students’ needs and requirements. Amongst
other things, games and games consoles can be used in the classroom. Scrabble is an example of a
traditional word game while the app Words With Friends is a more modern one. Where and how
doesn't matter, either — students can learn: With online games In person with physical objects
Independently or as part of a team Game-based learning vs. To this end, they present a set of
guidelines that are based on Educational Playability (Playability in EVG), which were compiled by
analyzing the existing game guidelines to achieve a good EVG design, to form a basis for evaluating
the EVG quality, acting as useful tools for developers to enhance videogame playability. Finally,
recommendations were made under each activity component. Specifically, this study can provide a
reference for educators, game designers and policy makers about the effective design and delivery of
game-based learning for learners with diversified disabilities. Technologies such as VR “may offer
not only an enjoyable pastime but also an opportunity to develop the motor, cognitive and social
skills attributed to play activities” ( Kirshner et al., 2011 ). Therefore, clarifying their meanings and
relationships can help to understand the scope of the current study.
Plass, Bruce D. Homer, Richard E. Mayer, and Charles K. Sarah Smith, Headteacher at St Peter and
St Paul’s CE Primary School, believes. In game-based learning, teachers incorporate learning
activities through games to refresh old concepts or solidify new ones. Although children at St Peter
and St Paul’s CE Primary School use a variety of. They are also able to get insightful data reports on
how each student is progressing, ideal for spotting gaps in knowledge. A problem solving ability
scale was adapted to assess pre-service teachers' problem solving skills and abilities on fractions
through the use of area, set and linear models of fractions. Game-based learning: Helps problem-
solving — Game-based learning can help students solve problems by fostering skills like
understanding causation, logic and decision making they can use in life outside of school. Especially
as: Students are becoming tech savvy at an earlier age Educational technology companies are
developing more products And rightly so. It improves one's ability to take in and grasp things.
Within the scope of this study, it is aimed to analyze scientific studies on game-based learning and
the use of AR in educational activities systematically. Collaborations with local learning centres,
associations and universities are encouraged to expand the talent pool in designing and testing more
suitable game-based learning for learners with disabilities. The Internet is a great way to deliver
information, and it plays and will continue to play a significant role post COVID-19. This looks like
a comprehensive and valuable handbook Jan. Amongst the various factors-tools, methods or
strategies-that can lead to increased motivation, this paper examines the role of technology as a
motivational factor in foreign language learning. After removing duplicate papers, 1,856 papers
remained. TemplateLab, (PDF) Article Literature Review and also College essay: Essay about
literature example. The relationship between the use of technological means such as web tools and
services, digital games, mobile apps or communication tools and motivation in language learning
context, has been studied extensively, with a wide variety of approaches, and within the framework
of several language learning applications. Storyline and non-player characters (e.g., Navarro-Newball
et al., 2014; Stylianidou et al., 2020 ) were also widely used to help learners obtain a sense of
control of the learning environment. Educational games in a narrow sense are electronic games
specially developed for educational purposes ( Moreno-Ger et al., 2008 ). Educational games in a
broad sense not only involve traditional games ( Vos et al., 2011 ), but also include all educational
software, teaching aids, toys with the characteristics of both education and fun. No use, distribution
or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms. However, the study aims to
develop a Game Based Elearning App, based on the related studies; it serves as guidelines on how to
develop a system with a better graphical design and functions that gives attraction to the end users.
However, studies continue to show that games can positively impact things like students’ math and
language learning in many ways. Another proposal for hearing impairment was from Bouzid et al.
(2016), who proposed the computer game MemoSign to teach sign language. If you have, you
recognize the power game-based learning can have on one’s personal learning journey. Top benefits
of game-based learning Some educators and researchers still argue that game-based learning can be
detrimental to educational experience. The great thing about game-based learning is everyone can
reap its benefits, from preschool all the way up to post-secondary education and beyond. Using
computer and video games in the classroom can be both fun and. To answer the second research
question, recommendations on how to improve game-based learning for learners with disabilities
were provided based on the identified gaps, challenges or contradictions under each activity
component. Whether you’re planning to apply it to in-person learning or e-learning, do so with an
open mind.
According to its efficacy and utilities, this study has assessed and compared the game-based e-
Learning system with the traditional learning and other e-Learning systems. The experimental results
have indicated that the proposed game-based e-Learning system can outperfor. Digital educational
games are educational games which are supported by different information technology and digital
platforms ( Lin and Lin, 2014; Aslan and Balci, 2015 ) to promote learners' understanding of a given
learning content. The focus of this study is to help increase the level of knowledge and
understanding of the IT students regarding on their specific subject. In order to determine the real
impact of technology on learners' motivation, an extensive literature review focusing on studies that
have examined the impact of technology use in language learning and teaching on motivation to
learn, has been carried out. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely,
please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. For learners with different disabilities, game-
based learning should be designed targeting specific disabilities instead of generalising it based on
popularity or trend. Simulation games — A game designed to closely simulate real-world activities.
