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Which learning disability

displays these three symptoms?



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Shereen Grant

Norman Morrison

Michael McDonald

Nyron Brown
No doubt some children are harder to manage than
others. Some have a hard time calming down, paying
attention, or looking before they leap – which in turn
can cause numerous problems at home and at school.
Behavioral and academic difficulties are sometimes
cause by an on-going physical or mental condition.
One such condition, which probably affects about five
percent of children, is known as:
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD.
 ADHD is a mental disorder that affects
children and many adults.

 ADHD is a diagnosis applied to children and

adults who consistently display certain
behaviors such as
distractibility, impulsivity,
and hyperactivity over a
period of time.
Types of ADHD
There are three different types of ADHD, including:
Inattentive ADHD (previously known as ADD),
which is marked by impaired attention and
Hyperactive-impulsive ADHD, which is marked
by hyperactivity without inattentiveness.
Combined ADHD (the most common type), which
involves all of the symptoms.
Possible Causes of ADHD
Genetic & heredity (inherit)
 Change in the brain structure
 Environmental factors - Pregnancy:
smoking, alcohol, drugs, and premature
 Environmental toxins – PCBs or Lead
 Gender – boys are 3x more likely
than girls

Symptoms may be apparent in very young preschoolers

and are nearly always present before the age of seven.
Symptoms must be inconsistent with the child’s current
developmental level.
Must persist to a degree that is considered maladaptive for
at least six months.
Symptoms of
Six or more of the following symptoms of
inattention have been present for at least 6 months
to a point that is disruptive and inappropriate for
developmental level:
poor attention to detail
keeping up with tasks
doesn’t listen when spoken to
Symptoms cont’d
 easily distracted
 avoid things that take effort to perform
 lose things needed for a task
 often does not follow instructions
 Fails to give close attention to details or makes
careless mistakes in schoolwork, work, or other
 Difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play
Symptoms cont’d
 Does not seem to listen when spoken to directly
 Does not follow through on instructions and fails to
finish schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace
 Difficulty organizing tasks and activities
 Avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to engage in tasks that
require sustained mental effort
 Loses things necessary for tasks or activities
 Distracted by extraneous stimuli
 Forgetful in daily activities
Symptoms of
Hyperactive / Impulsive
Six (6) or more of the following symptoms of
at least 6 months to a degree that is maladaptive and
inconsistent with developmental level:
Fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat
Leaves seat in classroom or in other situations in
which remaining seated is expected
Symptoms cont’d

 Runs about or climbs excessively in situations in which it

is inappropriate
 Often has difficulty playing or engaging in leisure
activities quietly
 Is often “on the go” or often acts if “driven by a motor”
 Talks excessively
Symptoms of
 Impatience
 Blurts out answers before questions have been
 Has difficulty awaiting turn
 Interrupts or intrudes on others
 initiating conversations at inappropriate times
 Impulsivity may lead to accidents such as knocking
over objects or banging into people
Symptoms of
Combination type

When someone meets both lists of criteria - for attention and

hyperactivity / impulsivity.
Manifestation of Adult
In adults, symptoms of inattention may manifest in work or in social situations.

 Impaired social skills  Frequent job failures

 Low self-esteem  More driving accidents
 Frequent loss of temper  Increased risk for
 Difficulty organizing or antisocial behavior,
finishing tasks mood disorders,
 Anxious restlessness substance abuse
ADHD is diagnosed after children consistently display
some or all of the above-mentioned behaviors in at least
two settings, such as at home and in school, for at least
six months.
The average age of ADHD diagnosis in children is
between 4 -7 years old. There is no single test. However,
it can be diagnose using:
Physical examination
Interviews/report from parents, teachers
Doing a series of interview with the child
Treatment for
Treatment focuses on reducing the symptoms of ADHD
and improving functioning through:

1.) Medications
2.) Therapy/counseling
3.) Education
4.) Training
Treatment for ADHD cont’d
Medications aren't a permanent cure for ADHD, but may
help someone with the condition to concentrate and
helps them focus better, be less impulsive, feel calmer,
and learn and practice new skills.
Treatment for ADHD cont’d
* Behavior therapy - Teachers and parents can learn
behavior-changing strategies, such as token reward systems
and timeouts, for dealing with difficult situations.
* Psychotherapy - This allows older children with ADHD to
talk about issues that bother them, explore negative
behavioral patterns and learn ways to deal with their
* Family therapy - Family therapy can help parents and
siblings deal with the stress of living with someone who has
Treatment for ADHD cont’d
Parenting skills training. This can help parents develop
ways to understand and guide their child's behavior.

Social skills training. This can help children learn

appropriate social behaviors.

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• ADD & ADHD in Children: Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms


• http://www.Edutechsbs.Com/adhd/00020/htm

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