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09/07/2022 23:40 Symptom Checker for ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Autism, ODD, Bipolar

Inside the ADHD mind

The ADDitude Symptom Checker

Your Results

ADDitude Symptom Checker completed: Saturday, July 9, 2022

Based on your responses, we recommend that you learn more about the conditions listed
below with recommended resources and next steps.

Please note: These results are not a diagnosis and are not a replacement for evaluation and
diagnosis by a medical professional. If you remain concerned, please consult a professional.

Condition 1

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by the presence
of obsessions (recurrent, intrusive thoughts or impulses) and/or compulsions (repetitive
behaviors, such as counting or hand washing) that the individual feels driven to perform.
These obsessions or compulsions are time-consuming and cause significant distress or
impairment; they may cause an adult to withdraw from family and friends, and avoid
interacting with colleagues. Symptoms often begin in adolescence. Learn more.

Relevant Resources:

1. What Is OCD? Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Explained

2. What Does Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Look Like in Adults?

3. How Is OCD Diagnosed?

4. Treatment for the Symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

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09/07/2022 23:40 Symptom Checker for ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Autism, ODD, Bipolar

Condition 2

Depression is a mood disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness and
worthlessness, loss of interest or pleasure in almost all activities, and, in some cases,
suicidal ideation or self-harm. Physical symptoms may include trouble sleeping, fatigue,
and unexplained weight loss or gain. Individuals with ADHD are three times more likely to
also have one of the following types of depression: major depression, persistent depressive
disorder, bipolar mood disorder, psychotic depression, postpartum depression, and
seasonal affective disorder. Learn more.

Relevant Resources:

1. What is Depression?

2. What Does Depression Look Like in Adults?

3. Is It ADHD, Depression, or Both?

4. How to Treat Depression

Condition 3

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition with
hyperactive/impulsive and/or inattentive symptoms that persist into adulthood for nearly
5% of U.S. adults. The symptoms of ADHD in adults include hypersensitive emotionality,
weak working memory, impulsivity, lack of focus, and poor organization, among others.
Learn more.

Relevant Resources:

1. Adult ADHD: A Guide to Symptoms, Signs, and Treatments

2. I Think I Have ADHD: Adult Symptom & Diagnosis Guide Privacy - Terms 2/8
09/07/2022 23:40 Symptom Checker for ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Autism, ODD, Bipolar

3. Adult ADHD Treatment Options — An Overview

4. Female ADHD Test: Symptoms in Women and Girls

Condition 4

Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a behavioral disorder with a persistent pattern of
outbursts and aggression, a tendency to argue with authority figures, blame others, and feel
angry and misunderstood by the world. Adults with ODD feel made at the world and exhibit
these symptoms on a daily basis: lose temper, argue with family and coworkers, actively
defy or refuse to comply with rules and laws, deliberately annoy people, blame others for
their mistakes or misbehavior, are easily annoyed by others, feel angry and resentful, and
act spiteful or vindictive. Learn more.

Relevant Resources:

1. What Does Oppositional Defiant Disorder Look Like in Adults?

2. Why Am I So Angry All the Time? ODD in Adults

3. Oppositional Defiant Disorder Treatment

4. What Is Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)?

Condition 5

When most people talk about anxiety, they really mean generalized anxiety disorder, or
GAD. GAD refers to anxiety that is nearly constant and disproportionate to its causes.
Adults with GAD tend to worry about everything — regardless of whether its formidable,
changeable, or foreseeable. They suffer from sleep problems, irritability, difficulty
concentrating, and excessive worry, among other symptoms. Learn more. Privacy - Terms 3/8
09/07/2022 23:40 Symptom Checker for ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Autism, ODD, Bipolar

Relevant Resources:

1. What Is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

2. What Anxiety Disorders Look Like in Adults

3. Treatment for the Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders

4. Anxiety? Depression? Or ADHD? It Could Be All Three

Contact us: Share your feedback
on the ADDitude Symptom Checker.