Download Free PDF View PDF International Journal of Engineering Education Development of a
Game-Based e-Learning System with Augmented Reality for Improving Students’ Learning
Performance Victor R L Shen Currently, the school children usually spend a lot of time on the games
in their recreational activities and some of them are even addicted to the games. It is carefully
selecting the element which user love about the. With each passing day, new software or gadgets are
being introduced in the tech market that improves our lives in one way or another and makes it much
more comfortable. St Peter and St Paul CE Primary School in Burgh-le-Marsh is located on.
Specifically, this study aims to answer the following research questions. Nonetheless, the figure
included in the chapter can help educators (not game. Gove, arguing that these types of technologies
could aid the teaching of maths. For experiments conducted in special classrooms, where other
learners were also doing some activities, learners who underwent experiments might get distracted (
Everhart et al., 2011 ). Thorne Chapter 18 Games for Training of Cognitive Skills: Daphne Bavelier
Chapter 19 Games for Workforce Learning and Performance: Ruth C. However, not all games will
be suitable for classroom use, so it is important to. One way to achieve this is to incorporate more
multiplayer games or involve games that incorporate group work ( Othman et al., n.d. ), which allow
learners to share their ideas. The students were then interviewed on their goal setting and design
methodologies and shared their perspectives on whether these games provided a more creative
setting for road safety learning. However, the study aims to develop a Game Based Elearning App,
based on the related studies; it serves as guidelines on how to develop a system with a better
graphical design and functions that gives attraction to the end users. Digital game-based learning
(DGBL) In an increasingly tech-filled world, DGBL takes things one step further and harnesses
technology to help make game-based learning even more engaging and effective. This game is based
on the Memory Match Game, which includes a 3D human character who reproduces signs to
facilitate the learning process for users. Especially as: Students are becoming tech savvy at an earlier
age Educational technology companies are developing more products And rightly so. Table of
Contents Part 1 Introduction to Game-Based Learning Chapter 1 Theoretical Foundations of Game-
Based Learning Jan L. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made
by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher. Amongst other things, games
and games consoles can be used in the classroom. You can download the paper by clicking the button
above. Serious games offer motivating and engaging experiences, interactive learning environments
and collaborative learning activities. To maintain neutrality and unbiasedness of the observational
data, “a uniform set of standard guidelines in terms of describing problems encountered by learners”
( Dehkordi and Rias, 2014 ) can be given to teachers and practitioners prior to the experiments.
Amongst the various factors-tools, methods or strategies-that can lead to increased motivation, this
paper examines the role of technology as a motivational factor in foreign language learning.
Scrabble is an example of a traditional word game while the app Words With Friends is a more
modern one. Take formative, non-digital childhood games like Simon says or Duck-Duck-Goose, for
example. Process of developing the Games based learning experience. In a recent 2020 study, an
educational video game, named 'Programmer Adventure Land', was created to improve college
students' understanding of computer programming. This guide aims to give those interested in
adopting games-based learning a brief. To this end, they present a set of guidelines that are based on
Educational Playability (Playability in EVG), which were compiled by analyzing the existing game
guidelines to achieve a good EVG design, to form a basis for evaluating the EVG quality, acting as
useful tools for developers to enhance videogame playability. Eighteen studies had games involving
simple “click and check,” where players interact with the game using the mouse or pointing at the
touchscreen. Prodigy creates fun and effective game-based learning experiences Discover how we
design, build and deliver incredibly engaging learning experiences for students, teachers and parents.
Leaflets could be replaced by e-mails and advertisements sent to individual family or online
communities. Traditional game-based learning GBL wasn’t always digital, of course. In this study,
game-based learning is considered as any environment which uses various technology and platforms,
as well as applies games or related elements, concepts, mechanisms or designs to teach a given
concept or subject ( Deterding et al., 2011 ). This game is based on the Memory Match Game, which
includes a 3D human character who reproduces signs to facilitate the learning process for users.
Hence, they are considered as a proper educational tool which enhances learning procedures and
satisfies and fulfills students’ needs and requirements. This study addresses that topic by providing a
systematic review, which analyses and critically appraises the current state of knowledge and
practice in the use of ARGBL applications in primary education. Specifically, the connexion between
different activity components can create more effective learning and generate greater benefits for
learners with disabilities. Whether you’re planning to apply it to in-person learning or e-learning, do
so with an open mind. Teachers would — and still do — pepper the traditional learning environment
with them to help teach students how to understand classroom rules, the importance of paying
attention and to improve motor skills. A problem solving ability scale was adapted to assess pre-
service teachers' problem solving skills and abilities on fractions through the use of area, set and
linear models of fractions. This application aims at teaching words by providing models of objects
and tests the progress, resulting in a better learning experience for the user. The study indicated that
the proposed framework may simplify the game design process with effective and efficient
collaborative design sessions in an educational setting. Game to Learn has been compiled using the
following sources from. Digital educational games are educational games which are supported by
different information technology and digital platforms ( Lin and Lin, 2014; Aslan and Balci, 2015 )
to promote learners' understanding of a given learning content. The Preferred Reporting Items for
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines were followed to produce this
systematic review ( Moher et al., 2010 ). PRISMA provides a standard peer-accepted methodology
that uses a guideline checklist, which was strictly followed in this paper. Proposed in 1991 by Jean
Lave, anthropologist, and Etienne Wenger, a computer scientist, situated learning helps students
understand new concepts in the context of their social relationships. Hatzigiannakoglou and
Okalidou (2019) used Virtual Reality (VR) to help children with cochlear implants to be familiar
with the device and to develop auditory skills based on Erber's model. Role-playing games (RPGs)
— a game in which players assume the role of imaginary characters who engage in adventures.
