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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Causes of ADHD
Research to date has shown ADHD may be 1. Prematurity increases the risk of
caused by several things:  developing ADHD.
1. Brain anatomy and function. A lower 2. Prenatal exposures, such as alcohol or
level of activity in the parts of the brain nicotine from smoking, increase the risk of
that control attention and activity level developing ADHD.
may be associated with ADHD.  3. In very rare cases, toxins in the
2. Genes and heredity. ADHD frequently environment may lead to ADHD. For
runs in families. A child with ADHD has a instance, lead in the body can affect child
1 in 4 chance of having a parent with development and behavior.
ADHD. It’s also likely that another close
family member, such as a sibling, will also
have ADHD. Sometimes, ADHD is
diagnosed in a parent at the same time it is
diagnosed in the child. 
3. Significant head injuries may cause
ADHD in some cases.
There are three kinds of
behavior involved in
ADHD: inattention,
hyperactivity and
What are some symptoms of ADHD?
Symptoms of ADHD are divided into two groups—

Inattentive symptoms of ADHD:
 Makes careless mistakes in schoolwork, overlooks details 
 Is easily distracted or sidetracked
 Has difficulty following instructions
 Doesn’t seem to be listening when spoken to directly
 Has trouble organizing tasks and possessions
 Often fails to finish work in school or chores in the classroom
 Often avoids or resists tasks that require sustained mental effort,
including doing homework
 Often loses homework assignments, books, jackets, backpacks,
sports equipment
Hyperactive or impulsive symptoms of ADHD:
 Often fidgets or squirms
 Has trouble staying in his seat
 Runs and climbs where it’s inappropriate
 Has trouble playing quietly
 Is extremely impatient, can’t wait for his turn
 Always seems to be “on the go” or “driven by a motor”
 Talks excessively
 Blurts out answers before a question is completed
Interrupts or intrudes on other’s conversations, activities,
Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Doctors don’t know the exact cause of ODD. It may result

from a combination of factors. The child’s general attitude
and how the family reacts to his or her behavior may play
a role in it. ODD may run in families. Other causes may be
related to the nervous system or to brain chemicals that are
out of balance.
 Frequent temper
 Acting easily
 Constant arguing annoyed by others.
with or defying
adults.  Feelings of anger
and resentment
 Refusing to follow toward other people.
 Wanting to get
OF  Annoying other revenge on others.
ODD people on purpose.
 Problems at school.
 Blaming others for
their own mistakes  Trouble making or
or bad behavior. keeping friends.
American Academy of Pediatrics. (2020). Causes of ADHD: What We Know Today. Retrieved from ADHD.aspx
Child Mind Institute. (2020). What’s ADHD (and What’s Not) in the Classroom. Retrieved from
Patel, D. (2020). Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Retrieved from

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