For Reference: Your Responses

Below is your full set of affirmative responses. Please note that different conditions may
present similar symptoms for different reasons. To fully understand these results, share
them with your medical professional.

You completed this Symptom Checker for

an adult

This adult

is a male

The age of the adult is


The adult has trouble paying attention and maintaining focus.

Has a great deal of difficulty paying attention to details.
Finds it difficult to do things that aren't important or highly stimulating.
Has a hard time concentrating and/or making even small decisions.

The adult is often very impulsive.

Starts many projects, but rarely completes any.
Has a reputation for interrupting others or blurting out.
Can act in ways that are extremely impulsive. Privacy - Terms 4/8
09/07/2022 23:40 Symptom Checker for ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Autism, ODD, Bipolar

The adult has an excessive amount of physical and/or mental energy.

Is often edgy, jittery or restless.
Often fidgets — tapping a pencil, bouncing a knee — or moves a lot.
Often seems to be "on the go" or has difficulty sitting still for any amount of time.
Seeks, or may feel as if needs, near-daily exercise/physical activity.
Often talks excessively, interrupts others, speaks extremely rapidly.

The adult often loses items, or can't get a handle on clutter.

Has a problem with clutter.
Has trouble organizing tasks and projects.

The adult is often very sad, moody, or feels hopeless.

Finds self thinking frequently about how they might commit suicide or end their life.
Often feels worthless.
Has sometimes felt suicidal or hopeless about the future.
Has lost interest in almost all the activities that they used to enjoy.

The adult is often irritable or angry.

Is persistently prickly or irritable.
Can be spiteful and vindictive when they feel that they have been wronged.
Is extremely argumentative — it's important to them to win every argument.
Loses temper and/or explodes in anger frequently.
Often defies or refuses to comply with rules set by others.
Often deliberately tries to annoy or upset other people.
Can't stand authority figures and rebels against them.

The adult has rigid, repetitive, or odd behaviors or thought patterns.

Follows the same schedule every day, and dislikes changes to routine.
Gets caught up in arranging items in a special order — like books or silverware — and
dislikes moving them.
Has washing, cleaning, or grooming rituals — like washing hands five times in a row —
beyond what is seen as normal given COVID-19 situation.
Has a deep knowledge of or interest in one specific topic that borders on obsession.
Has a memory like a steel trap, even for facts they don't fully understand.

The adult feels very anxious or worried.

Sometimes has upsetting mental images of death or disaster.
Constantly worries about what other people think of them.
Is obsessively worried about running out of an item, or needing an item in the future.
Is a perfectionist and becomes irritable when things aren't perfect. Privacy - Terms 5/8
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Has intrusive and unacceptable thoughts that is embarrassed or afraid to talk about.
Is often edgy, jittery or restless.

The adult has trouble managing time and planning.

Often procrastinates instead of starting a task right away.
Estimates incorrectly how long it will take to get somewhere, even if they have made
the trip before.
Is often late to events or appointments.
Can become so involved in a task that they hardly stop to take a break, or have a hard
time switching to doing something else.
Has difficulty figuring out what is most important, or where to start on a task.

The adult has sleeping problems.

Often has difficulty sleeping (trouble falling or staying asleep, unsatisfying sleep).
Sleep at night is very disturbed — has a hard time falling and/or staying asleep almost
every night.

The adult's family may have a history of psychological or learning disorders:

Not sure

The adult has experienced stress, transition, or trauma:


About ADDitude
Since 1998, millions have trusted ADDitude to deliver expert advice and caring support,
making it the leading media network for parents and adults living with attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder and related conditions, and for the professionals working in the field.
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ensures that its content, products, and services are accurate, evidence-based, and uphold
the highest standards of medical integrity.

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09/07/2022 23:40 Symptom Checker for ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Autism, ODD, Bipolar

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