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Universidad de Valladolid [47163]

Departamento de Filología Inglesa Qianting Yuan [Group A]
Grading Rubric for Oral Presentations
Aspects Poor Regular Good Excellent
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Organization Disorganized; the information A little organized, but it is Generally organized; almost Well organized; the
does not have a logical order. difficult to follow the all information is presented information is presented in
Sources are not properly presentation because the in a logical order. Most an easy-to-follow, logical, and
cited. The presentation is too ideas are not well sources are properly cited. clear manner. Sources are
long or too short: more than interconnected. Some The presentation is within the properly cited. The
five minutes above or below sources are not properly time limit. presentation is within the
the stipulated time. cited. The presentation is too time limit.
long or too short: more than
three minutes above or
below the stipulated time.
Content and The students show a basic The students are generally The students show an overall The content of the
mastery of understanding of the comfortable with the command of subject matter presentation is pertinent. The
the subject material, but mastery of material and are able to and are able to respond to students are well-versed in
subject knowledge is not answer most questions. questions on a basic level. subject and able to respond
evident. Most questions fail to questions with further
to be answered. explanation.
Visual aids The font is too small. The font is small. Some The font is appropriate. The The font is big and easy to
Graphics are not used graphics are not used graphics are related to the read. The graphics reinforce
properly (if applied). The properly (if applied). The presentation (if applied). the the presentation and increase
visuals have a lot of spelling visuals have some spelling visuals contain few spelling audience understanding (if
and/or grammar errors. and/or grammar errors. and/or grammar errors. applied). The visuals contain
no spelling and/or grammar
Verbal skills Voice is too low. Too many The speaker(s) sometimes Voice is adequate. The The presenter(s) speak(s)
words are pronounced cannot be heard well. Some speaker(s) has/have good clearly and correctly and
incorrectly. The speaker(s) words are pronounced pronunciation and show(s) show(s) high level of
show(s) lack of interest. incorrectly. The speaker(s) enthusiasm. enthusiasm and confidence in
show(s) little enthusiasm. the way that generates
interest in the audience.
Non-verbal The presenter(s) look(s) The presenter(s) look(s) The presenter(s) look(s) The presenter(s) look(s)
skills uncomfortable and nervous. somewhat comfortable, but generally comfortable and relaxed and confident as well
He/she they generally read(s) he/she/they read(s) half of confident. He/she/they as keeps eye contact. The
from notes without eye the time and keep(s) little eye keep(s) eye contact most of presentation is conducted
contact or connection with contact. the time, but frequently smoothly.
the audience. read(s) from the notes.

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