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1. A patient is admitted to the hospital with severe diarrhea. The

patient should be monitored for which complication is associated
with diarrhea?- Hypokalemia (Diarrhea causes fluid loss and hypokalemia)
2. The nurse in a long-term care facility is teaching a group of
residents about increasing dietary fiber. Which foods should she
explain are high in fiber? (orange, raisins and strawberries)
3. The nurse has taught a client how to manage constipation. Which
action by the client would provide evidence of learning? (Select all
that apply.) The patient:
 A) increases his intake of high-fiber foods.
 B) drinks at least four 8-ounce glasses of water a day.
 C) goes to the bathroom to evacuate after meals.
 D) takes a daily laxative.

4. The clinic nurse is talking on the phone to a client who has diarrhea. Which
intervention should the nurse discuss with the client?
Explain the BRAT diet
5. The client has been experiencing difficulty and straining when
expelling feces. Which intervention should be taught to the client?
-high fiber diet
6. Which of the following lifestyle modifications should the nurse encourage the client
with a hiatal hernia to include in activities of daily living?
-eliminate smoking and drinking alcohol
7. The nurse is teaching a client how to prevent recurrent chronic
gastritis symptoms before discharge. Which statement by the client
demonstrates a correct understanding of the nurse's instruction?
- should eat 6 times a day small meal
8. Which information about dietary management should the nurse
include when teaching a patient with peptic ulcer disease (PUD)?
- avoid food that causes pain after you eat them.
9. A 46-year-old female with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is
experiencing increasing discomfort. Which patient statement indicates
that additional teaching about GERD is needed?
-bedtime snack should be avoided
10. The patient with chronic gastritis is being put on a combination of medications to eradicate H. pylori.
Which drugs does the nurse know will probably be used for this patient?

Antibiotics, proton pump inhibitor

11. A72-year-old patient was admitted with epigastric pain due to a

gastric ulcer. Which patient assessment warrants an urgent change in
the nursing plan of care?- rigid abdomen and vomiting
12. The results of a patient's recent endoscopy indicate the presence of
peptic ulcer disease (PUD). Which teaching point should the nurse
provide to the patient based on this new diagnosis?
- eliminate alcohol
13. As the patient prepares for discharge, the nurse provides education
about behaviors that reduce symptoms and aggravate peptic ulcers.
Which teaching does the nurse provide? (Select all that apply.)
a. Sit upright 30 to 60 minutes after meals.
b. Spices should be added to food to enhance flavor.
c. A vagotomy will be needed in the future
d. Extreme vomiting should be reported to your physician.
e. H. pylori can be a concern in patients with peptic ulcers.
f. The goal of initial intervention is to control symptoms and prevent
further complications.

14. Which diagnostic results support the diagnosis of peptic ulcer

disease (PUD)? (Select all that apply.)
a. Low hemoglobin (Hgb)
b. Low white blood cell (WBC) level
c. Low hematocrit (Hct)
d. Positive for H. pylori bacteria
e. Low potassium of 3.4 mEq/L

15.  Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) weakens the lower

esophageal sphincter, predisposing older persons to risk for impaired
swallowing. In managing the symptoms associated with GERD, the nurse
should assign the highest priority to which of the following
Eating small freq. meals upright position, for aleast 30 mins
16. Peritonitis occurs in which part of the GI system?- peritoneum
17. The following are results of diagnostic and imaging studies in a patient with peritonitis except:
A. Elevated WBC.
B. Air and fluid levels on abdominal xray.
C. Leukopenia.
D. Intra-abdominal abscess on MRI.

18. The major cause of death from peritonitis is:
19.  During the assessment, the nurse should be looking for additional
symptoms diagnostic of peritonitis, which include:
- all
20. A patient is scheduled for an appendectomy at noon. While
performing your morning assessment, you note that the patient has a
fever of 39.9 degrees Celsius and rates abdominal pain 9 on 1-10. In
addition, the abdomen is distended and the patient states, “I was feeling
better last night but it seems the pain has become worst.” The patient is
having tachycardia and tachypnea. Based on the scenario, what do you
suspect the patient is experiencing?-(peritonitis)
21. A patient is recovering after having an appendectomy. The patient is
48 hours post-opt from surgery and is tolerating full liquids. The
physician orders for the patient to try solid foods. What types of foods
should the patient incorporate in their diet?- foods high in fiber
22. Your patient is 4 days post-opt from an appendectomy. Which
assessment finding requires further evaluation?- last bowel movement
was the day before the surgery
23.  You’re providing education to a group of nursing students about the
care of a patient with appendicitis. Which statement by a nursing
student requires re-education about your teaching?
-non pharma techniques- the pain should be gone now

24. Thinking back to the scenario in question 3, what other signs and
symptoms are associated with appendicitis. SELECT-ALL-THAT-APPLY
25. A 23 year old patient is admitted with suspected appendicitis. The
patient states he is having pain around the umbilicus that extends into
the lower part of his abdomen. In addition, he says that the pain is worst
on the right lower quadrant. The patient points to his abdomen at a
location which is about a one-third distance between the anterior
superior iliac spine and umbilicus. This area is known as what?
Mcburney’s point
26. Select all the following options that are NOT causes of appendicitis:-
A. Fecalith
B. Routine usage of NSAIDs
C. Infection due to Helicobacter pylori
D. Lymph node enlargement due to viral or bacterial infection
E. Diet low in fiber
27. You’re helping a mother, whose child was recently diagnosed with
Celiac Disease, read food labels. Which items below, if listed as the
ingredients, should the mother avoid feeding her child?
A. Millet
B. Wheat
C. Malt
D. Corn
E. Buckwheat
F. Rye
28. Your patient was admitted 3 days ago for treatment of severe
malnourishment secondary to Celiac Disease. The patient is doing well
and will be discharged tomorrow. When you arrive to the patient’s room,
the patient’s friends and family are visiting and have brought dinner for
the patient. Which food item below should the patient avoid consuming?
-pork bbq sandwich

29. During an outpatient clinic visit, a female patient reports feeling

abdominal bloating/pain, and diarrhea when eating foods that contain
wheat or rye. The patient states her mother was diagnosed with Celiac
Disease 5 years ago. What other symptoms will you assess the patient
for that can be present in Celiac Disease? SELECT-ALL-THAT-APPLY:
30. A patient is suspected to be suffering from Celiac Disease. The
physician orders an endoscopy. If the patient has Celiac Disease, what
finding will be discovered with the endoscopy?- flat instestinal villi

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