Therefore mathematics pedagogy courses Ghanaian Colleges of Education should be made more
practical and pre-service teachers in colleges of education should be given ample opportunity to
practice what they are going to teach in basic schools. Where and how doesn't matter, either —
students can learn: With online games In person with physical objects Independently or as part of a
team Game-based learning vs. Particularly, learner-based and contextual factors, as well as the
essential roles played by various stakeholders, have not been addressed when game-based learning
applications are used in special education. However, it is seen that most existing literature reviews
were concerned with the examination of the effectiveness of game-based learning on a specific
Homer, Charles Raffaele, and Hamadi Henderson Chapter 3 Types of Engagement in Learning with
Games: Ruth N. If pupils play a game with the appropriate level of. Although children at St Peter
and St Paul’s CE Primary School use a variety of. Learn more about Prodigy for teachers How game-
based learning drives a strong learning experience Do you remember the first time a new concept
finally clicked after learning through play. The results showed that the experimental group notably
outperformed the control group, demonstrating the effectiveness of digital game-based learning. The
remaining 315 papers were considered and assessed as full texts; 219 of these papers did not pass the
inclusion criteria. As in all fields, expectations are influenced by the advancement of science and
technology for the use of emerging technologies in educational environments. Chess and checkers
are popular ones, but there are hundreds if not thousands of board games for kids to explore.
However, to achieve this, it is essential to consider educational and technological aspects to develop
appropriate applications that provide the student and the teacher with innovative teaching methods.
In this study, game-based learning is considered as any environment which uses various technology
and platforms, as well as applies games or related elements, concepts, mechanisms or designs to
teach a given concept or subject ( Deterding et al., 2011 ). Pre-service teachers need to develop much
and deeper understandings of the mathematics content than they had as students, and their teachers,
mathematics teacher educators, must have the knowledge necessary to help with this development.
After removing duplicate papers, 1,856 papers remained. Introducing enjoyable and interactive
learning could capture the attention of young learners, hence improving teaching and learning. The
students expressed positive views about this approach, noting that game elements like power-ups,
competition and instant feedback boosted their motivation to learn. Since activity is defined as a
system of purposeful behaviours leading to recognisable changes in human practises ( Kim, 2010 ),
the researchers examined how game-based learning could help evolve behaviours and practises
among stakeholders. Based on the findings for RQ1, this review also provided recommendations
based on each activity component so that existing challenges, gaps and contradictions can be
minimised in the future design and implementation of game-based learning for learners with
disabilities. However, not all games will be suitable for classroom use, so it is important to. In
addition, learners' engagement was affected by the location of the experiment. I wanted to thank all
the authors who made contributions to this handbook - the list of contributing authors and their
chapter contributions is below. The use of a framework is inspired by the game design literature and
graduate students’ prior domain experience in their respective fields of teaching. Hence, they are
considered as a proper educational tool which enhances learning procedures and satisfies and fulfills
students’ needs and requirements. The application of Augmented Reality (AR) in the classroom has
the potential to improve on traditional doctrine. Some of the most common game-based learning
examples include: Card games — A game that uses a traditional or game-specific deck of cards.
“War” is a traditional card game that can have a mathematical twist. The students will pay more
attention in this educational game because they can enjoy themselves playing while they are learning
( ). Parents should not only be interviewed but also be invited to be actively engaged in the
experiments to provide learners with disabilities with a more comfortable environment and support
researchers in conducting long-term experiments successfully. This guide aims to give those
interested in adopting games-based learning a brief. This review aims to lay the groundwork for
educators, technology developers, and other stakeholders involved in the development of literacy
programmes for young children by offering new insights with effective advice and suggestions on
how to increase student motivation and improve learning outcomes and the learning experience by
incorporating ARGBL into their teaching. Pre-service teachers lacked the requisite knowledge, skills
and expertise for teaching mathematics through problem solving. The study results indicated that
ARGBL applications are mainly used to document the design and development process, as well as to
share preliminary findings and student feedback. As a result, educators have lately craved to develop
effective teaching activities that allow the school children to learn some subjects and to play the
games simultaneously.

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